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Thread: Maxim Magazine Covers "9/11 Truth Movement"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Maxim Magazine Covers "9/11 Truth Movement"

    Maxim Magazine Covers '9/11 Truth Movement'

    Maxim 9/11 Article - March 2006 - 1.4MB PDF

    (Gold9472: This is what's referred to as a "hit piece". However, this is, after all, a "skin" magazine.)


    Four years later [..] a growing and increasingly prominent group of Americans believes that a government conspiracy is the only explanation of "the new Pearl harbor" that makes any sense. Armed with a spate of books, compelling videos, and a recent high-profile ad campaign, the loose community that some call the 9/11 Truth Movement has moved from the shadowy basements of the Internet out into the open. Across the board, the movement operates on the conviction that the U.S. government is keeping the whole truth under wraps. And that it either planned or allowed 9/11 to happen as a pretext for invading Afghanistan and Iraq and rolling back civil liberties at home.

    In the six pages allotted by Maxim this article covers a wide variety of topics in a quick and dirty fashion. Not going too in-depth on any specifics, an author named Zach Dundas has crammed everything from WTC7 to wargames to the Pentagon attack and more in Maxim's most recent issue.

    The breadth of coverage of topics is equally matched by the number of 9/11 skeptics and websites which are mentioned in the article.
    Here is a quick listing (with links where mentioned):

    • Sander Hicks
    • Jimmy Walter (
    • 9/11 Revealed
    • David Ray Griffin (The New Pearl Harbor, The 9/11 Commission Report:
    • Ommissions and Distortions)
    • Carol A. Valentine (
    • Jim Hoffman (
    • Steven Jones
    • Pentagon Strike short film (
    • David Icke
    • Cynthia McKinney
    • Curt Weldon

    This makes the first major magazine to cover 9/11 skeptics since Hustler interviewed Dr. David Ray Griffin last June. At this rate I think it is safe to assume that Playboy will cover 9/11 next as so far only adult men's magazines have bothered to touch the subject.

    While some will call this article an attack piece, and others will insist the waters are intentionally muddied with the inclusion of 9/11 skeptics on the fringe, Maxim's latest article is exactly what I think the 9/11 Truth Movement should expect from a magazine from the outside looking in. Their willingness to even cover the subject should at least be commended.

    I would suggest that those interested contact Maxim with their comments as I am sure they will be printing some in their next issue. (If someone could send in the mailing address for letters to the editor I would be happy to post it as well)

    A big special thanks to Culhavoc, who runs Deconstructing a False-Flag Operation, for getting these scans so quick!
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Partridge Guest
    (Gold9472: This is what's referred to as a "hit piece". However, this is, after all, a "skin" magazine.)
    Am I imagining this, or didn't Hustler run a pretty good 911 piece last year?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Partridge
    Am I imagining this, or didn't Hustler run a pretty good 911 piece last year?
    No.. they ran a GREAT piece!
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
    jetsetlemming Guest
    I don't like how they've got that article organized on that website. Did you see at the end of the timeline that they said Bush has a diary? Wouldn't you like to get your hands on that, Gold.

  5. #5
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    Great read. I've always known Maxim Magazine had a great staff.

  6. #6
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    One of things I found intersting was the theory that all the passengers were rounded up in an air base, and all loaded up onto the plane that crashed. Never heard that before. Maybe that would explain why one of the flights had so few passengers. But it wouldnt exlpain what happened to the passengers other 2 flights.

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