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Thread: A Fallen Hero - Video Inside

  1. #201
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    Jan 2005
    I decided to write Susan Edelman a thank you letter for all of her coverage regarding the environmental disaster.

    Dear Susan,

    I have been following the environmental impact of the 9/11 attacks for a long time, and I have seen your name come up quite often. I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to cover our heroes. Recently, I held a fund-raiser for the FealGood Foundation (John Feal), and the GearUpFoundation (Vinnie Forras). We raised over $3200. It was on behalf of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and I asked John Feal about you and he said "sue is my girl." I hold John Feal in the highest regard. What he says means something to me. Thank you Susan for all of your efforts.

    Sincerest Regards,

    Jon Gold

    Her response...

    Dear Jon,

    Thanks so much for your kind note. I care very much about the WTC workers and hope that those sickened by their contribution get the care and financial help they desperately need.

    John Feal has been a great ally.

    Keep in touch.

    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #202
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    Jan 2005
    After 9/11, Ailing Residents Find a Place to Turn

    Published: February 21, 2007

    They say they suffer the same rasping cough, shortness of breath and gastrointestinal pains as thousands of rescue and recovery workers who fell ill from the dust and smoke at ground zero. They worry, as the others do, that the future may bring more health problems.

    Yet residents, workers and students who returned to Lower Manhattan after the Sept. 11 attack say that their medical problems have largely been overlooked as officials focus increasing attention on the responders who were more exposed to the hazards.

    “Not to take anything from them, but everything has been concentrated on the fire, police and E.M.T. guys,” said Agustin Chaves, who lives and works in an apartment building two blocks from the World Trade Center site. “Nobody has been helping regular working people.”

    Mr. Chaves, 53, developed asthma and severe acid reflux about a year and a half after Sept. 11, 2001. As his condition worsened, he tried to find out whether it was connected to the dust he had breathed in after the twin towers collapsed. Then last fall he heard that the city was giving millions of dollars to Bellevue Hospital Center to treat people excluded from other programs, like the one that monitors and treats recovery workers at Mount Sinai Medical Center.

    Since that announcement in September, the number of people being treated at the W.T.C. Environmental Health Center at Bellevue Hospital has doubled to more than 900. Several hundred more people are on a waiting list, including many low-income residents of Chinatown and the Lower East Side, and immigrant workers without health insurance. And after Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg last week encouraged residents who might have been exposed to the dust to be checked by the clinic’s specialists, the number of patients is expected to rise substantially.

    Dr. Joan Reibman, a pulmonologist who directs the center, said that most of her patients had not been exposed to the dust as intensively as firefighters and workers who toiled on the debris pile, but that they might have been affected by the contaminated air nonetheless.

    Doctors and scientists have not definitively linked the dust to serious illnesses like cancer. But certain symptoms of respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments have been strongly associated with exposure to the dust. Thousands of firefighters developed gastrointestinal problems and what has become known as World Trade Center cough; the seriousness of their symptoms was found to be related to how soon they arrived at ground zero after the towers collapsed. Medical studies have also shown that they suffered substantial losses in lung capacity after working at the site.

    Testing done by the Fire Department is considered especially important because all firefighters undergo thorough physical examinations every year, making it possible to track with a degree of medical certainty illnesses that developed after 9/11.

    Most other studies about exposure to trade center dust — for example, the World Trade Center Health Registry of 71,000 workers, residents and volunteers — have been based on people’s own reporting of when an ailment began, and thus were less reliable indicators of a link between the dust and disease.

    However, in the past year, both the federal and city governments have expanded monitoring and treatment programs for recovery workers and others, based on the premise that there is some association between the dust and those respiratory ailments.

    An overwhelming majority of residents in Lower Manhattan have not developed any illnesses because of the dust, Dr. Reibman said. But whether some patients who have come in complaining of symptoms actually were reacting to the dust may be determined by looking at the extent of the dust exposure and the person’s medical history.

    While ground zero recovery operations ended in June 2002, dust could have remained in interior spaces and duct work in nearby office and apartment buildings far longer. In many buildings that were never thoroughly cleaned, that dust may still be present.

    Dr. Reibman said it was possible that some clinic patients believed that their symptoms were associated with the dust even though there may not be a connection. As a doctor in a public hospital, she said that did not matter to her as long as those who were sick could be cared for.

    But she said many of her patients do have “asthma-like symptoms that we’re treating. And a small number have more complex diseases. Where you fall in that spectrum depends on exposure and susceptibility.”

    Most patients are treated with medication, though a few who develop more serious illnesses are hospitalized at Bellevue whether or not a specific link to trade center dust can be proved.

    The half-dozen examining rooms at the clinic have been serving a constant stream of patients since Mr. Bloomberg pledged $16 million over five years for the clinic to treat anyone who needs it without charge. Dr. Reibman has so far adopted a policy that accepts nearly everyone.

    Many people, like Mr. Chaves, arrive at the clinic with worry in their eyes and asthma inhalers in their pockets. He is the resident superintendent of a condominium complex on Greenwich Street. When his building was engulfed by dust on Sept. 11, he was standing guard in the lobby and was covered in a layer of fine particles.

    About 18 months later, Mr. Chaves started having trouble breathing and began to think that his symptoms were connected to the trade center dust. His family doctor could not pinpoint what was wrong even as his condition worsened. He was once athletic and agile, he said, a basketball-court terror his sons could not catch.

    “Now I can barely run around with the grandchildren,” he said.

    All the apartments in his building were professionally cleaned several years ago. But he finds the dust — a toxic mixture of chemicals and concrete that scientists say can be as caustic as drain cleaner — when he has to work in spaces above ceiling tiles.

    Most alarming, he said, is finding the fluffy, gray dust when he or his men are called to remove a balky air conditioner from its slot in the building wall.

    “We pull it out of the wall,” Mr. Chaves said, “and all the dust is still in there.”

    The Bellevue clinic, which he visits every few weeks, has its roots in an asthma clinic that Dr. Reibman started in 1991 to investigate why the city had some of the highest rates of the disease in the country.

    In 2002, she collaborated with the State Department of Health on a survey of residents who lived within a mile of ground zero. The study, one of only a few to deal with the effect on residents, found that about 60 percent of the 2,812 residents who responded complained of coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath that began after the terror attack.

    The study has limitations. Those who responded to the survey were not given physical examinations, nor were their medical records checked for pre-existing health problems. Their responses were based on their own estimations of when their symptoms began.

    In the same 2002 study, in a control group of residents about five miles from ground zero, 20 percent reported similar symptoms, again based solely on their own recollections.

    Dr. Reibman’s asthma clinic became part of the city’s overall public health response in the months after 9/11. But it played a relatively small role until Mr. Bloomberg sharply increased funding in response to community pressure and emerging medical issues among recovery workers and others.

    This month Manuel S. Bruno, 82, had his first examination at the clinic after reading news articles that said firefighters and police officers were developing serious, and sometimes fatal, illnesses.

    Mr. Bruno said that shortly after he and his wife cleaned ground zero dust from their apartment on the Lower East Side, he developed an eye infection and an unusual rash. He said his regular doctors dismissed any possible link to the dust, attributing the symptoms to his age. Now he said he is willing to undergo specialized tests that the clinic’s doctors ordered because, whether they find a link to ground zero dust or not, “at least maybe they can help me.”

    Another recent patient, Miguel Lopez, 40, said he had felt awful since he worked several months for a company that cleaned the dust from office buildings in Lower Manhattan. Without health insurance, he struggled for years to find someone to treat his severe rash and muscle ache before he heard about the specialists at the Bellevue clinic in October.

    Mr. Lopez said he wanted to return to Ecuador, his native country, but was afraid to do so until he knew more about his medical condition.

    “If something happens in 5 to 10 years,” he said, “I don’t want to be in Ecuador.”

    Dr. Reibman recently added psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers to the clinic staff because so many of her patients also have stress-related symptoms, stemming in part from their concerns about medical problems that could develop.

    She said she was so overwhelmed with new patients that she had not had the time or staff to conduct a follow-up to her 2002 residential survey. And she is likely to get even busier. Mr. Bloomberg, in describing the city’s comprehensive plan for dealing with 9/11 health problems last week, said that the Bellevue clinic might need to care for as many as 12,000 patients.

    Dr. Reibman said she did not know the extent of the health problems among Lower Manhattan residents, or how much money would be needed for treatment. But she shares data with the Mount Sinai program and the Fire Department and hopes to reach conclusions about 9/11-related symptoms and treatment.

    Meanwhile, officials from the federal Environmental Protection Agency have said that trade center dust poses little continuing danger to residents. Still, in December, the agency offered to test and clean apartments in Lower Manhattan. (To register, residents and building owners can call 1-888-747-7725.)

    In 2004, residents, workers and students in Lower Manhattan filed a federal class action lawsuit against the E.P.A., its former administrator, Christie Whitman, and other federal officials, seeking a more thorough cleanup and an aggressive screening and treatment program.

    The suit, which does not ask for individual monetary awards, claims that Ms. Whitman deliberately distorted information and put families at risk by encouraging them to return to apartments, schools and places of business before comprehensive tests of the air quality were available.

    Last year, Judge Deborah A. Batts of Federal District Court in Manhattan said that Ms. Whitman’s statements that the air downtown was safe to breathe were misleading and “conscience-shocking.” She allowed portions of the suit against Ms. Whitman and the agency to go forward.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #203
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    Jan 2005
    That's a bad way to treat WTC ills

    Thursday, March 1st, 2007

    WASHINGTON - The White House is considering paying individual doctors to treat patients suffering from 9/11-related illnesses - rather than backing three hospital-based programs, a city official said yesterday.

    Dr. David Prezant, the chief FDNY medical officer, said the Bush administration was leaning toward the so-called fee-for-service model after meeting yesterday with city officials.

    "There would be no outreach to get people into treatment. There would be fragmented treatment by nonexperts, and there would be no data collection for policy or to inform other physicians how to treat these people," Prezant said.

    "This is not where you want to be for people who gave up their health to help America rebuild on those days."

    City officials met with Assistant Health Secretary John Agwunobi before a House subcommittee hearing on how the federal government should handle 9/11-related illnesses.

    Agwunobi was grilled by congressmen yesterday about why he has yet to complete a report describing how the federal government can best provide care.

    In an interview, Agwunobi wouldn't identify the data his task force was considering beyond studies published by various monitoring and treatment programs. He said the report would be ready this month.

    Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan, Queens) said she is concerned that the White House will not fund the monitoring programs established by the FDNY, Mount Sinai Medical Center and Bellevue Hospital for "ideological reasons." Mayor Bloomberg has said the three programs require $150 million a year in federal aid to stay afloat.

    The criteria and payment structure of the potential federal-funding program were not clear yesterday. But government sources said it could be an "individual entitlement model" that would pay doctors as responders visited them. Prezant said the federal plan could require patients to lay out hefty co-payments.

    Department of Health and Human Services officials didn't respond to requests for comment.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #204
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    Jan 2005
    9/11 clinic expanding


    Bellevue Hospital is drastically expanding its clinic for patients suffering from World Trade Center-related illnesses.

    The hospital received $16 million in city money to fund the expansion in September.

    "We have doubled capacity," said Alan Aviles, president of the city's Health and Hospitals Corp.

    "By the middle of the summer, they will have ramped everything up," Aviles said.

    The World Trade Center Environmental Health Center is treating 1,000 people suffering from ailments believed associated with the noxious cloud that engulfed lower Manhattan after the 2001 attacks.

    But doctors say they plan to have 6,000 people under care "within the next several years."

    There is a waiting list to get treatment at the clinic, which primarily helps downtown residents, office workers and people who assisted in the cleanup efforts at Ground Zero.

    Open for 11/2 years, the clinic initially survived mainly on Red Cross donations.

    Since receiving city funding, Bellevue has doubled the square footage - 12,000 - allotted to the center and hired additional doctors and support staff.

    Despite the expansion, one of the clinic's patients said the city's $16 million is "not enough."

    "I don't think it will be an ongoing program if we don't get more," said Esther Regelson, a 47-year-old downtown resident who said the 9/11 attacks aggravated her asthma condition. "These are ailments that aren't cured overnight."
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #205
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    Jan 2005
    CBS 2 Exclusive: 9/11 Claims Another Hero
    City Transit Worker Dies From Rare Blood Cancer

    Lou Young

    (CBS) NEW YORK There are new worries about the health of workers at ground zero following the death of a city transportation worker assigned to the site.

    Patricia Rooney says toxic dust killed her husband, Phillip. She is still coming to grips with what she lost.

    She buried her husband of 12 years on Monday, a city transportation worker who was 35 when assigned to work at ground zero, 38 when the blood cancer started to waste him and 41 when he died. She has no doubt it was the toxic dust and smoke of 9/11 that took Phillip before his time.

    "He was fine until he went down there, a totally healthy man," Patricia said. "Prior to 9/11 he didn't have a job where he was associated with these high risks that are associated with leukemia like the benzene and all the toxins. His job was not like that. He had no job like that. There was nothing in his life to indicate for him to get cancer or the type of leukemia he got."

    There's no way to be certain what caused the cancer, but in a man Philip's age we're told it is rare, perhaps 1 in 150,000. Among the ground zero responders, however, the disease seems to be much more common.

    "We just did a fundraiser for a man dying of the same leukemia," first responder advocate John Teal said. "Unless you are a fan of mass murder or genocide, you gotta stop the bleeding now. These guys need help. They need help now."

    Phillip left behind three children, a son and 2 daughters. Patricia said they deserve the same benefits police officers and firefighters received in similar circumstances.

    "My husband was a city employee and they are denying him a three-quarter pension and we deserve it. He deserved it and now he's gone and his three children deserve it."

    The city's position is because Phillips never had the kind of pre-employment health screening that police officers and firefighters have there's no way to prove he wasn't already sick when they sent to him to ground zero. The Bush Administration has pledged $25 million for health care for ground zero workers, but that comes a little late for Phillip Rooney.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #206
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    Jan 2005
    N.Y. lawmakers press the feds on aid for 9/11 first responders

    By Sally Goldenberg
    Staten Island Advance (NY)

    STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Health care for first responders sickened by their work at Ground Zero is an issue that has inflamed New Yorkers, and lawmakers are once again demanding answers from the federal government.

    They want to know how much money will be forthcoming for the medical monitoring and treatment programs run by FDNY and Manhattan-based Mount Sinai, and when those programs will get more federal dollars.

    In an argument that has evolved into a New York City-vs.-Washington, D.C., battle, members of the New York congressional delegation said yesterday that a federal Department of Health and Human Services' task force missed its self-imposed deadline of releasing its latest report by the end of February.

    The department said there was no such deadline.

    "We need a plan of action to monitor and treat all those who are sick or injured as a result of the terror attacks. We need a plan of action to ensure that those who need medical monitoring and care have access to it," said Rep. Vito Fossella (R-Staten Island/Brooklyn).

    At least 2,383 Staten Islanders have enrolled in the FDNY monitoring and treatment program and 2,079 have requested screening and monitoring through the Mount Sinai program.

    Fossella signed onto a letter yesterday to Dr. John Agwunobi, who coordinates Sept. 11 health response for the federal department. Dr. Agwunobi appeared last week before a House Budget Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee but failed to deliver the specifics many lawmakers were seeking.

    The letter from a host of politicians demands more funds, more information from the health department and a "comprehensive plan to medically monitor all those exposed to the toxins of Ground Zero and treat those who became sick as a result."

    A spokesman Health and Human Services, Holly Babin, said the task force will present Dr. Agwunobi by month's end with "an analysis of data to help him shape federal policy related to World Trade Center-associated health conditions."

    The lawmakers also took issue with news that emerged during the subcommittee hearing that the task force's recommendations will not be made public.

    To date, the federal government has provided at least $252 million in four infusions for first responders who are suffering from lung, gastrointestinal and mental illnesses, which many blame on their work at Ground Zero immediately after the terror attacks.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #207
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    Jan 2005
    Important deadline for 9/11 1st responders


    State Senator Martin J. Golden is reminding all those who aided in the rescue, recovery or cleanup efforts of the World Trade Center ruins to register by August 14 with the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. By registering, 9/11 responder will preserve the right to file a workers’ compensation claim in case of sickness in the future.

    Without a second thought, tens of thousands of people rushed to help after the terrorist attacks. Thousands of others worked at the site in the year after 9/11, and now, five years later, many of those responders are becoming sick and some are dying. Under New York State’s Workers’ Compensation Law, most workers would be barred from filing a claim, two years after an injury.

    However, New York State legislators, including Golden, adopted legislation to extend the deadline for filing a claim before August 14.

    Golden stated, “Extending the deadline for filing claims for those brave men and women, for the heroes of New York and for America, who responded to Ground Zero and who helped New York City rise to its feet again, was the right thing to do. We must insure that for all of those people who have, or may become, ill due to the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero, are allowed the opportunity to file their claim. I encourage all to take the necessary steps to file this claim by August 14, 2007 and not miss this opportunity to obtain benefits.”

    Golden is encouraging claims to be filed by anyone who worked or volunteered:

    · Anywhere in Manhattan south of Canal or Pike Streets;

    · On the barge operation between Lower Manhattan & Staten Island;

    · At the Staten Island landfill, or

    · At the New York City morgue

    Information on this important program and the necessary forms are available at

    Residents can call the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health hotline at 1-866-WTC-2556 to find out about the new law and eligibility requirements.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #208
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    Jan 2005
    Speaker discusses efforts to treat 9/11 workers

    By Robert Miller

    When the Twin Towers collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001, the air went black as a cloud of toxic dust and smoke mushroomed out and enveloped lower Manhattan.

    Instead of running away, firefighters, police officers and emergency workers ran into it, toward the center of the devastation.

    On that day, and for weeks after, thousands of people labored in "the Pit" -- the site where the towers stood. The fires beneath the rubble burned for weeks.

    Because wearing a mask-like respirator meant losing some peripheral vision, many workers simply chose to do without one.

    Today the lungs of those workers are paying the price.

    "Our feeling was that air you can see, air that turns day into night, probably isn't healthy to breathe," said Dr. Robin Herbert, an assistant professor of community and preventive medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and director of the World Trade Center Medical Monitoring program at the hospital.

    Chosen as Woman of the Year at the 2006 Women's World Awards for her work with 9/11 workers, Herbert spoke Thursday at Western Connecticut State University in Danbury at a lecture to honor Women's Month. The university's School of Arts and Sciences sponsored her talk in collaboration with its Science at Night Program.

    Herbert spoke Thursday of seeing rescue workers whose nasal passages were bright red -- "as if they'd suffered chemical burns, which in fact they had."

    She also spoke of how 20,000 people have enrolled in the program, with more showing up every year. And she talked about the need for health officials to study others touched by the attack, including families who lived in apartments near the trade center.

    "They may have never had their carpets cleaned properly and they've had children crawling around on those carpets," she said. "The issue of the effects on children has been greatly overlooked."

    Herbert said there is no good count of how many people worked in the Pit -- whether for one day or six months -- just as there isn't an accurate estimate of how many people were actually in Manhattan on the morning of 9/11.

    But Herbert said the number of people exposed to the Pit's fumes probably number 150,000 to 200,000.

    Herbert said the rescue and recovery workers were a diverse group: firefighters, New York City police officers, ironworkers, electricians, transit workers, sanitation workers, custodial and maintenance workers.

    Astonishingly, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency declared the air at the World Trade Center site safe to breathe a week after the attack.

    "Many of us found that hard to believe," Herbert said. Unfortunately, she said, others did believe it and began walking around the site without protecting their lungs.

    "I can't run. I really can't do any heavy work,'' said Brian Shea, a retired New York City firefighter who now lives in New Milford. His asthma went from hardly noticeable to severe after his long hours of rescue work.

    "I don't know what my asthma would be like without medication. I have to take medication every day," he said.

    Within two days of the attack, doctors at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City began to draw up plans to offer health screening to workers involved in the rescue and recovery work at the World Trade Center.

    At WestConn, Herbert cataloged the different things people breathed at the site: about 26,400 gallons of burning jet fuel, a million tons of pulverized building materials, tons of glass dust and thousands of crushed computers.

    The gypsum dust from the powdered concrete was like breathing Drano, she said. There were asbestos, PCBs, dioxins, heavy metals and many other chemicals in the mix.

    Herbert said when she first started examining patients, she was shocked at how inflamed their nasal passages were.

    "I started asking my colleagues if that was what they were seeing and they all said, 'Yes!'" Herbert said. "You could go into a waiting room and immediately tell which people had been at the World Trade Center site. They all had this dry cough."

    Herbert said it's now clear that some of the short-term damage caused by breathing 9/11 air isn't going away. About 70 percent of the people examined at Mount Sinai complained of chronic health problems -- inflamed sinuses, asthma, autoimmune disorders and acid reflux.

    They suffer from anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Some suffered physical injuries to their limbs and backs that left them in constant pain.

    Herbert said the Mount Sinai study is now looking at an increase in cancers. Some -- like leukemia and lymphoma -- can develop quickly after a environmental jolt. Others, like lung cancer, develop more slowly.

    Shea of New Milford -- who suffers from debilitating asthma, acid reflux and anxiety -- is enrolled in a similar study run by the Fire Department of New York, in conjunction with the work at Mount Sinai.

    "What I'd like to see now is for everyone in the study to get a complete body CAT scan, just to establish a baseline," Shea said. "Then do another five years from now and see if there are any changes."

    Herbert said there is a definite need to continue and extend these studies. There is also a moral obligation to do so.

    "These people were heroes," she said. "They rushed in without regard to their own health. As a nation, we owe it to them to give them medical care for the rest of their lives.

    "After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the civilian personnel on the base who helped after the attack got the same care as the combat forces. We should do the same now."
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #209
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    Jan 2005


    March 18, 2007 -- Mayor Bloomberg killed a study on the city's response to the 9/11 attacks after his lawyers said they did not want a report that cited any missteps or dealt with "environmental" or "respirator issues," says a former city official.

    City lawyers raised fears that the proposed "after-action report" - which the U.S. Department of Justice had offered to fund - could lead to criticism and fuel lawsuits, David Longshore, former director of special programs for the city's Office of Emergency Management, told The Post.

    "The Bloomberg administration acted to sweep any potential problems under the rug," said Longshore, who was trapped in a loading dock outside the WTC while both towers collapsed. He later developed sinusitis and throat polyps and sued the city.

    Longshore, who left his city job last year, showed The Post his work notes on internal OEM discussions with city lawyers in February 2003. His notes say the Law Department "doesn't want a critical report" and "does not want a report that says we did anything wrong."
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #210
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    Jan 2005
    Mayor Lobbies Congress To Help Treat 9/11 Illnesses

    By Staff Reporter of the Sun
    March 20, 2007

    Mayor Bloomberg circulated a report among Congress yesterday calling for lawmakers to fund treatment for World Trade Center-related illnesses and to open a victim compensation fund.

    The report, which the mayor's administration released last month, was delivered to members of Congress two days before he is scheduled to testify in Washington before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Mr. Bloomberg was invited by Senator Clinton to make the appearance.

    The mayor's 83-page report calls on the federal government to defray $150 million in medical programs annually and to create a $1 billion compensation fund.

    "Thousands of Americans sacrificed so much to help our City through its darkest hour, and to help America recover from the deadliest attack on American soil," Mr. Bloomberg wrote in a letter that accompanied the report. "We owe these Americans a commitment."

    Mr. Bloomberg's scheduled appearance tomorrow comes about three weeks after two of his two aides testified before a House committee on the same issue.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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