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Thread: Sharon Vows Broad Offensive After Suicide Bomb

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    Jan 2005

    Sharon Vows Broad Offensive After Suicide Bomb

    Sharon vows broad offensive after suicide bomb
    Israel PM condemns PA's inability to reign in militants; Israel strikes Gaza

    Updated: 6:28 a.m. ET Oct. 27, 2005

    JERUSALEM - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vowed an open-ended offensive against Palestinian militants and Israeli aircraft struck the Gaza Strip on Thursday after a suicide bomber killed five Israelis.

    The bombing on Wednesday in the coastal city of Hadera dealt a serious blow to an eight-month-old truce and international hopes for a revival of peacemaking after Israel’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip last month.

    Sharon said there could be no advance towards peace for now because of the “absolute failure of the Palestinian Authority in the fight against terrorism” as he promised to launch a major military operation.

    “Our action will be broad and will not stop until it brings about a cessation of terrorism,” Sharon said ahead of a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Tel Aviv.

    Sharon had agreed to an offensive in the northern West Bank against Islamic Jihad, which claimed responsibility for the bombing to avenge the killing of a top commander on Monday, security sources said.

    No timetable was given for the West Bank offensive amid the worst flare-up of violence since Israel left Gaza last month after 38 years of occupation. Israeli aircraft launched six missile strikes on the Gaza Strip, saying they were to stop rocket fire from the territory. There were no casualties.

    Troops arrested the 20-year-old bomber’s father in the northern West Bank on Thursday. Another nine suspected Islamic militants were held.

    First attack in months
    The suicide bomber blew himself up in front of a sandwich stand in the main outdoor market in Hadera, a frequent target of attacks in a 5-year-old Palestinian uprising. Five people were killed and more than 30 wounded.

    The attack was the first bombing in the Jewish state since Aug. 28, when a suicide bomber wounded 20 people in Beersheba.

    Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas condemned the bombing and pledged to try to salvage the truce he agreed to earlier this year.

    “It harms the interest of the Palestinian people and leads to expansion of the cycle of violence,” he said.

    Israel, which suspended security contacts after three young Jewish settlers were killed in a West Bank ambush last week, cancelled a meeting between the Israeli and Palestinian transport ministers.

    Israeli officials noted the attack followed remarks in Tehran by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that Israel should be “wiped off the map”.

    The army imposed a closure on the occupied West Bank and shut Gaza Strip crossings, restricting even the handful of Palestinians who occasionally get permits to enter Israel.

    Abbas' loose grip on militants
    Islamic Jihad, sworn to Israel’s destruction, had vowed revenge after Israeli troops shot dead West Bank commander Loai Assadi, the most senior militant killed since the truce began.

    Israel and the United States said the Palestinian Authority needed to rein in militants to push forward stalled peace talks. Abbas has so far preferred to negotiate with armed groups.

    Leaders from Islamic Jihad and several other militant groups in Gaza rejoiced at news of the bombing and vowed to continue responding to Israeli attacks against Palestinians despite the cease-fire.

    Asked about Abbas’s condemnation of the bombing, an Islamic Jihad spokesman said: “Anyone who criticizes the resistance is a violator of the national consensus and stands beside the enemy.”

    Copyright 2005 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    beltman713 Guest
    Today Palestine, tomorrow Iran.

  3. #3
    Partridge Guest
    "Israeli aircraft launched six missile strikes on the Gaza Strip, saying they were to stop rocket fire from the territory. There were no casualties."


    BBC says: "Israel has carried out a missile attack on the Gaza Strip, killing seven Palestinians, a day after a suicide bombing in northern Israel. A leading member of Islamic Jihad and three other members of the militant group were among those killed. [...] Three bystanders were killed and 15 others hurt, some critically, the BBC's Alan Johnston reports from Gaza"

    Ooooh that anti-semitic media is at it again!

    I must say, I love the way its never a 'crisis' when the IDF assassinate Palestinians in Palestine - only when Palestinians kill Israelis... well, anywhere.

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