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Thread: Gold9421 - 9/4/1921 - 8/13/2000

  1. #11
    dz Guest

    my grandfather died the day after september 11th, because of what was going on at the time it didnt hit me for a while.. not for a few years actually.. then i thought how i was glad he had passed so he didnt have to see what was going on in the world since his death..

    both of my grandfathers are my idols, two completely different men that make up everything i am today.

    their memories give me alot of self respect and pride, sounds like yours does as well.

  2. #12
    Se7en Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    My Grandfather used to say to me, "So... how much is the tea in China?" He would say that as if to say, "So what's going on in the world?". Back when he was around, I'd always answer, "I dunno". I wish he was around to ask that now.
    Did something spark inside of you to bring this thread back up? I know his anniversary is in August, but did something happen? Or where you just thinking back?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Se7en
    Did something spark inside of you to bring this thread back up? I know his anniversary is in August, but did something happen? Or where you just thinking back?
    I saw that a "Guest" was viewing the thread, then I started thinking about him, then that phrase popped up in my head.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #14
    Se7en Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    I saw that a "Guest" was viewing the thread, then I started thinking about him, then that phrase popped up in my head.
    Gotcha. Just wanted to make sure nothing 'significant' happened.

    Funny how little things can spark your memories, huh?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Se7en
    Gotcha. Just wanted to make sure nothing 'significant' happened.

    Funny how little things can spark your memories, huh?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #16
    danceyogamom Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Se7en
    Gotcha. Just wanted to make sure nothing 'significant' happened.

    Funny how little things can spark your memories, huh?
    I walked by a man smoking a pipe filled with cherry tobacco and I had to stop and breathe it in for a while. My bbs were very confused ...

    my dad smoked through my entire childhood. it is funny that I remember him more through the smell of tobacco than most other things in my life.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #18
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    That was a very beautiful eulagy. I've always known you were a great guy since the first time I talked to you and I'm sure he was the same way.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    I lost the coin he gave me.
    (Gold9472: The first part was grabbed from here.)

    Part I

    Ok, my turn...

    As you know, I have an affinity for my Grandfather... the greatest man I ever knew...

    When my Grandmother met my Grandfather, she gave him a Silver Dollar from the year he was born, 1921. He carried that coin with him for 50 years. He lost it about a year or two before he passed away. On the Father's Day after he lost it, I purchased him a new Silver Dollar from the year he was born. When he passed away, I threw it in the grave with him...

    About 11-12 years ago, my Grandfather gave me a Silver Dollar from the year I was born, 1972. I have been carrying it with me ever since. If I misplace it, I flip out. I swear that thing is the most important thing in the world to me...

    About 2 years ago, I left the coin in the pocket of my jeans. I accidentally washed the coin in the laundry... I looked everywhere for it, and couldn't find it. I literally started crying over it...

    Anyway, I left a message on the Laundry Room Bulletin Board (A real one) offering $50 for its' return.

    The next day, I came home, and found an envelope in my mailbox. Sure enough, it was the coin. No name, nothing. Just the coin.

    Incidentally, if my Grandfather were still alive, his name would be "Gold9421". How's that for a kicker...

    Part II

    Guess what... I was sitting here on the computer, and got a knock on my door. There was a woman with a huge smile looking at me. First, she told me that the lights were on in my car. Then, she held it up... it was my coin. I couldn't believe it. She said, "I found this in the laundry room". I gave her a hug right then and there. Then I said, "I owe you $50 (because I put another sign up)". She replied, "No, it wasn't mine to begin with."

    There is good in this country. Sometimes people need to be reminded of that. Like me.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    It proves that it's worth fighting for.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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