Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
I meant there was no mention of it in F911... that his cousin was mentioned, and not his brother... You're talking about John O'Neill? The "Missing Witness" to 9/11...
Hey Jon, you are correct about John O'Neill. Here's an excerpt...

It's no secret that the FBI's chief anti-terrorism expert, John O'Neill, quit the FBI in disgust after he was told by someone in the Bush Administration to stand down in his pursuit of Osama bin Laden, the bin Laden family and terrorist links to the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia.

And it was by sheer coincidence that FBI Agent O'Neill lost his life at the World Trade Center on September 11 as he began his first day on the job as the new Director of Security for the WTC.
From this location: http://www.subversivetalk.com/week116.html

Also, Marvin Bush, Dubya's younger brother was in charge of security at the WTC.