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Thread: Now That You KNOW, What Can YOU Do?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I'm not saying THAT is a bad idea... I just came up with another one...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #12
    Casey Guest
    There ARE people speaking about 9/11 and the fact that things about it just don't add up and yet it seems as if no one takes them seriously. I don't understand that. I think it may have something to do with the fact that people think these people are either paranoid or are angry at the Bush administration and are attempting to discredit them. I understand that the custodians who worked in the basement of one of the twin towers tried to speak to President Bush regarding hearing an explosion in the basement before the plane hit the building and they wouldn't even speak to him. Do you really think the government is going to allow this to be taken seriously??? Somehow I doubt it.

  3. #13
    rayrayjones Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by somebigguy
    I think Gold's intention since he will be preaching to the choir anyway is to make some suggestions for getting the truth out. Thats kind of the purpose of this campaign, to try to initiate some new ideas.

    Here is one I read about somewhere. You know how we all get self addressed stamped envelopes in the mail from companies wanting to sell us something? Or even when utility companies send the bill with an envelope to return payment in, even though most of us pay our bills online. Well, we just put our favorite 9/11 truth flyer in to the envelopes and drop them in the mail. It doesn't cost us anything, and somebody somewhere is opening the mail.

    Just imagine the discussion we would generate at all these companies if they kept receiving truth flyers in the mail from all of us!!!

    I read about somebody who was doing this a little while ago. Damn fine idea.

    Jon: Put it on the list.
    is there one solid sheet of info for flyers that covers all the basics?

    another one is to put a flyer on the windshield of cars parked along the in SF and going out is good for this, sometimes there are TOO MANY cars.

    Yo Jon this is a good post. i've been wanting to discuss what more can be done to get the truth out.

    i mentioned on 911blog that i worked at a university and could easily drop Steve Jones paper AND other related material into intracampus mail to both physicists and engineers.

    but in your opinion would a letter introducing myself or anonymous be better to send along with it?

    i'm also hip to the freeway blogging
    i keep several dvd's in my car so if anyone makes a nice comment about my bumper stickers i try to hand them one (either Loose Change, Painful Deceptions and others).
    i also let others borrow my various books

  4. #14
    somebigguy Guest
    Hey Ray, I think you'd do all right in a school, people come there to learn so they will immediately have an open mind.

    I wouldn't worry too much about remaining anonymous, unless there is an issue with putting the info in the interoffice mail. Give them the goods and tell them to contact you if they'd like more info. You could also set up 9/11 truth discussions where you get the students to get together to discuss the evidence, watch movies, etc.

  5. #15
    Dave Mann Guest
    At the Yahoo Truth site we are discussing a rally in NYC for february 21st 2006 targetting DA Spitzer, NYT, and others sites. Date would work with G.Washingson's birthday - don't tell lies and don't cut down buildings, etc. Why not just grab on to this suggestion and go with it - on the theory that at this moment in our history the worst we can do is nothing - time to overcome fear and hesitation, time to approach and trust the "people" - precisely because the alternative is death.

  6. #16
    somebigguy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Mann
    At the Yahoo Truth site we are discussing a rally in NYC for february 21st 2006 targetting DA Spitzer, NYT, and others sites. Date would work with G.Washingson's birthday - don't tell lies and don't cut down buildings, etc. Why not just grab on to this suggestion and go with it - on the theory that at this moment in our history the worst we can do is nothing - time to overcome fear and hesitation, time to approach and trust the "people" - precisely because the alternative is death.
    Hey Dave, I just posted to TruthAction as well. Is this official regarding date/time, route, etc?

  7. #17
    somebigguy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Mann
    At the Yahoo Truth site we are discussing a rally in NYC for february 21st 2006 targetting DA Spitzer, NYT, and others sites. Date would work with G.Washingson's birthday - don't tell lies and don't cut down buildings, etc. Why not just grab on to this suggestion and go with it - on the theory that at this moment in our history the worst we can do is nothing - time to overcome fear and hesitation, time to approach and trust the "people" - precisely because the alternative is death.
    Hey Jon, think we can drum up support for this one?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I can ask. I don't see why not.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #19
    Dave Mann Guest

    Proposed NYC Rally

    No, nothing official at all. But, we're floating the idea to test the waters I suppose. I for one am absolutey serious.

  10. #20
    Dave Mann Guest

    March for Truth N.Y.C. 2006 - It's official

    March for Truth N.Y.C. 2006

    When? February 20th 2006
    Where? "Ground Zero" New York City 10:00am

    -On February 20th 2006, 9/11 Truth activists will convene at "Ground
    Zero" former site of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan New
    York City to march against the U.S. Government's mass murder of
    2,749 Americans on September 11th 2001.

    - Since our Government is a totally illegitimate criminal enterprise
    for perpetrating these attacks, we have chosen President's Day as an
    occasion to march to restore the rule of law and order to our
    We demand an international independent tribunal akin to the
    Nuremburg Trials to seek justice for the crimes committed on 9/11
    2001 and for all crimes committed against humanity in its wake.

    - Protesters will proceed to march to Attorney General Elliot
    Spitzer's office with a letter demanding his resignation for his
    failure to investigate this crime committed in his jurisdiction
    despite overwhelming evidence.

    -We will then confront the media organizations The Nation Magazine,
    The New York Times, and A.N.S.W.E.R as symbolic targets of de facto
    complicity with their silence and neglect of journalistic duties in
    the face of the greatest crime of the 21st century on American soil –
    This despite an abundance of specific credible evidence for the
    Government's role as the source of the attacks.

    -The rally will conclude at the Office of Former N.Y.C. Mayor
    Giuliani in Times Square, where we will seek to make a citizens
    arrest for his role in the attacks at The World Trade Center and
    criminal complicity in removing evidence from a crime scene. Civil
    disobedience will then be encouraged by protesters in an effort to
    call on fellow Americans to speak out against the colossal crimes
    being committed in the name of a fraudulent `War on Terror" and to
    demand the U.S. Government be arrested for treason and mass murder.

    -We ask for all to come and march to uphold the moral principle that
    all human life deserves to live free from the tyranny of a rogue
    government, a government which committed mass murder on its very
    citizens for political expedience and financial enrichment. The
    weaponry in the hands of the forces of evil occupying our government
    has the capability of ending all life on this planet. It is
    therefore of the utmost imperative that this be dealt with over all
    other political concerns.

    -Please spread the word to any and all to come to Ground Zero on
    February 20th and make their voice heard that this frame-up on
    humanity in the name of `The War on Terror" Ends now. March for
    Truth N.Y.C. 2006!

    Anyone with suggestions please speak up.

    Attorney General Spitzer's office 120 Broadway
    Nation Magazine 33 Irving place
    New York Times 229 W43rd
    A.N.S.W.E.R.2295 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
    Giuliani Partners LLC 5 Times Square

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