Don't waste your time on these losers. There efforts will not produce anything of value over time. Yours already have.Originally Posted by Gold9472
"In the weeks following the announcement of my congressional run, a tidal wave of slanderous sewage washed over me and my family, much of it facilitated by Alan Giles and a cabal of operatives at 911blogger: the anonymous attack entities "Arabesque" and "Col. Jenny Sparks," the 9/11 truth sex stalker Brian Good, pugnacious Zionist LIHOPper Jon Gold, Jim Hoffman's wife or CIA/Mossad handler or whatever she is Victoria Ashley, and a half-bright jealous rival radio host named Michael Woolsey...more or less the same clique Webster Tarpley had outed as cointelpro operatives or dupes back in mid-2007."
This Jewish so called "truth" activist is a member of the advisory board of the aforementioned and was also the co-founder of another kosher site --
Jon Gold has been controlling the dissent for quite some time, drafting rules on what 9/11 truth should look like, as well as denying any role of Israel & the Jewish crime network in 9/11.
He announced his departure from amidst "too much discussion" of controlled demolitions being the cause of the collapse of the twin towers and building 7.
According to John Kaminski, Gold was going around to 9/11 truth sub-groups offering financial support under the condition that they did not talk about Israeli involvement in the attacks.
Who's Slanderin' Who?
Scott Ford
Anyone who has an opinion on the Kennebunkport Warning controversy should make sure they listen to these clips from World Crisis Radio and Truth Revolution Radio which were broadcast in the run up to the 9/11 anniversary events in 2007, an important chronological context to consider.
(World Crisis Radio) Webster Tarpley, who after announcing a "credibility" support list that starts with Jim Fetzer, takes credit for inventing "truth squads", and then engages in outlandish ad hominem attacks on truth activists such as Cosmos, Jenny Sparks, Arabesque, Jon Gold, and Michael Wolsey with statements that include "We don't know WHAT they are ... venum mongers ... wreckers and saboteurs ... merchants of puss ... poison pens ... faceless ... nameless ... from the shadows ... slander-snipers ... COINTELPRO ... FBI counter-gang ... sleezy ... smelly, etc.
Then, Craig Hill slanders the "9/11 Movement" and the "Peace Movement" and then even later singles out Reprehensor & 911blogger. The slanders the peace activists as "The DehLIAR 4" and links every one to Cindy Sheehan in particular, and the peace movement in general. is smeared. The rest of the show they try to "prove" the KW but don't really address the fact that people are not necessarily disagreeing with the KW, as much as wondering why the creators of the warning won't remove the names at the polite request of the signers, and why some people associated with the project were basically slandering them. Next, Tarpley compares the truth activists to Bin Laden. (No, I'm not making that up.)
(Truth Revolution Radio) Cosmos speaks to activist Jenny Sparks (both of whom are actual real people and apparently don't operate from the shadows because they are ON THE RADIO) to talk about the KW warning. Later in that same broadcast, (Kennebunkport Warning co-creator) Bruce Marshall interrupts an interview with Michael Wolsey and has a meltdown, they cut his mic for shouting so it gets a little choppy at that point. Then an unknown woman chimes in.
It's pretty clear to me in that cast of characters who I want to work with ... and I do.
And I am embarrassed by the behavior of the others. We don't need the abusive behavior when we have so much work to do together.
Never did any of this.