Fallen 9/11 hero's dad raises funds


Sunday, February 17th 2008, 4:00 AM

It would have been his son's 36th birthday.

The father of Ground Zero hero James Zadroga honored his son's memory Saturday by raising cash for other 9/11 firstresponders crippled by health problems.

"This is what Jimmy would have wanted," said Joseph Zadroga, who blames a toxic cloud for the lung and brain damage that killed his son.

"He wanted us to get help for other people out there," said the father, who joined other campaigners outside the PATH station at Ground Zero.

Former NYPD Detective James Zadroga spent 450 hours inhaling dust in the aftermath of 9/11 and died in January 2006.

Though a New Jersey medical examiner said his sickness was linked "directly" to his work at the site, city officials dispute the findings.

He left behind a daughter, Tylerann, who is now 6 and lives with her grandparents.

"She asks me how come bad people stay alive, but heroes die?" Joseph Zadroga said as he greeted passersby and commuters.

He encouraged them to donate to the FealGood Foundation, a nonprofit group that supports sick first responders.

"What better way to celebrate an American hero?" said Charles Giles, an EMT on 9/11 who is also sick.

The FealGood Foundation is planning to take three busloads of first responders and their families to Washington on Feb. 26 for a rally demanding better medical care.