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Thread: Spitzer Blocks Top Aide From 9/11 Congressional Testimony

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  1. #1
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    Jan 2005

    Spitzer Blocks Top Aide From 9/11 Congressional Testimony

    Spitzer blocks top aide from 9/11 Congressional testimony

    (Gold9472: You wonder why nothing has been done as far as the petition...)

    ALBANY, NY -- (02/15/2006; 1230)(EIS) -- New York Republican State Chairman Stephen Minarik today demanded Eliot Spitzer explain why he would brazenly prevent one of his closest advisers from providing testimony to a Congressional panel investigating the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

    "Mr. Spitzer needs to come clean, and tell us what is more important than the safety and security of New Yorkers" Minarik said. "Government's number one priority is the safety and security of its citizens. Eliot Spitzer should try to help that, not hinder it."

    According to today's New York Post, "the House Armed Services Committee had requested testimony of Deputy Attorney General Dietrich Snell - a former top investigator with the 9/11 commission - at a hearing today on 'Able Danger,' the secret Pentagon cyber intelligence program that allegedly turned up the name of Mohammed Atta, the mastermind of the atrocity... Staff members of Able Danger, who will appear under oath for the first time at today's hearing, claim they had Atta's name and photograph on a chart of al Qaeda suspects in 2000 and that they were blocked by Clinton administration lawyers from sharing their information with the FBI." (Latham/Dicker, NYP, 2/15/06)

    In addition, Minarik noted that Spitzer's action was the ultimate in hypocrisy. According to the Chairman, he noted that while speaking at a 2004 Democratic National Convention event, Spitzer himself stated: "We have seen in the 9/11 commission report how many errors we made and how many opportunities were missed." (Savage, NY Sun, 7/30/04)

    "I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Spitzer that the 9/11 Commission report documented critical errors made, and prime opportunities missed," Chairman Minarik continued. "However, Mr. Spitzer must have a feeble memory, or is just a horrible hypocrite. How else can anyone explain Mr. Spitzer shielding a top aide, who formerly served as an investigator with the 9/11 commission, from assisting our nation's efforts to improve our security at home and abroad?"

    "Politics and personal interests should never interfere with the safety and security of our people," Chairman Minarik concluded. "Unfortunately, Mr. Spitzer's actions and rank hypocrisy are putting all of us needlessly at risk. New Yorkers and all Americans deserve better."
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
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    New York sues U.S. agency, seeks air quality files

    (Gold9472: Not ONE mention of the environmental disaster that was 9/11. This is to make him look "pretty" for the election. How hard would it have been for him to do the same thing for the people suffering in Manhattan?)

    Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:32 PM ET

    NEW YORK, Feb 15 (Reuters) - New York state has sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for failing to divulge information about the levels of toxins that paint manufacturers are allowed to release into the air.

    State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer called the information critical to the state's ability to enforce environmental laws and announced on Wednesday he was suing Washington under the federal Freedom of Information Act and the Clean Air Act.

    "After being denied access to records about volatile compounds for nearly two years, the state was left with no option but to sue the federal government for improperly withholding documents in violation of both laws," Spitzer's office said in a statement.

    Spitzer, who is running for governor of New York this year, is best known for his investigations into white collar crime on Wall Street.

    The dispute stems from an EPA law regulating the amount of volatile organic compounds that can be used in certain paints, stains and varnishes that contribute to smog, which in turn may harm human and plant life, the statement said.

    The law allows paint manufacturers to exceed limits if they pay a fee to the EPA. The "pay to spray" fees range from hundreds of dollars a year to more than $5 million paid by Sherwin-Williams Co. (SHW.N: Quote, Profile, Research), the statement said.

    EPA officials were not immediately available for comment.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
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    An Open Letter to Eliot Spitzer -- re. Appearance of Cover-up re. 9/11

    Friday, February 17, 2006 - 12:37 PM

    An Open Letter to Eliot Spitzer from 9/11 CitizensWatch regarding the NY Attorney General's Complicity in Cover-up of key Intelligence regarding the attacks of September 11th 2001.

    February 17, 2006

    Dear Mr. Spitzer,

    I learned during a Congressional hearing before two sub-committees of the Armed Service Committee this past Wednesday (hear audio at that you had acted in such a way as to allow the #2 at the your office, your Deputy Dietrich Snell, a former 9/11 Commission counsel, to avoid having to answer questions as to his role in the 9/11 Commission's failure and/or refusal to disclose details about the Able Danger counter-terrorist program either to the 9/11 Commissioners or in the 9/11 Report itself.

    According to Stephen Cambone, Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, who gave testimony before the Armed Services sub-committeess, there were five witnesses who said the program had identified Mohamed Atta by name and/or photo over a year before the attacks. According to Rep. Weldon an Able Danger chart created over a year before 9/11 showing a photo of Atta was presented by Representatives Weldon, Burton and Shays to Stephen Hadley, then Deputy to National Security Advisor Condi Rice, on September 25, 2001. On July 12, 2004 Dieter Snell met one of the Able Danger team members and witnesses, the actual hands-on head of the operation, Capt. Scott Phillpott, who told him that Able Danger had identified and planned offensive operations against four of the eventual 19 hijackers as part of what they called the "Brooklyn Cell." According to Lt. Col Shaffer Dietrich Snell said, "What do you want me to do with this information, we go to print in 10 days?"
    I have called your office for a statement on this issue and Mari Arce of the Communications Dept. is not aware of any statement being been issued. I have two simple questions I believe all Americans and all the victim family members deserve straight-forward answers to:

    What business of yours is it to stand in the way of a Congressional effort led by the Armed Services Committee to learn the truth about why it was a military operation targeting Al-Qaeda and ID future hijackers (Able Danger) was killed by as yet identified DoD officials?

    What right do you have to prevent Congressional oversight and an attempt to learn why it was the 9/11 Commission staff, including your employee Dietrich Snell, failed to brief the 9/11 Commissioners about a program a Navy Commander told Snell had ID Atta over a year before 9/11?

    In 2004 and 2005, following a formal complaint filing with your office and your chief investigator William Casey, you effectively ignored leading 9/11 family members, 9/11 survivors and first responders who had signed on to the complaint requesting you investigate any number of areas where the Commission fell short. (see full complaint and appendices at And you promised me, their spokesperson at the time, in person at the your opening fund-raiser luncheon that you would meet with the complainants which included Bill Doyle. You broke your promise despite persistent follow-ups.

    I believe you have a lot of explaining to do. I intend to talk extensively with Bill Doyle and other leading family members about your latest attempt to stand in the way of getting at the truth about what happened on 9/11.

    I believe they are owed an explanation as to why you took no action or even a courtesy of a response following the filing of our complaint with your office (see . I believe all Americans are now owed an explanation as to why you would stand in the way of Congress who had some simple questions for your Deputy, Dietrich Snell. Given your previous responses and what appears to be your covering for Dieter Snell would I be foolish to expect the courtesy of a response?

    You know Mr. Spitzer I'd admired you and the strong stand you've taken against the abuses and corruption of big business and I took you at your word when you told me you'd meet with the "Justice for 9/11" complainants. However, I'm afraid you are near to losing that respect with this latest obstruction on your part that appears to have let Mr. Snell off the hook.

    What kind of coward, what kind of an American won't answer to Congress on such a question as the 9/11 attacks that led to the death of nearly 3000 people and hundreds of police and firemen from NYC; and to answer questions as to what the government knew before the attacks and why it was the Commission covered up the existence of Able Danger and how it was killed and buried by DoD officials? I truly hope you give me reason to reconsider my judgment about you and Mr. Snell. I hope you prove my doubts wrongly placed and you, and Mr. Snell, are willing to stand up for your record on the investigative questions regarding the crimes of 9/11 for which neither truth or justice have been served and for which it appears you both have covered up by your inaction and/or obstruction.

    Most sincerely,

    Kyle F. Hence
    9/11 CitizensWatch

    cc. Dietrich Snell, Justice for 9/11 complainants, Office of Rep. McKinney via John Judge and Office of Rep. Curt Weldon.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
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    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
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    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #6
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Do you wonder why if the air was OK after 911, why the Douche Bank building is basically fucking shrink wrapped, they are soo afraid to let any of that poison shit into the air? Isn't THAT all the same shit that fell into that bldg ON 911?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Good point.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    AuGmENTor Guest
    What kind of coward, what kind of an American won't answer to Congress on such a question as the 9/11 attacks that led to the death of nearly 3000 people and hundreds of police and firemen from NYC; and to answer questions as to what the government knew before the attacks and why it was the Commission covered up the existence of Able Danger and how it was killed and buried by DoD officials? I truly hope you give me reason to reconsider my judgment about you and Mr. Snell. I hope you prove my doubts wrongly placed and you, and Mr. Snell, are willing to stand up for your record on the investigative questions regarding the crimes of 9/11 for which neither truth or justice have been served and for which it appears you both have covered up by your inaction and/or obstruction.
    Could you be a bit more specific? You just described every fuckin politician in the country save maybe two.

  9. #9
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    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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