Clyde Lewis writes about Hunter S. Thompson's suicide(???) and other scandals/conspiracy theories not often discussed/kept quiet for some reason?

by Clyde Lewis

"Beware of the big green dragon that sits on your Doorstep. He eats little boys!" Bela Lugosi

The recent death of Hunter S. Thompson came as a shock to me and I actually thought it would be a shock to many others. An even bigger shock to me was that the idea that the great gonzo journalist committing suicide didn’t seem to surprise anyone. He lived a very hard life and yet it seemed to me that Thompson would want to keep living just so he could have another day to get someone to think or piss someone off.

His death had actually got me to thinking about the reporter in the blogging age and the controversy surrounding Jeff Gannon/Guckert. Gannon you may remember was exposed as slap shot journalist that threw softball questions at the President. John Aravosis, who is a guerilla blogger first exposed Jeff Gannon as a gay prostitute whose real name is James Guckert.

The surprising thing is that the mainstream media wants to downplay this and the left wing is using it as a Lewinski type of scandal to bring down the Bush presidency. The left sees it at sexual hypocrisy. The problem for the left is that the reporting has to be done with kid gloves because of the gay issue, the issue of sex and the issues of sexual promiscuity.

Let’s face it: the left doesn’t like to beat up on people for having sexual appetites.

This type of story would have journalists like Hunter S. Thompson frothing at the mouth. Thompson would more than likely be a candidate to sink his teeth into this depravity and expose it to its darkest depths.

Liberals and conservatives are busily beating around the bush because many of them are afraid that it might expose the true nature of our leaders and their sexual appetites.

Most liberals do not care if you visit a hooker. Liberals are not at all interested in what goes on in the bedroom. Most liberals didn’t care that Bill Clinton was serviced by his intern, and so the issue of presidential sex becomes idle gossip is talked about in circles until some harsh reality sets in and we understand that the sexual conduct of our leaders is far more perverse than we realize.

The big question is how the idea of a gay prostitute in the Bush White House is such a surprise when, in the George Herbert Walker Bush White House, a gay prostitution scandal was revealed.

On the morning of June 29, 1989, the elder Bush’s administration was rocked by a scandal when the headlines of the Washington Times splashed "Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan, Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House."

The New York Times also had the story on its front page.

"A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington’s political elite."—New York Times

This was the biggest scandal to rock the elder Bush White House. The strangest thing is that the public probably doesn’t remember it, and for good reason. The story received some newspaper coverage, but on TV news there was a blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it.

Former Republican Senator John Decamp tried to get the message out by producing a documentary called "Conspiracy of Silence". It was supposed to air May 3rd, 1994 on the Discovery Channel.

This documentary revealed that a network of Washington politicians and religious leaders at Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska were flying children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.

Boy prostitutes 15 years old (and younger) were taking midnight tours of the White House.

This was all connected to the Franklin Savings and Loan cover–up scandal.

The Franklin Community Federal Credit Union was raided by federal agencies and shut down. Franklin’s manager was Lawrence E. (Larry) King, Jr., was considered a rising star in state and national Republican circles, an officer of the National Black Republican Council. King sang the national anthem at the GOP national conventions in 1984 and 1988.

Nearly $40 million was missing from the coffers of the small, ostensibly community–oriented credit union. The financial scandal turned into something more when children from Omaha and its surroundings said they had been flown from city to city, to be abused at parties held by Franklin’s officers and well–known Nebraskans, including nationally prominent Republican Party activists.

One witness Alisha Jahn Owen testified before a grand jury that she was sexually abused as a juvenile by a Nebraska district court judge, by the chief of police of the city of Omaha, by the manager of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, and others.

Alisha Owen also witnessed, she said, the abuse of other children by figures in Nebraska’s political and financial establishment whom she named, among them the publisher of the state’s largest newspaper, the Omaha World–Herald. She testified that she was in a group of Nebraska children who functioned for years as illegal drug couriers, traveling nationwide for some of Nebraska’s wealthiest, most powerful and prominent businessmen.

Two grand juries, one local and one federal, had a mandate to consider these and other charges of child abuse connected with the Franklin Credit Union. They indicted the victim–witnesses for perjury instead!

Alisha Owen was pronounced guilty by a jury in Douglas County, Nebraska, on eight counts of felony perjury. On August 8, 1991, she was sentenced to serve nine to twenty–seven years in prison.

Paul Bonacci, whose testimony extensively corroborated Owen’s, had proven to the court that he had been badly abused. But the court concluded that his abuse was committed by persons other than those the young people named. Bonacci, too, was indicted for perjury. Two other victim–witnesses, whose stories also backed up those of Owen and Bonacci, recanted under immense pressure. Alisha Owen and Paul Bonacci refused to recant.

Paul Bonacci claimed that he had been abused and tortured since childhood. Bonacci was tortured, beaten and sexually abused until his mind cracked, causing him to develop multiple personality disorder. Tens of thousands of American children have been diagnosed MPD; virtually all of them are thought to have resulted from sexual abuse. There are many who claim that 85 percent of these cases are Satanic ritual abuse.

Paul claims that he was taken by Lawrence King and others to a wooded area in California. Bonacci claimed that in the area there was a large owl.

The book "Franklin Cover–Up" by John De Camp first omitted this testimony because it sounded far–fetched. It was later discovered that Bonacci was describing the area near the Bohemian Grove.

The Bohemian Grove is located in Sonoma County, California, and is the site of an annual two–week gathering of the country’s elite. Current participants include George Bush Sr., George W. Bush, and others who make the list of the Who’s Who in the United States.

Mother Jones News reported in August of 1981 some of the prominent members that attend also include: "George P. Shultz, Stephen Bechtel, Jr., Gerald R. Ford, Henry Kissinger, William F. Buckley, Jr., Fred L. Hartley, Merv Griffin, Thomas Haywood, Joseph Coors, Edward Teller, Ronald Reagan, A. W. Clausen, Dick Cheney, William French Smith, John E. Swearingten, Casper W. Weinberger, Justin Dart, William E. Simon, and hundreds of other prominent political figures and businessmen.

The activities that go on there are kept secret. Reporters are forbidden to even go there and report on what goes on. That doesn’t mean that reporters haven’t busted the "party."

Witnesses claim that the participants of the Bohemian Grove romp take part in a mock human sacrifice called the "Cremation of Care." This ritual is held at an altar which stands at the foot at a large stone owl, a representation of the ancient God, Moloch. The Santa Rosa Sun reported in July of 1983 that rituals held in the grove were similar to those performed in the the Cult of Canaan. This ancient cult would worship Moloch and perform sex orgies around these hollow effigies of owls.

The Moloch sacrificial rite has as its victims human beings. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the chief feature of Moloch’s worship among the ancients seems to have been the sacrifice of children, and the usual expression for describing that sacrifice was "to pass through the fire", a rite carried out after the victims had been put to death.

While at the grove, Paul Bonacci claims that he and another boy were forced to do sex acts with and to consume parts of a child whom they had watched being murdered by men in hooded robes. The body was to be disposed of by "the men with the hoods."

He also claims that a film was made of these events; a man the party had picked up in Las Vegas whom Paul identified as "Hunter Thompson" filmed it.

Paul told investigators that he also was tortured and groomed into becoming a sex slave at Offut Air Force base near Omaha, Nebraska. He claims that he was abducted and taken there by a babysitter’s boy friend at 3 years of age.

Paul says that while he was at Offut and other military institutions, he was tortured, heavily drugged, and sexually abused.

He was also instructed in the military arts, including skills in assassination.

On September 5, 1982 Johnny Gosch was delivering the Sunday Morning paper in Iowa, when two men approached him. He was thrown into a vehicle and was kidnapped.

In 1989, Paul Bonacci told John DeCamp that he had participated in the abduction of a Des Moines, Iowa paper boy. This paperboy was Johnny Gosch. Bonacci’s testimony provided a great deal of information about Johnny and his case; however, local authorities refused to interview him, because they question his credibility.

According to numerous reports by Paul Bonacci, Michael LaVey (son of Anton LaVey), and Johnny Gosch himself, Johnny was taken by the same porno/pedophile ring to the 80’s ’congressional call boy scandal.

The Franklin cover–up.

In February 1999, in Federal Court testimony in Omaha, Nebraska, Noreen Gosch, Johnny’s mother, testified that Johnny Gosch came to see her in 1997, providing information about his experience, asking for his mother’s help and pleading for her to not reveal his visit.

Johnny was called the chameleon because he was able to change his identity and his looks in order to get into places others couldn’t.

This is quite amazing when you consider that James Guckert used the alias Jeff Gannon in order to get near the White House press corp. Could he be Johnny Gosch? This is pure speculation however he has lied about everything since he was caught. Are we seeing someone with a multiple personality disorder?

It is interesting to point out that when Noreen Gosch pleaded with the Des Moines Register to print a letter that was to her son, the editor’s name was James Gannon!

"I decided to make an appeal to the Des Moines Register editor…James Gannon, only to make someone aware of things the police were not doing in the investigation. I had made repeated efforts to gain cooperation between the police and our detectives from the beginning of the case. They simply would not. The result of my letter pleading for help was another disaster. Mr. Gannon published it on the front page of the paper and allowed the police to dissect it in print and make crude remarks. The letter was never intended to be used for publicity"–– Noreen Gosch

Jeff Gannon or James Guckert: who is who and which is which?

Guckert/Gannon has also provided information about his stint as a gay male prostitute. Who at the White House is he servicing?

If Gannon or Guckert were Gosch he would be about 35 right now. However Gannon claims that he is in his forties, yet his profile at the gay male4male website had him listed at age 31 in the year 2000.

The whole Gannon/Guckert case has caused a crisis in the White House. Many journalists have avoided the story and even the Drudge Report has kept a lid on letting anything out about what is being called "Gannongate".

Is this surprising?

How can anyone be surprised at this when there have been numerous stories about Project Monarch and the alleged programming of mind controlled slaves for sex?

A brief history behind MK Ultra and Monarch shows that from the Nazis to the CIA there have been brainwashing programs in place since 1947. Monarch programming is also referred to as the "Marionette Syndrome." "Imperial Conditioning" is another term used, while some mental health therapists know it as "Conditioned Stimulus Response Sequences."

Project Monarch could best be described as a form of structured dissociation and occult integration, in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework.

The subject leads a double life and is trained to commit either acts of murder or sexual enslavement through the use of emotional triggers. Many of them are trained to carry out their acts and then either turn themselves in or commit suicide.

Some of them commit their acts and then through the use of triggers deny any knowledge of committing any act of harm or manipulation.

There have been many stories generated by what are known as fringe witnesses stating that this type of mind control produced killers like Sirhan Sirhan, John Hinckley, Junior, Timothy McVeigh and many others.

End of Part I