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Thread: Katherine Harris, 2000 Election Criminal, Thinks God Wants Her To Run For Senate

  1. #1
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    Katherine Harris, 2000 Election Criminal, Thinks God Wants Her To Run For Senate

    Harris tells Christian group she believes God wants her in public service

    By Brian E. Crowley
    Palm Beach Post Political Editor
    Sunday, March 19, 2006

    FORT LAUDERDALE — Finding inspiration from God, The Last of the Mohicans and The Lord of Rings, Katherine Harris told hundreds of conservative Christians Saturday that she is "a work in progress."

    Harris, who told a national television audience Wednesday that she would be spending $10 million to win Florida's U.S. Senate race, said she never would have entered politics if she did not believe that God wanted her to make public service part of her life.

    The Sarasota-area congresswoman's campaign for the senate has been in a free fall. She has struggled to raise money, and nearly all her top campaign advisers have left. Several tried to persuade the 48-year-old Republican to quit the race, saying she had no chance of winning.

    But during an appearance on Fox News Channel's Hannity and Colmes, Harris said she will not end her campaign and will instead spend "my legacy from my father" and "everything I have."

    More than 800 conservative Christians were attending a two-day annual conference called Reclaiming America for Christ at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale. Harris received a standing ovation when she arrived at the pulpit.

    She told the crowd that she studied under Francis Schaeffer in Geneva, Switzerland. Schaeffer is considered a founder of the modern evangelical movement, which encourages advocating Christian beliefs in public life. Schaeffer, in his book A Christian Manifesto, called for Christian activists to demand "biblical morality" in government affairs.

    Harris, a Presbyterian, said she "redirected my life to the Lord when I was only in the third grade." She said she was "blessed to be raised in a godly family."

    The two-term congresswoman is best known for her role in the 2000 presidential election when, as Florida secretary of state, she was called upon to make rulings over disputed ballots. Democrats said she helped President Bush win the election by not interpreting Florida law correctly. Harris and Republicans supporters say she was following the letter of the law.

    Many Democrats and Republicans believed that Harris would be able to use that fame to raise millions for her campaign to unseat Democrat Bill Nelson. But Harris has not been able to raise large sums. By the end of 2005, Nelson had more than $8 million in his campaign account, and Harris had more than $1 million.

    Determined to stay in the race, Harris said she is getting inspiration from Bill Bright's book, The Joy of Supernatural Thinking — Believing in God for the Impossible.

    "Everything is possible with God," said Harris, who never directly mentioned her Senate campaign.

    She said that, as a young woman, she was inspired by the movie The Last of the Mohicans because "people were willing to die for something bigger than themselves."

    Harris also was moved by the Lord of Rings movies, saying they, too, suggest that sometimes your mission in life is bigger than the individual.

    After her speech, Harris declined to meet with reporters. Later she visited the Palm Beach Seafood Festival, where she mingled with the crowd.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Partridge Guest
    Well Jeb thought that the Virgin Mary put his brother in the Oval Office.


  3. #3
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    She's putting 10 million dollars of her own money on this campaign-everything she's got.

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