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Thread: My First Letter To Mary Schneider - Whistleblower

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    My First Letter To Mary Schneider - Whistleblower


    I thank you for what you're doing. I just wish the final closure America needs comes soon. Currently, I'm a graphic designer, and a web developer, but I also work as technical support for the company I work for. I don't know if you're familiar with this organization, but they are the best source I've seen in regards to 9/11. They're a group of citizens doing their own research into 9/11, and are endorsed by 9/11 family members:

    There's a reason that I'm so involved in all of this. I remember the day as if it were yesterday. I was working at my office, and someone said, "Hey, a plane ran into the World Trade Center." Everybody discarded the information thinking it was a small plane flown by some moron. Then, as you know, 20 minutes later another plane struck. At that point, we knew that it was terrorists. I remember feeling the fear, and anger towards those individuals that pulled off that horrific event. I left work early that day, and went for a long drive. Probably, for about 2 hours, I drove around thinking about what the future held. For the first time in history, America was complacent. We thought everyone in the world loved us, and that everyone wanted to partake in our way of life. In a matter of hours, all of that complacency went out the window. I remember feeling like I wanted our government to carpet bomb the entire Middle East for what they did. Now, I know that would have been wrong, but I really felt like that.

    As a result of 9/11, I became addicted to the news. I wanted to see what was going to happen next. I spent probably two years as a student of Fox News. I never watched the news before, so I didn't know any better, and they were gospel to me. I left where I was working, and went to work somewhere else. In my new job, I met a guy who was an extreme liberal. Not to mention the fact that he is brilliant. He really taught me about what really goes on behind closed doors in Washington D.C. The entire "War On Drugs" was based on false propaganda brought on by the Textile, and Newspaper barons of the 1930's who just happened to have inside ties to the Drug Czar of the time, Harry Anslinger. Now it's entirely supported by the Alcohol, Pharmaceutical, Tobacco, and Oil industries. Both in 1974, and February 2000, studies have shown that THC, the active chemical in marijuana, has been known to reduce cancerous tomers. The first study was brought on my our government, and discarded because of the previously mentioned company's campaign contributions. My grandfather passed away from Pancreatic Cancer. To think that he suffered for 3 years, when the possibility existed he didn't have to, and our government didn't give him that relief. All to line the pockets of a few. Anyway, that's a story for a different time.

    With my newly found drive to know the truth, I started to research other things that might have been considered a "cover-up". Obviously, the first thing that came to mind was 9/11. Who was responsible for it? Was it Osama Bin Laden? Was it Afganistan? I felt like I needed closure, and vengeance against the horrible people who committed that atrocity.

    Because of my liberal friend's education, I started watching news that wasn't Fox. I started to see the horrors this administration have committed. Put aside 9/11, Afganistan, the Iraq War, and look at what else he's done. He's personally dedicated to bringing back the pro-life movement. To think that someone would put women through the horror of the coathanger again, it's absurd. Environmentally, he's the worst president in history. There was a study done two weeks ago that said 100 million Americans are breathing dirty air. He misappropriated funds from the Afganistan War, and put them aside for an Iraqi war that wasn't even decided on yet. He disclosed the identity of a ÇIA Operative because they told the truth. He misquoted the Medicare Bill by 150 Billion Dollars so that it would pass through the Congress. Our country now has a deficit that my grandchildren will pay for. Now look at Dick Cheney. He's being investigated for bribery charges in Nigeria. In the 2000 campaign, he said that Halliburton never had business dealings with Iraq, but much to my surprise, a subsidiary of Halliburton made millions each year from Iraq. John Ashcroft arrests sick people. People in a state that voted for the right to use Medicinal Marijuana. People in wheel chairs, and are dying from AIDS.

    Don't get me wrong Mary, I hate the Democrats to. They let the Supreme Court of the nation decide our President for the first time in history. For the past 3 1/2 years, we've had to deal with the Bush Administration, and all of their crimes against this country, and the Democrats have talked and talked, but have done absolutely nothing.

    Anyway, through further research, I started to see all of these intelligence reports from all the way back to 1993 that should have given some indication that a threat was coming. Clinton didn't do much about it, and from what I understand, missed an opportunity to kill Osama Bin Laden. Now, I said "indication". The intelligence I've seen clearly says that something on the day of 9/11 was going to happen to New York City, and airplanes were going to be involved. I once made this point to someone. If I was given information that could help prevent the needless deaths of innocents, I would make sure that the people who needed to know about it, did. In matters of National Security, that's the National Security Advisor, and the President Of The United States. I find it incredibly hard to believe that the 100's of pieces of information pertaining to Al-Qaeda and 9/11 never made it to the desk of the President. He had breifings with George Tenet on a regular basis, and George Tenet knew something specific long before 9/11. It's well documented.

    Anyway, like the "War On Drugs", which has cost our government trillions over the years, the "War On Terror" may do the very same thing. Both have been based on lies, and deceit. To make money for the 1% of the nation is not a good enough reason to kill so many people. It's just not good enough. This country was founded on the principle, "By The People, For The People". The People Of The United States have been lied to time and time again to benefit a few. I think it's time that stopped, don't you?

    I apologize for this rather lengthy email, but I wanted you to know where I stand on all of this. I've been thinking of driving to the local news stations, and pleading with them to report the truth. Unfortunately, I don't have any concrete evidence that would support my claims. Proof is what brought Nixon down. Proof is what's needed to bring Bush down. I know there's plenty of it out there, but I'm sure you know, 90% of Americans live day by day, and are happy as long as they have hot water, and a place to sleep. They don't care what their government is doing unless it specifically effects them. I, on the other hand, care about my future, my children's future, and my entire family line's future. I don't want to leave them a world like this. Not like this.

    I wonder when historians of the future look back at our time period, what will they refer to the era as? "The Greed Period", or "The Government Era"? I would like to think they thought of it as "The Change". A time when the people took back their lives. Where money didn't control their destiny.

    I wish you could tell me what it is that you know. If what you know is that Abad, with the help of Khalil Bin Laden, and Mohammed Atta, and the INS, allowed known terrorists into the country for money, and you reported this information since 1998, then all I ask you is this. Do you have a piece of paper that proves someone in the previous and current administrations knew, and did nothing? If you do, I sure wish you'd send it to me. I'd love to go to the news with that.

    Again, Thank You For What You're Doing.

    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    danceyogamom Guest
    This is very powerful ... thank you for sharing it with us.

  3. #3
    somebigguy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by danceyogamom
    This is very powerful ... thank you for sharing it with us.
    Know what else is powerful is Jon's body odor, and I would thank him for not sharing that with us.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by danceyogamom
    This is very powerful ... thank you for sharing it with us.
    You're welcome... Thanks.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by somebigguy
    Know what else is powerful is Jon's body odor, and I would thank him for not sharing that with us.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #6
    somebigguy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472

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