Quote Originally Posted by EminemsRevenge
i'm the last one you'd expect to agree with this administration...but Iran is about to GO NUCLEAR...and letting them do so is akin to giving a Hamas-led Palestine the hydrogen bomb IF they recognize Israel's right to exist
Snagged from...


March 20th, 2006. The date when Iran is supposed to change over to the Euro. Weren't there reports that Israel was planning on striking Iran in March?

"Israel says Tehran will by March have the know-how to make a nuclear bomb and may be able to produce one within three years. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has said global pressure to halt Iran's nuclear program should continue."

"Israel's armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed."

"Israeli officials have said that, unless stopped, Iran will achieve the know-how to build a bomb by March next year. Independent estimates have put Iran years away from such a capability."

"The prime minister was speaking a day after his Military Intelligence chief advised the government that if anything was to be done to stop the Iranians, it would have to happen before next March, or would be too late."

Seems like whatever's going to happen, is going to happen either before or during March, 2006.

Of course, as we already know, Iran already has the technology for a bomb. The CIA gave it to them. Probably through AQ Khan. Of course, that's just a theory.

I thought a "major U.S. Intelligence Review" said Iran was 10 years away from making a nuclear bomb?

Oh well. At least we know the real reason for wanting to bomb Iran, and it has nothing to do with nukes.