I just watched, "The Great Conspiracy".

Excellent movie... Very well put together.

The things that stood out most to me though,

aside from the fact that the CIA, FEMA, the SEC, etc... had offices within Building 7,

aside from the fact that some of the floors had bulletproof windows,

aside from the fact that Larry Silverstein told them to pull the building as documented on video,

aside from the fact that Building 7 fell 7 hours after the towers, and demolition crews state that it would take 2 weeks to set up a building to fall,

aside from the fact that George W. Bush LIED during a public discussion, and said that he saw the first plane hit, "because, you know there was a television...", even though the first plane wasn't seen on T.V. until the following day,

aside from all of those things, the best part of the film, to me, were the comparisons made between the Nazi Regime, and the Bush Administration.

It is well documented that Hitler burned down Reichstag in an effort to rally Germany behind him.

The United States, itself, is believed to have allowed Pearl Harbor, to fabricate a story about the Gulf Of Tonkin, to write a document called "Operation Northwoods" that explicitly called for the killing of Americans, and placing the blame on Cuba, to teach a Kuwaiti Ambassador's daughter to cry, professionally, so that on National Television, she could say that Saddam was pulling babies out of incubators that didn't exist, causing the first Gulf War to take place.

The movie basically reaffirmed for me the fact that our Government is capable of horrible, horrible things, and to NOT look at them with suspicion surrounding 9/11, is just plane ignorant.

The movie talked about how our forefathers wanted us to "Defend against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic". They added "Domestic" because they KNEW that Governments are seized from within ALL THE TIME.

Remember, little Adolf wasn't HITLER until AFTER everything was said and done. When was the last time you referred to Bush as "President Bush", or "George W. Bush", and not just "Bush"?

I hope that individuals soon learn that we need to take our country back. If not, then all is lost.

Watch the movie if you can... very informative.

At the request of Barrie... the number to call to order the movie is 416.651-5588... if you order the movie, you'll probably get the chance to talk with Barrie who is a VERY nice man...