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Thread: To What Lengths People Will Go...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I don't suggest anyone take the time to read the latest rantings of lunatic/disinfo agent/asshole Nico Haupt. However, if you want to laugh, feel free.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    For those who don't know...

    slan·der –noun

    1. defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.

    2. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.

    3. Law. defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a lawyer to sue his ass, also, no one seems to know what he does for a living, where he lives, etc...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I have to post this... it's just too funny.

    9. Most idiotic Hangouter Jonathan Gold doesn't even know the work of Grable and Holmgren and concentrates therefore on Haupt aka ewing2001 only, which he sometimes calls a "damager of the truth". In case of Gold i can only detect a very low level of IQ and the worst Cult Victim of all of them.

    I don't follow the work of individuals I think are promoting bad information. Nico Haupt is one of those people, and a "damager of the truth." As for my IQ, it's high enough to detect bullshit.

    I analysed also his language in videos and audios. I believe he has no self-confidence at all and possibly was rejected from many friends when he was younger and sees "9/11 Truth" as THE chance to build an ego, desperately overpromotes any kind of 9/11 hangout crap, to become a "truth hero".

    No, I'm not doing this to be a "truth hero." I'm doing this because murdering 2,973+ people is wrong, and I demand accountability. Nico, on the other hand, loves to remind people endlessly about his "accomplishments", and "9/11 Truth Resume."

    First i tried to feel sorry for him, then we both literally tried to beat up each other in NYC but when we finally met, we ironically both chickened out, which is fun, because he's much stronger than me and mighy have won a box fight in the third run. Then again , Gold is also a Vendetta type and threatened to kill me once. Maybe that's how the FBI 9/11 perps will set us up one day.

    No, we didn't literally try to beat up each other. I walked up to him, and said something like, "You're lucky I don't kick your ass." (He was posting a lot of lies about me at the time on the internet, and I didn't appreciate it) However, because of Wendi telling me it's not worth it, and because of where we were, and what day it was, I chose not to make a scene. He did threaten to drop kick me in the head. I thought it was hysterical. Anyway, as far as the "death threat" goes... sometimes if someone pushes you enough, you say things you shouldn't. I'm not a violent person, but I can only take so much sometimes.

    But some 9/11 analysts and -decoders even give Gold more credit and think he's the best shill of all of them and works for either IntelOps of Howard Stern or the Porn Industry. I couldn't figure out yet, where *this satire* was created.

    Nope, I don't work for Howard Stern, or the Porn Industry.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #25
    werther Guest
    Who is Nico Haupt really anyway. I saw on ..I think it was synthetic terror that his review was printed on the back. What exactly has he done "for the movement"?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    He's nobody, that's done nothing.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #27
    rachel Guest
    Sheesh, that Portland article is rough. By the way, did you notice this comment at the end of the page?

    And maybe even more telling, 911blogger appears to have unlimited bandwitdth, time, resources, etc. He picks up everything in *minutes* and filters out nothing. How many 'activists' do you know who have not a single other thing to do with their time except promote 9/11, and yet, unlimited resources?
    I don't know what they are trying to imply, but all I can say is thank goodness for somebigguy, georgewashington, and the others who help dz or we'd never have time for life! Between planning a wedding, working a full time job, and taking care of me when I'm freaked out over grad school, it's a wonder anything gets posted to 911blogger. "Unlimited resources" - yeah, right! It's called being smart and knowing how to ask for help.

  8. #28
    borepstein Guest
    Smear campaign. No links,no attributions.

    Or somebody really took your identity to smear you. Same difference - and like you said, someone like yourself should have expected that to happen a long time ago.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Guide to Jon Gold's 9/11 (Un)Truthing Script

    I'm sure for those who have observed Jon Gold's tired shtick going back to the days of the Howard Stern Message Board and the various other boards up through the recent controlled demolition of Apartment 911B, and now on this forum, the script that Gold follows is pretty obvious by now. It's a pretty consistent script over the years, I have to say. So, for guiding people who are new to Jon's schtick, and for laughs for those who are all too familiar with Mr. Gold, here 'tis:

    1) Attempt to divert people away from the evidence that most strongly supports MIHOP, ESPECIALLY any evidence that implicates Mossad/Zionist involvement, while exagerating about and going ON AND ON AND ON AND ON about the Al Queda/Patsystan/LIHOP "evidence".

    1A) WTC Controlled Demolition and Pentagon No Boeing evidence and any evidence that disproves that muslim hijackers were onboard the planes must be rejected or downplayed at all times. Shut down those who attempt to bring up this evidence. Those who discuss this evidence are to be accused of being agents, and/or of being divisive. If any of this type of MIHOP evidence becomes too universally accepted within the movement, such as what has happened with the WTC CD in the last few years, forget that he used to reject it, accuse anyone of being a liar who points out that Jon used to reject it, but still attempt to downplay it (see Jon's "This is Not the Controlled Demolition Movement" post last month on Apartment 911B).

    1B) "Contribute to the movement" (and make a name for yourself) by doing such things as writing letters to and dialoguing with the family members asking questions about Patsystan in order to keep them focased on Patsystan. If anybody disagrees with this naked attempt to contain the inquiry and keep influencial and well respected people, such as the family members, from looking in the direction of Israel/Zionists, accuse such dissenters of disrespecting/not supporting family members, and/or being divisive, and or asking them "what have you contributed to the movement?"

    1C) Don't allow any discussion of evidence that points to Israel/Zionists being behind 9/11. Accuse anybody who tries to discuss this evidence of being anti-semites, and/or of being divisive

    2) How to deal with criticism of this script and arguments used against people who continue challenging Jon's tactics:

    2A) Accuse dissenters of being agents
    2B) Accuse those who disagree with and criticize Jon's tactics of lying
    2C) Play the sympathy card - paint the disagreements and criticisms in terms of people unfairly attacking/victimizing Jon or orchestrating a vendetta
    2D) Accuse people of keeping Jon from FINDING THE TRUTH, and keep repeating that he is "only attempting to FIND THE TRUTH"
    2E) Accuse them of lying again
    2F) Question the dissenter's motivations
    2G) Claim that the dissenter only posts comments that attack good hard-working truthers such as Jon whether true or not (mostly not)
    2H) Claim that the dissenter does not contribute anything to the truth movement whether true or not (mostly not)
    2I) Name drop - Jon knows everybody who's anybody in the 9/11 truth movement
    2J) Accuse them of lying again
    2K) Attack the blatent disinfo types, such as the WTC No-Planers/Hologram types in order to show that Jon Himself couldn't possibly be disinfo agent
    2L) Claim that Jon has contributed more blog posts than anybody else in the movement, and therefore is worth more than any other truther to the movement (pretending that only quantity, not quality, counts - i.e. disregarding the negative value that should be ascribed to contributions that serve to misdirect/distract people away from the true perpetrators of 9/ many posts about the alleged 100,000 wire transfer from Patsystan to Mohammed Atta reported in the Times of India do we really need?)
    2M) Accuse the dissenters of dividing the movement (of course, Jon's divisive behavior must not ever be considered divisive)
    2N) Accuse the dissenters of disrespecting/not supporting family members
    2O) Claim that the dissenter needs to grow up
    Jon Gold wrote:
    Grow up casseia. Either grow up, or find a new outlet that appreciates your kind of "work."

    2P) Demand that the dissenter "STOP LYING ABOUT ME"
    2Q) If all else fails, support censorship, and when possible ban people who hurt Jon's feelings (or refuse to go along with the script)

    Well, Jon, you set yourself up for this. Yes, I know, I'm just lying about you and I'm really just an agent who only attacks you and keeps you from doing your hard work of finding the truth...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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