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Thread: Bush - On the Road to Rock Bottom!

  1. #1
    shadow7 Guest

    Bush - On the Road to Rock Bottom!


    How Many More People Will Die?

    There is no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending: Albert Einstein


    George W. Bush is on a collision course with America. His presidency is rolling steadily downhill, as the people of this nation slowly begin to rub sleep away from their eyes. His approval ratings are in the low thirties, unheard of in history for a war president. He is in the worst trouble of his presidency, and it seems almost certain that rock bottom lies just ahead.

    It really shouldn’t be so surprising. After all, so much that George W. Bush has touched during his tenure in the White House has deteriorated into disaster. From the environment to the economy, from health care to education – nothing has panned out as promised. In every area and on every issue, life for Americans today, and for their progeny of tomorrow, is filled with doubt and disillusion. And that will only gather momentum as Bushco continues on its inevitable road to rock bottom.

    Without doubt, however, the most damaging of the Bush fiascos has been the war in Iraq. Almost everything else is subject to change. Almost all the damage can be turned around by future administrations or legislatures. But this useless war, with its unending blood and pain and suffering is so totally and so very tragically irrevocable. It may be the primary force that accelerates the downfall of this President as he hurtles to rock bottom.

    But rock bottom, like so much else in the real world, is relative. While the moment of accountability for George Bush and company seems so near, in reality it is terribly far away.

    George W. Bush is still the President of the United States. He has full war powers at his disposal for another three years. No matter what anyone else says or thinks, no matter what the people believe, no matter what happens here or abroad, George W. Bush and his neocon handlers are still in charge of the nation and its policies. No matter what the mood of the nation, they have three full years to do an enormous amount of damage between here and rock bottom.

    If they are not stopped now, how many more people will die?

    Read the full article here:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I once saw someone say, "The United States Government has been occupied."

    SO true.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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