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Thread: Quote from Newsweek as to the subject of nuclear capabilities....

  1. #1
    Good Doctor HST Guest

    Quote from Newsweek as to the subject of nuclear capabilities....

    "We have a right to nuclear technology. We are an ancient civilization and rich culture. I think it's really hypocritical of Mr. Bush to criticize Iran for having nuclear technology while Pakistan, India, and Israel have nuclear bombs."

    - Mahsid Sajadi, a citizen of Tehran

    Does she have a legitimate beef? What's the difference between Israel having nukes to Iran having nukes? Besides what the U.S. thinks? She's probably concerned because one of the countries that forbids Iran from having nuclear power is the only country that has used atomic weapons against another group of people (um.... guess who????)

  2. #2
    911=inside job Guest
    such a joke... only we can have them even though we are the only ones that have ever used them...

  3. #3
    Partridge Guest
    Iran, if indeed its nuclear desires are for energy only, is in compliance with the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.

    On the other hand - the US, UK, France, Russia, India and Pakistan (and China I think) are not in complicance with said treaty. The NPT is a 'deal', under which those nuclear states which posses nuclear weapons commit to reduce, and eventually eliminate their stockpiles of those weapons - while those countries not deemed reliable enough to possess nukes (ie every other country except Israel) are to commit to not seeking to acquire such weapons, and if they wish to acquire nuclear power they may do so if it is overseen (I think).

    None of these countries have made any significant steps to reduce, never mind eliminate, their nuclear stockpiles. In fact, not only is the 'nuclear option' on teh table in Washington (and presumably London) - just yesterday the French government announced that it would have no worries about using nukes against "states who would use terrorist means against us". The hypocrisy is, as usual, vomit inducing.

    And on top of that, the only country with a nuclear arsenal in the region is not a signatory to the NPT. That country is, and I know this will shock the jocks off you... Israel. Israel has - depending on which estimates you believe - between 200 and 300 warheads. 300 is the same amount as France has.

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