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Thread: A Fallen Hero - Video Inside

  1. #141
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AuGmENTor
    What a shameful fucking outrage this is. Bloomburgh is the same brand of cock that is at the root of this very problem. Something needs to be done to help these guys, and based on current performance, that fundraiser aint gonna cut it (no offense).
    You mean this makes you angry?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #142
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Your fuckin-A it does! You mean you can't tell? The fact that they even have the audacity to dispute that the environment down there is what made these men sick, AFTER they redacted the EPA report makes me want to be violent.

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AuGmENTor
    Your fuckin-A it does! You mean you can't tell? The fact that they even have the audacity to dispute that the environment down there is what made these men sick, AFTER they redacted the EPA report makes me want to be violent.
    Ok. So you're angry. Tomorrow you'll be angry. And the next day. What are you gonna do with that anger? Why not do something productive like come to Washington D.C. next weekend?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #144
    AuGmENTor Guest
    I have been kicking that idea around for a while now. I more than likely will go.

  5. #145
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Well. I'm going. I'm expecting a lot more people are going. From all walks of life, for all causes, I think this one is gonna be big.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #146
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Senator Clinton Calls for Federal Help for Sick 9/11 Workers

    By Patrick Healy

    Targeting President Bush for the first time in her new role as presidential candidate, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a news conference at Ground Zero this morning and called on the White House to seek funding to cover the health needs of ill first responders who worked at the Twin Towers during 9/11.

    Mrs. Clinton, who can be fiery in her attacks on Mr. Bush, was relatively measured in her remarks this morning. She said that the sick workers needed immediate help and urged the Bush administration to devote money to them in its forthcoming federal budget request to Congress.

    “This is an issue that demands attention from the president and the Congress,” Senator Clinton said at a news conference with Senator Charles Schumer and Representatives Carolyn Maloney, Jerry Nadler, and Vito Fossella.

    “This is a call to action,” she added. “Without the president’s budget commitment, the program that is treating many of these victims will end.” She said the money would run out this summer.

    “I believe this is a moral responsibility,” Mrs. Clinton said, standing alongside relatives of first responders who remain ill from the environmental effects of the collapse of the towers. “This is a crisis, and we need the president to respond to help us.”

    The senator listened and nodded as several relatives excoriated the Bush administration and other government officials for “lying” about the environmental effects of the 9/11 attacks and about promises of assistance to the ill.

    “We want people to have to look into the eye of these men and women and then say no, it’s not our responsibility to make sure you have the health care you need to deal with these illnesses,” Mrs. Clinton said.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #147
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    Jan 2005
    Son Of Ailing 9/11 First Responder To Face Bush
    Attending State Of The Union With Sen. Clinton, College Student Seeks Funding For Ill First Responders


    (CBS) NEW YORK The son of a 9/11 first responder who is in dire need of a lung transplant will have a front-row seat at tomorrow's State of the Union address. He's going to Washington as a special guest of Sen. Hillary Clinton to raise awareness about his father's illness, which is believed to be a direct result of the toxic air on the tragic day.

    "I want to say to President Bush not to forget the World Trade Center victims. They are heroes, and they should be treated as such," Ceasar Borja Jr. told CBS 2. Borja says his critically ill father will be with him in spirit tomorrow when he attends the President's State of the Union speech. The 21-year-old college student will be wearing his NYPD father's uniform coat, his watch, and his pants.

    "I'm representing him. I'm representing all the other heroes so I feel that it's fitting that I wear what they wear," he said.

    Borja Sr. is a retired NYPD officer and was a First Responder on September 11. He's now in the intensive care unit of Mt. Sinai Hospital awaiting a lung transplant because he suffers from pulmonary fibrosis -- a disease doctors believe he got from working at Ground Zero after the attack.

    Borja Jr. wants Bush to allocate more money to treat the medical needs of 9/11 first responders.

    "I want him to see a boy that represents New York City, a victim of everything that's happened following 9/11," he said.

    The Hunter College journalism student will accompany Sen. Clinton, who was with him today as he spoke at Ground Zero to explain the need for federal funds for victims like his father. "It's really painful for me to be here so close to where my father contracted this disease and I am being strong for my family, for my friends, for my father -- but it is hard. That is why i need the help of the government," he told the crowd.

    Other 9/11 responders who have related diseases will also be in the audience for President Bush's speech. Borja Jr. says he also wants to raise awareness about the need for organ donors.

    Doctors say his father -- and other first responders with lung diseases -- won't survive without transplants.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #148
    AuGmENTor Guest
    I heard on a program earlier today that an insurance company had received 1 billion dollars for these claims, and that not ONE has been paid out on. I think this can only be because once they admit that this is the problem, they are going to have to pay out on everyone. Human lives measured in dollars and cents. And I'm the animal for wanting to shoot some people for this. Heard anything about that Jon? it's supposed to be on Fox news tonight at 10, under the shame shame shame section. Also: Discovery Times today had a big special about it called 911: A Toxic Legacy. But I didn't get to see it.

  9. #149
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    That has a lot to do with it. One of the reasons they don't want to standardize the autopsies.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #150
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sen. Clinton wants $1.9B for 9/11 health funds

    By Chuck Bennett
    January 23, 2007

    For the second day in a row Monday Clinton the Candidate attracted dozens of reporters from around the world -- this time as she demanded President Bush set aside $1.9 billion for 9/11 responders.

    Sen. Hillary Clinton, during her second public appearance since announcing her White House ambitions Saturday, said it was "immoral and unacceptable" that federal funding will run out this summer for programs that treat first responders and lower Manhattan residents sickened by World Trade Center dust.

    "I believe this is a moral responsibility of the nation," Clinton said, flanked by fellow members of Congress, 9/11 responders, and advocates. "This is a crisis and we need the president to respond."

    Clearly the star of the news conference -- she drew a paparazzi-like swarm of photographers while Sen. Chuck Schumer was all but ignored -- Clinton also renewed calls for a comprehensive plan that will monitor everyone who was exposed to World Trade Center dust.

    The worsening health of 9/11 responders has been a smoldering issue since last September when studies found 70% of them suffered some kind of respiratory damage and 60% continue to have problems.

    Clinton also took a shot at the city government practice of challenging 9/11 disability claims.

    "We appeal the city to end its resistance to taking care of people who took care of us," she said.

    The mayor's spokesman Stu Loeser declined to talk about challenges to workers' 9/11-related claims, but said Bloomberg "has set up a WTC Environmental Health Center at Bellevue Hospital to expand assessment and treatment for those who fall through the cracks of existing federally-funded programs."

    To highlight the human toll of the World Trade Center diseases, Clinton invited Ceaser Borja Jr., 21, as her guest at the president's State of the Union address Tuesday. Borja's father, a retired NYPD cop who has pulmonary fibrosis after responding on 9/11, is awaiting a double lung transplant.

    Likewise, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan/Queens), who warned that health clinics will "get foreclosure notices," invited Joseph Zadroga, whose son, James, a police officer who responded on 9/11, died last year of a World Trade Center-related illness. He was the first confirmed death directly caused by exposure to toxins at Ground Zero.

    Congressional hearings on funding for sick 9/11 responders is scheduled for Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

    As for the presidential buzz, Clinton declined to talk about anything off-topic and took just two questions. She took questions on a live Web cast Monday evening.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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