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Thread: Israel To Declare Sharon "Incapacitated"

  1. #1
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    Jan 2005

    Israel To Declare Sharon "Incapacitated"

    Israel to Declare Sharon 'Incapacitated'

    The Associated Press
    Sunday, April 9, 2006; 3:22 AM

    JERUSALEM -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who has been in a coma for three months, will be declared permanently incapacitated Tuesday, a decision that signals the official end of his reign, the Justice Ministry said Sunday.

    Sharon, 78, was declared temporarily incapacitated after he lapsed into a coma following a stroke Jan. 4. Ehud Olmert stepped in for him immediately as acting prime minister, but under Israeli law he can only serve in that capacity for up to 100 days before an official replacement for Sharon has to be named.

    That deadline expires Friday, but because the weeklong Jewish Passover holiday begins Wednesday, the declaration of permanent incapacitation has been moved up to Tuesday _ with the proviso that it not take effect if Sharon's condition improves before the deadline, Justice Ministry spokesman Jacob Galanti said.

    Olmert, who won March 28 elections, is expected to be named Sharon's official replacement as he continues negotiating with smaller parties to form a governing coalition.

    Officials at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, where Sharon is being treated, said Sunday that discussions were still under way on whether to move him to a long-term care facility. Experts say his chances of recovery are extremely slim, given the gravity of his stroke and his persistent coma.

    Hospital spokesman Ron Krumer defined Sharon's condition as "serious, but stable," a reflection that his life is not in immediate danger.

    Last week, Sharon underwent surgery to restore a part of his skull removed in previous operations after his stroke.
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  2. #2
    Partridge Guest
    Coalition talks begin in Israel

    Israel's political parties are holding talks to put together a coalition government, following March's election. Kadima, the largest party in the new parliament, is meeting representatives of the Labour party, which came second, and several other smaller groups.

    Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says he wants a broad and stable government.

    But he has warned that all parties in the coalition must agree with his plan to fix Israel's borders permanently with or without Palestinian agreement.

    Mr Olmert has said he wants the borders to be set by 2010. Labour has made clear it would rather see a negotiated settlement than a unilateral move.

    Key posts

    Mr Olmert was asked to form a government after the 28 March election in which his party won 29 seats in the 120-member parliament.

    Last week, Labour leader Amir Peretz agreed to join a coalition government. His party won 19 seats and is expected to be Kadima's senior partner.

    Talks between representatives of the two parties went on for two-and-a-half hours on Sunday and were set to resume on Tuesday.

    Other parties were due to hold talks with Kadima later on Sunday and on Monday.

    But Israel's Haaretz newspaper reports that Kadima has agreed not to sign any coalition agreement before signing one with Labour.

    Correspondents say the coalition talks will also include lengthy negotiations about the allocation of key ministerial posts.

    Mr Olmert has served as acting prime minister since Ariel Sharon suffered a stroke 4 January and was declared temporarily incapacitated.

    Mr Sharon is expected to be declared permanently incapacitated on Tuesday, a move that will officially signal the end of his premiership.

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