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Thread: A Fallen Hero - Video Inside

  1. #491
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    Jan 2005
    9/11 Truth Tuesdays First Donation To The FealGood Foundation

    As we have said from the very beginning, ALL proceeds from "9/11 Truth Tuesdays" are going to the FealGood Foundation to help the 9/11 First Responders we both love and respect because of the heroes that they are, and because they aren't getting the help that they need. We recently received a check from the Anthony Wayne Movie Theater for the first series that took place in January and February. There were a total of nine shows, including the special event that took place on 1/29. Everyone that attended during those nine shows should be proud of the fact that you helped to donate a total of $1746.00 to help the sick and dying 9/11 First Responders.

    Betsy and I would especially like to thank Philly 9/11 Truth for raising a total of $315.00 on the night of 1/29.

    I have said often that victories in 9/11 Truth are very few and far between. Each and every dollar that we contribute to help the ailing 9/11 First Responders is the equivalent of a 100 victories.

    Thank you to everyone. I look forward to seeing you at the Anthony Wayne Movie Theater every Tuesday in April, and the first two Tuesdays in May at 7pm. The more people that come to these shows, the better our next donation will be. I hope to see A LOT of you there.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #492
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    Jan 2005
    Sept. 11 charity investigated

    Sunday, April 13, 2008

    JEFFERSON — Bergen County Harley-Davidson employee Rich Croland was lucky, in a sense, to miss a benefit concert in Carlstadt last month that promoted its upcoming Freedom Ride to Ground Zero.

    The company's charity partner, Fred Parisi, was led out of the March 29 event by police officers on charges he stole $235,000 from a business colleague in Jefferson.

    "I got a call, saying, 'Hey, did you see the front of the (New York) Daily News today?'" Croland said.

    As a result, the arrest cast skepticism on Parisi's 9/11 Rescue Workers Foundation, the charity he was in Carlstadt to raise funds for in conjunction with the Freedom Ride promotion.

    For years, Parisi, 40, of Jefferson, has claimed he was called in from a police recruiting field in Brooklyn to assist rescue efforts at the World Trade Center in Manhattan on Sept. 11, 2001.

    In September 2007, he set up his foundation to assist people who suffered medical problems related to the recovery site.

    But according to an affidavit, Parisi was a police recruit assigned to Floyd Bennett Field for driving training on Sept. 11, 2001.

    He did not respond to the World Trade Center catastrophe; he was assigned to a traffic post at 34th St. and Madison Avenue on the following two days, NYPD roster sheets said.

    "This gives legitimate foundations a black eye," said John Feal, whose FealGood Foundation replaced Parisi's as a charity partner for the motorcycle run.

    "As a foundation founder, I'm not surprised," he said. "As a 9/11 responder, I was irate."

    The episode illustrated an all-too-common problem, observers said: Charities that cannot support their claims or spend more funds on their operations than the people they are supposed to help.

    "You can legally give just about nothing to charity, and be so-called legitimate," said Daniel Borochoff, president and founder of the American Institute of Philanthropy.

    Scams related to 9/11 were more common in the earlier part of the decade, when people were "emotionally moved and throwing money at whoever would collect it," Borochoff said.

    Now, "if you really are clever about ripping people off, you'd know regulators will be watching (9/11 scams) more closely," Borochoff said.

    In May 2004, a pair of Sussex County men pleaded guilty to bilking a Franklin woman out of $300,000 in a phony 9/11 investment plan, claiming she would receive $1 million in return.

    One of the men, of Hampton, claimed he had shot a would-be terrorist who was planning attacks.

    Parisi was arrested at the benefit concert on March 29 after a 15-month investigation alleging he stole $235,000 from his business partner, Roy Jensen, at Berkshire Valley Custom Wood Designs, police said.

    His arrest prompted multiple agencies to investigate Parisi's 9/11 foundation and previous fund-raising, including an effort to send his son to a baseball tournament in Europe, Jefferson Police Detective Joseph Kratzel said.

    Whether Parisi's 9/11 foundation provided real help to anyone is unclear. It is registered with the New Jersey Division of Consumers Affairs, and "there are no actions that we have taken against charities that are connected to 9-11," DCA spokesman Jeff Lamm said.

    The charity's phone line has been disconnected, and Parisi is lodged in the Morris County jail on bail, pending an appearance before Superior Court Judge Salem V. Ahto on April 15.

    The 9/11 Rescue Workers Foundation did not take in or spend any money in its most recent report posted online with the DCA.

    "It's too easy to set up a charity in New Jersey that may pass the legal muster but is far from what it should be," said John Hulse said, a Byram police officer and Sussex County delegate to the New Jersey Police Benevolent Association.

    The Police Benevolent Association outlawed telemarketing after it realized too many supposed police-based foundations used pressure tactics to spend more on operations than charity, Hulse said.

    "Everybody used to do telemarketing and it wasn't that bad of a thing," he said.

    But things went "haywire" in the early 1990s, when "you started hearing all these horror stories," he said.

    Telemarketers took in most of the proceeds, including one group that fled to Florida, he said.

    "That wasn't the exception; it started to become the rule," Hulse said. "We said enough is enough."

    The PBA testified before the state Legislature in hopes of banning all telemarketing related to law enforcement charities, but it was rebuffed due to First Amendment concerns, according to Hulse.

    "It's our reputation," Hulse said.

    "We go to great lengths to protect the name of law enforcement."

    Borochoff said potential givers should fully understand where their money is going and look for a charity directors they can trust to maximize the positive effects of their donation.

    Feal said he wanted to protect 9/11 workers after his left foot was crushed by steel at the Ground Zero site. He noted that his foundation has an eight-member board, two lawyers and a well-maintained Web site with media links.

    Croland called him a day before the FealGood Foundation planned to reach out to the Bergen County Harley-Davidson, the parties said.

    "We made lemonade out of bad lemons," Feal said.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #493
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    Jan 2005
    The Greatest Moment Of My Life

    Click Here (GooTube)

    I received this award because of these fund-raisers for the 9/11 First Responders that I held...

    I also recommend my archives concerning this issue.

    Thanks to John Feal, and everyone at the FealGood Foundation.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #494
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    Jan 2005
    Complaints Over 9/11 Health Continue
    Emotions ran high at a 9/11 Community Health Forum held downtown yesterday. A number of attendees spoke of their chronic health problems and the lack of federal health funds.

    by Arun Venugopal

    NEW YORK, NY April 14, 2008 —REPORTER: Joseph Zadroga, father of the late first-responder James Zadroga, said the government should've been aware of the dangers at the World Trade Center site.

    ZADROGA: This was just like Chernobyl, in Russia, where they had the Russians take wheelbarrows and dump it down into the nuclear reactor to stop the fire.

    But, Doctor Joan Reibman of the World Trade Center Environmental Health Center said it's hard to determine which ailments are related to 9/11.

    She said medical professionals have to look at when someone was working or living near the site and when their symptoms first occurred.

    REIBMAN: And also, look at that in the context of what we're seeing in the other programs - in the Fire Department, in the responders, as well as in our program - to try to understand when certain symptoms are related. But there's an awful lot we still don't know.

    REPORTER: Speakers also called for comprehensive healthcare services...and better research into 9/11-related illnesses.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #495
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    Jan 2005


    The city and its Ground Zero contractors have become embroiled in an explosive rift over who's responsible to pay 9/11 workers sickened during the World Trade Center cleanup, The Post has learned.

    Splitting with Mayor Bloomberg for the first time, the contractors are now contending the city has no financial cap on its liability for claims from the cleanup.

    The contractors have filed bombshell court papers saying they could be left holding the bag for "potentially enormous" costs if the burden of compensating sick 9/11 responders shifts to them.

    They cite the Congressional Record, which shows Congress gave the city $1 billion for insurance to cover the debris-removal after the WTC collapse, with no apparent cap on those claims. The city sharply differs.

    "The statute, legislative history and prior court decisions make clear that the cap applies to debris-removal cases," Connie Pankratz, a spokeswoman for the city Law Department, said Friday.

    Immediately after 9/11, the Air Transportation Safety and Stabilization Act - which also protected the airlines - capped the city's liability for the "terrorist-related aircraft crashes" at $350 million or the city's insurance, whichever is greater.

    The contractors say settlement with ill workers will be impossible until the court decides which side is right.

    Lawyers for the suing firefighters, cops and other workers filed papers last week agreeing with the contractors - and urging US Judge Alvin Hellerstein to resolve the issue quickly.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #496
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    Jan 2005
    NY appeals court: Whitman not liable in Sept. 11 air case
    NY appeals court finds former EPA chief Whitman cannot be held liable for 9/11 air comments

    Apr 22, 2008 09:31 EST

    Former EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman cannot be held liable for telling residents near the World Trade Center site that the air was safe to breathe after the 2001 terrorist attacks, a federal appeals court said Tuesday.

    The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Whitman apparently made comments reassuring people about the safety around the site based on conflicting information and reassurances by the White House.

    The appeals court said legal remedies are not always available for every instance of arguably deficient governmental performance.

    A Department of Justice lawyer had argued late last year that holding the former head of the Environmental Protection Agency liable would set a dangerous precedent in future disasters because public officials would fear making public statements.

    The ruling came in response to a lawsuit by residents, students and workers in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn who said they were exposed to hazardous dust and debris from the fallen twin towers after Sept. 11.

    They said Whitman, who also is a former New Jersey governor, should be forced to pay damages to properly clean homes, schools and businesses.

    A lower court judge had earlier refused to dismiss Whitman as a defendant, saying her actions were "conscience-shocking."
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #497
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    Ex-EPA chief Christie Todd Whitman can't be held liable in 9/11 air case

    Wednesday, April 23rd 2008, 1:54 AM

    Christie Whitman, at least, can breathe easy.

    An appeals court ruled Tuesday that the former EPA chief can't be punished for falsely telling New Yorkers the air near Ground Zero was safe after 9/11.

    Even though thousands were sickened by toxic dust, the federal judges decided Whitman isn't personally liable for inaccurate reassurances she gave to the public.

    The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals cited her "inadequate management" and the Environmental Protection Agency's "flawed" handling of the crisis.

    But the 28-page ruling said there was no evidence Whitman knew she was dispensing lies and her decision to go along with a White House whitewash didn't "shock the conscience."

    Whitman applauded the appellate court's order to dismiss the class-action suit after a district judge ruled it should go forward.

    "9/11 confronted all of us with decisions that were unprecedented in our history," said Whitman, who stepped down from the EPA in 2003.

    "I am pleased that the court today confirmed what I have said - that we at the EPA acted reasonably and made every effort to protect the people of New York."

    The collapse of the twin towers released a cloud of hazardous dust, including lead and asbestos, across lower Manhattan.

    But a week after the terrorist attacks, while the fires at Ground Zero were still burning, Whitman told New Yorkers "their air is safe to breathe and their water is safe to drink."

    Daily News columnist Juan Gonzalez showed that was untrue by unearthing the EPA's own air quality studies - and last year he shamed Whitman into testifying about the mess before Congress.

    Yesterday's ruling was blasted by the plaintiffs and others who support first responders, recovery workers and local residents who became ill after the fall of the towers.

    "One argument after another appalls me with its illogic," said Jenna Orkin, whose son was a student at Stuyvesant High School near the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

    She was particularly incensed by the court's reasoning that Whitman isn't liable because she was following orders from the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

    "What has jumped out at me so far is the way the buck is being passed," Orkin said. "This is sleight of hand."

    Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan) was concerned by the ruling that even if Whitman knew she was giving false information, she would have immunity unless she intended to harm the victims.

    "This interpretation means that government officials in the future can deceive the public and harm thousands of people with impunity," said Nadler, who grilled Whitman at a congressional hearing last year.

    "That should shock everyone's conscience."

    Activist John Feal said there's only one punishment for Whitman that fits the crime. "She should go to jail for manslaughter," he said.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #498
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    Rep. Nadler: Decision In 9/11 Lawsuit Highlights Need For Federal Action

    8th Congressional District of New York

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    CONTACT: Shin Inouye, 202-225-5635

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-08), chair of the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties today issued the following statement regarding the Second Circuit Court of Appeal's decision that former Environmental Protect Agency Administrator Christine Todd Whitman is immune from liability for false statements she made about air quality and public safety after the collapse of the World Trade Center in 2001:

    "I am deeply disappointed with the Second Circuit's decision. There is a mountain of evidence demonstrating that Ms. Whitman and the Bush administration mislead the public about air quality in the aftermath of the collapse of the World Trade Center. By falsely assuring the public that the air was safe to breathe - when all the evidence indicated that it was in fact extremely hazardous - she caused thousands of residents, workers, and first responders to suffer injury and, in some cases, death due to unnecessary exposure to toxins released by the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings. Much of this evidence has been made public in hearings held last year by Senator Clinton and me.

    "Perhaps most upsetting is the court's apparent justification of Ms. Whitman's lies as a 'realistic choice' among 'competing governmental considerations' due to her attempt to 'reassure the public,' even though by doing so she put the public's health in jeopardy. The decision also noted that even if Ms. Whitman knowingly made these false statements, she would still enjoy immunity unless it could be proven that she also intended to harm the victims. If permitted to stand, this interpretation means that government officials in the future can deceive the public and harm thousands of people with impunity. That should shock everyone's conscience.

    "Regardless of whether the plaintiffs choose to appeal this ruling, one thing is clear - the federal government needs to act. While these legal cases have been ongoing, the living victims of 9/11 continue to suffer. Congress must pass the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, authored by myself, Congresswoman Maloney and Congressman Fossella, to provide medical care and compensation to thousands of Americans whose health has been compromised. The decision also makes clear that Congress needs to demand a proper test and clean up of the affected areas.

    "When the judiciary and the executive fail to provide justice to the living victims of 9/11, it is the moral imperative of Congress to do right. Nearly seven years after 9/11, and the federal government still has not met its obligations. We can, and must, do more."


    Jerrold Nadler has served in Congress since 1992. He represents New York's 8th Congressional District, which includes parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #499
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    Jan 2005
    I love you John Feal. You crazy 9/11 first responding, kidney donating, foundation that helps 9/11 first responders foundering (sp?), tattoo lovin' guy.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #500
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    Jan 2005
    "Freedom Run" To Benefit 9/11 Responders - Motorcycle Rally And Festival At Liberty State Park

    Published: Fri, 25 Apr 2008, 20:14:42 GMT
    Edited by Carly Zander

    HACKENSACK, N.J., April 25 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Over 2,000 motorcycles are expected to roll past New York's "Ground Zero" on Saturday, May 10, as they participate in the "Freedom Run" motorcycle rally and festival. Riding side-by-side, the motorcycles are anticipated to stretch for five miles and will pay tribute to the 9/11 first responders of the FealGood Foundation who are now gravely ill as a result of their service at the site of the World Trade Center collapse.

    Caption: FealGood Foundation"I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of love from the motorcycle community. We are grateful for the support of Bergen Harley-Davidson, and pledge that every dollar raised will help give dignity to a 9/11 responder who has been forgotten by their government," says John Feal, president and founder of the FealGood Foundation. The nonprofit organization advocates and raises money for the 40,000 who came from all over America and the world to do search, recovery and clean up at Ground Zero, 70 percent of whom are now sick or have died.

    Leading the motorcycles will be NYFD Engine #343, named in honor of the 343 NYC firefighters who perished in the attacks, which will be ridden my numerous rescue workers and first responders. The run will depart from the Hackensack Court House, 10 Main Street, at 11:00 a.m., and travel across the George Washington Bridge before passing the Ground Zero.

    At the site, motorcyclists will pay homage to a police and fire department color guard before proceeding through the Holland Tunnel and out to Liberty Island. The pack arrive at Liberty State Park at roughly 1:30 and take part in a festival of food, live music by The Rolling Bones, motorcycle high wire thrill show, fly-over by the War Birds historic military aircraft, and more.

    "This is an unprecedented event here in the New York and New Jersey area," says Liz DiGennaro of Bergen Harley-Davidson-Buell, sponsor of the event. "We hope it will bring attention to the real American heroes who spent days and months sifting through the rubble of the burning buildings looking for survivors and bringing dignity to those who perished."

    The police-escorted run and festival are free and all models of bikes are welcome. For more information or to register call 201-843-6930 or visit
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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