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Thread: Iraq Al-Qaeda Claims Israel Attack: Web

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Iraq Al-Qaeda Claims Israel Attack: Web

    Iraq al Qaeda claims Israel attack: Web

    1 hour, 39 minutes ago

    DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda in Iraq said it had launched missiles at Israel from Lebanon as part of a "new attack" on the Jewish state, a statement posted on the Web said on Thursday.

    "The lion sons of al Qaeda launched ... a new attack on the Jewish state by launching 10 missiles ... from the Muslims' lands in Lebanon on selected targets in the north of the Jewish state," said the statement, attributed to al Qaeda and posted on an Islamist Web site.

    It appeared to be the first claim of responsibility from al Qaeda for an attack on Israel from Lebanon. The statement could not be authenticated, but was posted on a main Web site frequently used by Iraqi insurgent groups.

    The statement did not give the date of the attack.

    It was not immediately clear if the group was referring to a rocket strike which wounded three people in an Israeli border town late on Tuesday, or some other attack.

    Israeli warplanes attacked a Palestinian guerrilla group's training camp in Lebanon in response to that rocket attack.

    "This auspicious attack was a response by the mujahideen (holy fighters) to the oath by the mujahid sheikh Osama bin Laden, leader of al Qaeda ... which the (Jews) and idolaters' servants in Muslim countries failed to grasp. The future shall be more bitter and more harsh," said the statement.

    In August, Iraq's al Qaeda said it was behind a failed rocket attack on U.S. Navy ships in Jordan's Red Sea port of Aqaba.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    rayrayjones Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    Israeli warplanes attacked a Palestinian guerrilla group's training camp in Lebanon in response to that rocket attack.

    "This auspicious attack was a response by the mujahideen (holy fighters) to the oath by the mujahid sheikh Osama bin Laden, leader of al Qaeda ... which the (Jews) and idolaters' servants in Muslim countries failed to grasp. The future shall be more bitter and more harsh," said the statement.

    In August, Iraq's al Qaeda said it was behind a failed rocket attack on U.S. Navy ships in Jordan's Red Sea port of Aqaba.
    false flag terror....

    similar to the assassination of the former prime minister of Lebanon,which was blamed on Syria, causing Syria to remove it's troops.....wait, how did that help Syria again? if they had wanted to remove their troops, they wouldn't need to kill someone to spark protests for their removal. they would have just done it, skipping the UN investigation, and security council BS.

    if it hurts the palestinian cause, my guess it isn't coming from arabs or muslim, who claim to be fighting (ultimately) for the palestinian cause.

    much like, "they hate our freedom, so we must surrender our freedom to defeat the terrorists"

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