View Poll Results: Which Category Regarding 9/11 Do You Fit In

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  • You Completely Believe The Official Story

    0 0%
  • You Believe It, But You Think They Used It

    0 0%
  • You Think They Let It Happen

    3 10.34%
  • You Think They Made It Happen

    26 89.66%
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Thread: Which Category Do You Fit In?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Which Category Do You Fit In?

    Which Category Do You Fit In?

    Dr. David Ray Griffin has often spoke of four different categories of people in regards to 9/11.

    1) People who completely believe the "Official Story".
    2) People who completely believe the "Official Story", but think the Bush Administration used 9/11 to further their agenda.
    3) People who think the Bush Administration knew of the events, and let them happen to further their agenda.
    4) People who think the Bush Administration made the events happen, to further their agenda.

    After listening to Cynthia McKinney on Hannity & Colmes ask "What did they know?" in regards to 9/11, it obviously made me think that she was in the third category.

    How can that be? She's clearly heard, and read all of the inconsistencies hasn't she? She's good friends with Michael Ruppert, John Judge, and Wayne Madsen isn't she? Why would Cynthia only refer to the third category of people?

    After giving it some thought, it occurred to me that it's VERY possible the majority of people within the "9/11 Truth Movement" fit within the 3rd category of people.

    Think about it. How many of us have the time to do the necessary research to get into the 4th category of people? I would think, based on the amount of people who have families, and the amount of people who have 2, sometimes 3 jobs, the majority of people who at least think they "let it happen" might actually be greater than those who think they "made it happen".

    It's very possible Cynthia McKinney thinks her "in" is by "foreknowledge". Not her "in" to get Bush behind bars. Her "in" to get the people's support to get Bush behind bars.

    Am I crazy?

    Incidentally, ALL FOUR CATEGORIES of people, whether they like each other or not, are in this together. Unless of course you want a Revolution in this country.

    Hasn't there been enough unnecessary death in the world?

    For those of you in the first two categories, all I can say is this... don't listen to what those of us in 3 and 4 are saying. Look into it for yourselves.

    I have always said that I'm not smarter than anyone else. I've just DONE the research.

    It's time for you to DO the research. At least give those of us in 3 and 4 that much.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    BoneZ Guest
    John, i'm surprised you haven't voted yet. i'm the 4th, MIHOP (Made It Happen On Purpose). i'm 100% confident that Bush and Co. made 9/11 happen on purpose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I've been busy posting this.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Oh yeah... on several occasions I've referred to myself as a Genius. Ok, so I'm smarter than some people... at least give me that.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    Partridge Guest
    Unless of course you want a Revolution in this country.
    Yes please, that would be fantastic. Can you get cracking already???

  6. #6
    Strangis Guest
    Although I voted "Made It Happen", I'm actually between "Made" and "Let".

    Though I agree with the sentiment that either one is treasonous, I think all the available intel about Atta and crew well prior shows that there was a terrorist plot.

    Now, that doesn't mean that some radical faction of the US gov't (I'm looking at the PNACers ) couldn't have been in cahoots with lead hijackers like Atta, given his and other prior interactions with Certain Intelligence Agencies.... but...

    At this point, there's enough evidence for anyone critical on both sides to see that Cheney, Dave Frasca and other high level officials knew what was coming down the pipe, and when. After the fact they have lied and obfuscated the truth to cover their own asses.

    In other words, Dick Cheney is clearly the orchestrator, but there's not enough solid evidence to show that he's the composer.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Strangis
    Although I voted "Made It Happen", I'm actually between "Made" and "Let".

    Though I agree with the sentiment that either one is treasonous, I think all the available intel about Atta and crew well prior shows that there was a terrorist plot.

    Now, that doesn't mean that some radical faction of the US gov't (I'm looking at the PNACers ) couldn't have been in cahoots with lead hijackers like Atta, given his and other prior interactions with Certain Intelligence Agencies.... but...

    At this point, there's enough evidence for anyone critical on both sides to see that Cheney, Dave Frasca and other high level officials knew what was coming down the pipe, and when. After the fact they have lied and obfuscated the truth to cover their own asses.

    In other words, Dick Cheney is clearly the orchestrator, but there's not enough solid evidence to show that he's the composer.
    That they planned it? No, no documentation has arisen to show that they planned it. It would take a Whistleblower to bring about something like that (possibily Sibel Edmonds).

    However, I have a feeling that the Energy Task Force meetings may have had something to do with it.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    Trout Guest
    If you walk out onto a deserted beach and see fresh cougar tracks in the sand, you don't need to see the actual cat to know that it it sees you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Trout
    If you walk out onto a deserted beach and see fresh cougar tracks in the sand, you don't need to see the actual cat to know that it it sees you.
    I like that.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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