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Thread: Christianity: The world's longest-continuing fraud.

  1. #1
    cainte Guest

    Christianity: The world's longest-continuing fraud.

    Suppose I were to suggest that Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and dozens of shamanistic religions of the Americas, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands, all were inspired by visions resulting from contemplations of line-form images divined from a holy mandala known to the ancient Hebrews as the "Pargod" or "Bar Goda," known to the ancient Greeks as the "Katapetasma," known to the ancient Goidelic Celts (the ancestors of we modern Gaelic-speaking Irish) as the "Greille," and known to first-century Christians and early Islamics as the "Heavenly Veil"? I just did, as you realized! Making me a crackpot or a huckster? Or, up to something which you have not yet figured-out?

    Might the question then jump into your mind as follows: "Would any rational human being hate or kill another human being over an ancient visionary experience?" Surely, not!

    So, is anyone out there in this little corner of the Net interested in discovering why I say such things? If so, go to and read until your little Xian Funnymentalist stomach feels like up-chucking. No, this is not B.S. It is not a bad joke. It is very much for real. Most of the members of human race have been conned by the mind-controllers into hating and killing each other over religion, while the power structures of religions, governments, and commercial enterprises sit by and make the money off our suffering.

    Read my web pages and make intelligent comments. Or ignore this. Or hurl verbal aoeloch (Gaelic for B.S.) at me as insults. What you do will determine whether I spend time here or not. Now, where is the "post" button?

  2. #2
    somebigguy Guest
    Ah, the title of this thread made me smile....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cainte
    Suppose I were to suggest that Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and dozens of shamanistic religions of the Americas, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands, all were inspired by visions resulting from contemplations of line-form images divined from a holy mandala known to the ancient Hebrews as the "Pargod" or "Bar Goda," known to the ancient Greeks as the "Katapetasma," known to the ancient Goidelic Celts (the ancestors of we modern Gaelic-speaking Irish) as the "Greille," and known to first-century Christians and early Islamics as the "Heavenly Veil"? I just did, as you realized! Making me a crackpot or a huckster? Or, up to something which you have not yet figured-out?

    Might the question then jump into your mind as follows: "Would any rational human being hate or kill another human being over an ancient visionary experience?" Surely, not!

    So, is anyone out there in this little corner of the Net interested in discovering why I say such things? If so, go to and read until your little Xian Funnymentalist stomach feels like up-chucking. No, this is not B.S. It is not a bad joke. It is very much for real. Most of the members of human race have been conned by the mind-controllers into hating and killing each other over religion, while the power structures of religions, governments, and commercial enterprises sit by and make the money off our suffering.

    Read my web pages and make intelligent comments. Or ignore this. Or hurl verbal aoeloch (Gaelic for B.S.) at me as insults. What you do will determine whether I spend time here or not. Now, where is the "post" button?
    You tell me...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
    somebigguy Guest
    I don't normally bump threads, but...


  5. #5
    911=inside job Guest
    im so sick of people that believe in god!!!! it is amazing how fucking dumb people are...

    stick around new person...

    the post button is right here VVVVVVV.... lol

  6. #6
    jetsetlemming Guest
    You do realize that judging a whole group by past actions of a fraction (a large one, true) of the group isn't a bright idea, right? And that none of that has any real reflection on Christianity today? There are very good reasons to dislike and be disgusted with the modern leaders of Christianity. There aren't any to feel that way about the religon as a whole or it's followers. That's called "intolerance", in case you didn't know.

  7. #7
    jetsetlemming Guest
    Btw, did anyone else hear that the guy acting as Jesus in the Passion of the Christ got struck by lightning twice while filming the scenes where he's on the cross? I find that strangely funny...

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