Report on Question 9-11- A Call to Action Event

by Carol Brouillet Sunday, Feb. 26, 2006 at 1:48 PM 650-857-0927 PO Box 60511

This was a great, successful, event featuring important new films and speakers. The official 9-11 story is falling apart, activists spoke on how to raise consciousness and to imagine a post 9-11 truth world where resources would be directed away from the military towards real needs.

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Question 9-11- A Call to Activism

Thursday night, February 23, 2006 at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, hundreds of people converged for an amazing event spearheaded by Janette MacKinlay, a survivor of the September 11th attacks. The event began a bit late, to allow those in line to get into the theater and not miss anything.

The first film was a ten minute clip from a two hour lecture by Steven E. Jones, of B.Y.U. who compellingly shattered the official story of how the twin towers and the World Trade Center Building #7 collapsed.

Janette, then welcomed the audience and shared her story,

“I wish I could tell you that you will be able to walk out of here this evening, knowing what really happened on September 11th. I wish there were easy answers, but there aren’t.

I wish the subject matter wasn’t so disturbing, and then we all would be able to be objective. But the unfortunate reality is that it is complex and time consuming and requires that you examine multiple issues.

I’ve been coming to grips with these issues since 8:45 am September 11 when Flight 11 hit Tower One directly out the window of my New York art loft located across the street from the World Trade Center. It has been a journey of art and activism.”

She showed photos of the art inspired by her direct experience, including that of a mounted gun with Bin Laden in the sites.

“I wanted to save my country! I wanted to fight back! I wanted to join the ARMY! Saying that now, it seems funny and odd, but at the time I was dead serious. I was shocked at how violent and militant I had become!

“This event stirred deep feelings of patriotism, not just in me, but also in the whole country.”…

“I was compelled to write my story in a book called, “Fortunate, A Personal Diary of 9/11” I wanted to write it all down, because I thought I would forget what had happened. Little did I know it would be with me every moment of my life.

I suffered Post Traumatic Stress, and to a lesser degree, I believe anyone who watched the “shock and awe” of airliners flying into buildings and building disappearing into dust before their eyes suffered post traumatic stress.

“I believe that is one of the main reasons it has taken so long for the general population to examine these issues. It has taken years for people to come out of their state of shock and publicly examine and speak out regarding the discrepancies in the official story.
But I can see we as a country are now ready to hear the truth.

“I see 9/11 as a “wake-up” call. A call to wake up and look at what is happening with our foreign policy. ... As I recovered, I joined the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco and began attending their various political discussions.

“In the summer of 2004 they sponsored an event for the release of the 9/11 Commission Report featuring two of the commissioners. Their presentation was quite unsettling in that they emphasized that their job was not to point fingers, rather to prevent future attacks. The answers to the audience questions were hidden behind a brick wall of classified documents, White House mandates, and national security concerns.

“My anger at the obvious cover-up prompted me to speak with Carol Brouillet, who was outside the event with other activists from the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance passing out information that offered possible answers to the questions that haunted me. “

Janette slowly began to get involved with the 9-11 Truth Movement, and on a visit to New York and her old building, she again leased her old loft and now lives on both coasts. She showed us more recent views from her apartment of the latest drills at Ground Zero.

“In case you were wondering where all those homeland security dollars are being spent I understand New York City spends $5 million per week in their “Operation Atlas” and “Hercules Teams”. The military presence has now been replaced by a police presence. I call it the “Police Parade”, with perhaps a hundred police cars lining the four-block parameter of the World Trade Center site. After the “Park on the Sidewalk” drill is over, they peel off one by one, lights on, sometimes with the sirens on. This procedure is repeated throughout the day and in other parts of New York as well, such as Time Square.

“This is what they call a “terrorist drill”. I call it a “Terrorize US” drill.

“On Saturday, Sept. 10 last year, when there were thousands of people at the site, they decided to have a “Bomb Threat” drill, which involved shutting down and clearing the entire neighborhood, screaming on loud megaphones to clear the area immediately. The area was then patrolled with a bomb-sniffing robot.”

“I am in Oakland for the winter, and felt compelled to “do something” to help educate people about the 9/ll issues that need to be brought into discussion in the mainstream media as well as with our Senators and Congresspeople.”

“I am very grateful to Allen Michaan for allowing me this opportunity to present my “Call To Activism” event.

“I have assembled a “Question 9/11 folder”, which has contact information for our Senators, our Congresspeople, the local and national media, including newspaper, television, and radio. I have included sample letters.

“My hope is that after this evening you will be inspired to “do something”, and do it now! Do it tomorrow, and each and every day, to let our voices be heard.”

Janette’s presentation was an inspiration, and every activist kit she assembled was picked up during the course of the evening.

The film which followed, “9/11: Attack or Godsend?,” was an English dub of a Dutch Documentary which had appeared on mainstream television in the Netherlands. Andreas Von Bulow and Michael Meacher were featured in it, and they seriously doubted the official story of 9-11. Outside of the United States, the credibility of the U.S. government has declined substantially.

Ken Jenkins, who edited the main films spoke briefly about them and presented an activist kit that he had designed which included a button, information cards and five DVDs of one of David Ray Griffin’s best presentations before the Congressional Black Caucus last September. DVDs are an inexpensive, easy, educational tool that allows anyone to overcome the barriers of the corporate media monopoly. Ken was a perfect example of how we must become the media. His documentaries have been distributed nationwide via 911TV, to community access television stations across the country, and shown on Free Speech TV, as well.

The feature film was of David Ray Griffin, on “Flights 11, 175, 77 and 93: The 9/ll Commission’s Incredible Tales” which meticulously broke down the three different timelines the government has presented illustrating what a huge lie the official Commission has tried to pass off in its dubious report.

Janette, then introduced Gabriel Day, National Outreach and Networking Director of, who has been traveling all over the country helping to network activists, and who organized the Emergency Truth Convergence in DC last July. Gabriel is also organizing the upcoming national conference June 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in Chicago, and urged folks to come. Gabriel noted that,

“Albert Einstein said – ‘In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity.’”

“I particularly try to encourage people to see the huge upside for all of us if we were living in a post-9/11 truth world. Billions of tax dollars would be redirected from our misguided foreign policies to meet real human needs and maybe then we could say we actually have a legitimate government.

“The potency of this issue is astounding. When this breaks it should be Watergate times 1,000. The 9/11 truth movement holds tremendous power to transform our world. St. Francis of Assisi said - A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows…”

“We all should be both Paul Reveres and Johnny Appleseeds – sounding the alarm and planting seeds of understanding. We can all learn to Be the Media – and to make the independent media movement our closest ally.

End Part I