One thing that struck me about this article was, when discussing the propaganda efforts in Gulf War I, he utterly fails to mention the whole 'Kuwaiti babies thrown from incubators and stabbed to death' and teh 'testimony' of the Kuwaiti Ambassador's daughter to Congress (or maybe it was to the UN). All fabricated by the Rendon Group.

Also interesting to note about the 'monitoring' of journalists critical of the Occupation, and that those who put out the "wrong message" should be "punish[ed]". Punished how exactly? Like, killed for shooting footage "in a high security risk area" etc. Hmmm

Also highly scary is the final line: "We lost control of the context," Rendon warned. "That has to be fixed for the next war."

Anyway, see also Operation Saddam: America's Propaganda War (Real Player).

"Documentary focusing on the tactics used by the U.S and it's allies in the build up to,and during, the Iraq War, featuring Ray Mcgovern and Seymour Hersh amongst others. Originally broadcast on SBS (Australian T.V) Language is English, 50 mins"

"MacArthur, for instance, tells of how the amazing image of an Iraqi man climbing the huge statue of Saddam Hussein in central Bagdad at the end of the war and throwing an American flag over the head of the dictator, was actually a carefully staged publicity stunt dreamed up by an advertising agency in the US. “I think the Rendon group advised the Pentagon right up through the seizure or the knocking down of the statue in the central square in Bagdad … that was a set piece thought of ahead of time for the Bush re-election campaign.'"

Finally, I have to say the irony of this statement is overpowering: "sadness and anger at the senseless violence that claimed our comrade Paul Moran ten short days ago and many decades of emotion ago."

Indeed. A terrible tragedy that one of the main propagandists for this Imperial crusade was killed. Where's my hankie, I need to wipe my eyes.