If this helps Cindy, please use it.
by NewCon06
Sun Aug 14th, 2005 at 19:05:46 PDT

I wish I could be there to support Cindy and our country's cause, but I can't afford the trip. I don't feel helpless though.

I'm a Graphic Designer that's pissed off at this coward of a leader we have and I want to help Cindy Sheehan get an answer for the loss of her son.

If this helps, please use it. It's a 24"x18" poster that can be downloaded from anywhere and printed at Kinko's as a poster for support Cindy rallies everywhere.

The full size PDF is here:

Here: DStand_WCindy.pdf


And Here: DStand_WCindy.pdf


And more here. Wow!: DStand_WCindy.pdf




Please spread out the bandwidth. Thanks. The detail in the flag and her flower are much better in the PFD file.

It's not much, but hopefully it will inspire a few people around America to show Cindy that they stand with her.

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