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Thread: The Bush Family Nazi Connection - Video Inside

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    The Bush Family Nazi Connection - Video Inside

    Very informative...

    Click Here
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I think the comparison between Hitler kissing babies, and Bush kissing babies is a stretch... ALL politicians kiss babies.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
    danceyogamom Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    Very informative...

    Click Here
    the link didn't work for me

  4. #4
    magistre Guest
    the link didn't work for me either.

  5. #5
    beltman713 Guest
    It worked for me yesterday. Damn, the government turned it off so you all couldn't see it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    You need quicktime to run this movie...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    ehnyah Guest

    My favorite lines

    "Prescott Bush was a tire salesman"..."they were nothing but social climbers".

    Reading through Kitty Kelley's book, you get the sense they are still trying to solidify themselves to the world(and themselves) as some sort of "dynasty"...this is why they have to set up some sort of alternate reality, where they don't see anything but what is in their limited "virtual-reality" based bubble world.

    Is it any wonder GB1 has a million dollar statue of himself erected in houston...while he's still it any wonder jebediah erects billboards of his bro in florida...and is it any wonder why everyone is sounding the alarms of fascism...

    ...looks like bush's statue shows signs of a stigmata

  9. #9
    ehnyah Guest

    The Bush Crime Family: Three Generations of Treason

    The Bush Crime Family: Three Generations of Treason

    By Randy Lavello

    There have been terrible crimes and criminals in United States history - but because the Bush family has passed their misdeeds down through generations, they are unequivocally the most corrupt. Rarely has there been a whole family of underhanded criminals where nefariousness was the rule rather than the exception. It?s not as if they have no code of conduct, the facts prove they lie, cheat and steal as their code of conduct.

    Prescott Bush was a firm believer in eugenics, (the study of genetic improvement through selecting parents, or racial superiority) which was very common among the influential families at the start of the twentieth century? of course we are all more familiar with the eugenics ?studies? done by the Nazis. William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany in 1937 said, ?? I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi Regime.? Which ?ruling families? was he referring to? Well, Old Prescott was convicted by the U.S. government under the Trading With The Enemy Act in 1942 and fined one million dollars. Brown Brothers Harriman?s affiliate Union Bank- of which Prescott was director- invested huge sums of money into Thyssen Steel, the backbone of Nazi steel production.

    August Thyssen, an affluent German industrialist, lost much of his empire to the harsh Treaty of Versailles after WWI. Vowing this would never happen again, he founded three banks in three countries: August Thyssen Bank in Berlin, Bank voor Handel en Scheepuaart in Rotterdam, Holland, and Union Banking Corp. in New York City. Using money channeled through these three banks, Thyssen financed the rise of the Nazi party and their front-man Adolf Hitler, ruled Nazi steel production, profited from the mining of coal by Jewish slaves, and financed concentration camps including Auschwitz. In 1937, while director of Union Bank, Prescott hired Allen Dulles to ?cloak? his accounts; Allen obviously didn?t do that great of a job because in 1942 the U.S. Alien Property Custodian froze Union Bank?s accounts. ?Coincidentally,? Allen Dulles was appointed U.S. Intelligence Chief in post-war Germany while he was also the lawyer representing Thyssen?s bank in Holland. This ensuing cover-up may have saved Prescott from further penalty stemming from proper investigation. In 1951, Prescott reclaimed Union Bank from the U.S. Alien Property Custodian, and went on to represent Connecticut in the Senate.

    Why is it that picking up a gun and firing upon U.S. troops in wartime is considered treason, but financing the production of thousands of guns, munitions, tanks, and aircraft is not considered a treasonous act? Well, since you weren?t convicted by our government, I?ll convict you with my words: you, Prescott, were guilty in your lifetime of treason against the United States and your tomb bears the blood of veterans who died fighting the Nazis.

    So Prescott had a son, and named him George - he became president of the United States? but first he became a vile criminal. Let?s not even speak of the Iran-Contra scandal or his membership in the Nixon Administration during Watergate. Let?s skip the fact that he was ambassador to the U.N. in the seventies, then, during his presidency, he scandalously pledged his support for the establishment of a ?New World Order.? ?Coincidentally,? when the Taliban and Saddam Hussein were trained, funded, and empowered - Bush was director of the CIA and Vice President. These are all common crimes in comparison to the Bushes malevolent standard? let?s instead concentrate on the events of late March 1981.

    James Baker, a member of Reagan?s cabinet at the time, stated, ?Bush is functioning much like a co-president.? This after George Sr. aspired to become president by running against Reagan in the Republican primaries. Here is evidence of a desire for power, then a taste of power. On Monday, the 30th of March 1981, George Bush Sr. was in the Hotel where John F. Kennedy Jr. spent the final night of his life. Coincidence? Maybe George wanted to spend some time alone and reflect on the post-Kennedy years when he, Kissinger, and their fellow war-hawks were finally able to pass their agendas- such as committing to war in Southeast Asia. Anyway, it was on this bizarre Monday in March that a fellow named John Hinckley Jr. shot President Reagan, lodging a bullet in his chest less than an inch from his heart. When there is an attempt to assassinate our President, isn?t the Vice President the most likely suspect?

    John Hinckley Jr.?s family donated substantial amounts of money to Bush during the 1980 primaries when he ran for President? Neil Bush admitted this. Coincidence? On March 31st The Houston Post ran a story that read, ?Scott Hinckley, the brother of John Hinckley Jr., who is charged with shooting President Reagan and three others, was to have been a dinner guest Tuesday night at the home of Neil Bush, son of Vice President George Bush, The Houston Chronicle has learned.? As if this weren?t enough evidence, Neil and John Hinckley both were proven to have lived in Lubbock, Texas in 1978? how many sons of energy barons just happened to live in that town? (It?s appropriate to mention that Neil was implicated in the Silverado Savings and Loan scandal.) As the final touch to this surreal scenario, Bush, as leader of the cabinet, came to the decision that this was not part of a domestic conspiracy! It?s just like Janet Reno?s investigation of wrongdoings at Waco, when she was in charge of the murders committed there! Are we to believe that the Bush family was close with the bin Ladens and the Hinckleys and that both families had a rogue member whose violent acts just happened to help advance the political careers of Bushes?

    The fact that there was no investigation into these incriminating facts nearly proves that the Bush family knew of Hinckley?s impending assassination attempt. George Bush Sr., you are guilty of high treason and should receive retribution for your vile lust for power.

    George Bush had two other sons, named George Jr. and Jeb, and they carried on the name and traditions of the family. Let?s ignore George Jr.?s, and his brother Jeb?s known affiliation with Ken Lay of Enron. Why don?t we look further east: from Texas to Florida. George Jr. obviously learned a valuable lesson from his father: lie, cheat, and steal your way into power. Brother Jeb, as the Governor of Florida ignored the decision of the State?s Courts that ex-felons from out-of-state would retain their right to vote if they moved to Florida. (Under Florida law, and a handful of other states, an ex-felon could be stripped of his right to vote.) Jeb hired a private data-mining firm, the first time a state government has done this, to compile a list of voters to be purged from Florida?s register. Florida happens to be the only state in the Union to list race on the voter registration: because blacks tend to vote for Democrats (93% of the time nationally), between 50- 100,000 mostly black voters were illegally barred from voting in the 2000 elections. George Jr. ?won? the election by 537 votes. These are the bare bones of the happenings in the Florida 2000 elections; for further detail of these disgraceful tactics look for an article by Christopher Mark to appear very soon on this site or purchase Greg Palast?s, ?The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - Revised American Edition.?

    Jeb Bush, you have undermined the Republic - the worst crime possible to commit. You killed freedom and stole the American people?s faith. You are guilty of treason against the Constitution and all of our Veterans who won our nation?s Independence and maintained its sovereignty.

    George Bush Jr. was declared the winner of the 2000 elections and became president of these United States. Do you think the two Georges may have known about Jeb?s rigging of these elections? Well, just in case this was some sort of surprise gift for our current ?president,? let?s examine other evidence of treason committed by George Jr. He did call the FBI off investigations of Osama?s family upon taking office; he did run an oil business called Arbusto with Salem bin Laden, Osama?s brother. With the virtual laundry list of obscene disregard for our Constitution, why speculate into his close ties with suspected terrorists?

    George Bush Jr. proves himself guilty of treason by the very laws he?s lent his signature to. This whole administration is guilty of criminal disregard for the laws of our land by violating citizen?s rights granted under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments of the Constitution. This administration has passed laws allowing infinite detention without charge or access to counsel for U.S. citizens. As if this weren?t enough, he has refused to disclose information to Congress regarding executive function and granted the Attorney General the power to declare U.S. citizens as ?enemy combatants? and strip them of their rights. In these ways he has usurped the power of the Judicial and Legislative Branches and dealt a severe blow to the Constitution?s Checks and Balances. He has destroyed the Fourth Amendment by removing the requirement for warrants, which could be easily attained if a Judge believed a person may be involved with terrorists.

    For his blatant disregard of the freedoms which represent our nation, Bush and this administration should be impeached and tried for treason by our courts to be sentenced for their crimes. The penalties for those who represent our nation should be severe when they partake in actions detrimental to the citizens. The problem may be deeper than we realize: since treasonous criminals have the power to deem citizens ?enemy combatants? and strip them of their rights, this makes violating the Constitution the rule and adherence to the Constitution a criminal act? it has to. If criminals make the rules, those who refuse illegitimate laws will be deemed the law-breakers. Furthermore, if we don?t reaffirm our Constitution there will be no reigns on our government and they?ll be able to pass any laws they wish.

    Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely? but in the case of the Bush family - corruption empowers, and absolute corruption empowers absolutely! The roots of the Bush family tree are imbedded in filth, in poison, in the abyss itself. There is apparently no offense too dishonorable to be committed by three generations of Bushes: they engaged in every sort of thievery and deceit; they conspired to commit murder; they have conspired against the American people and Constitution itself. After our present time period passes into history, the Bush family will forever be linked to depravity and malevolence; they?ll be immortalized as miscreants and swine. Let the truth be known!


  10. #10
    ehnyah Guest

    Former Federal Prosecutor John Loftus confirms the Bush-Nazi scandal

    Some of our most famous American families, including the Bushes, made their fortunes from the Holocaust. Before I tell this awful story, I have to admit that I am a Democrat, but I quite like this President. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has a good heart, and the good sense not to follow in his father's footsteps. "W" has some good people around him who keep a firewall in the White House against his father's oil cronies. In terms of Republican politics, "W" is a rebel.

    Morally, George W. Bush is the polar opposite of his grandfather and great grandfather (the "W" stands for Walker) who caused such havoc in the world with their Nazi investments. One cannot blame "W" for what his grandfather did, anymore than one can blame Jack Kennedy because his father bought Nazi stocks. What most people do not know is that Joseph Kennedy bought his Nazi stocks from Prescott Bush. Every great family has its scandal. The Bush family's scandal is that they funded Hitler and profited from the Holocaust.

    It is quite possible that "W" (and his boyhood friend William Stamps Farrish, now US Ambassador to Britain) have tilted towards Israel perhaps because they wished to atone for the sins of their fathers. (Farrish's father committed suicide over his father's connections to the Bush-Nazi scandal.) Whatever the reason for the rebellion of the grandchildren, this Bush is quite a different man than his forbears. I like him and wish him well. But liking this Bush does not excuse my duty as a historian to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

    There was a great deal of skepticism ten years ago when I first wrote about the Bush-Nazi scandal in my book, "The Secret War Against the Jews." Its historical validity has now been confirmed by the ground breaking work of reporter John Buchanan. In October 2003, Buchanan unearthed the recently released Bush-Thyssen files in the US National Archives.

    These long buried US government files demonstrate that the Bush family stayed on the corporate boards of Nazi front groups even after they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were helping the financial cause of the Third Reich. It was all about the money. Nazi Germany is where the Bush family fortune came from, and where the Harrimans, and the Rockefellers increased their fortunes to obscene proportions.

    Of course some of them were quite rich to begin with. The Harriman railroad monopoly helped create the Rockefeller oil monopoly in the 1800's. Their despicable price fixing schemes earned them the press label "the Robber Barons." My favorite Republican Teddy Roosevelt ruined their rapacious profits with his anti-monopoly and anti-trust legislation.

    The Robber Barons bribed Congress (it happens) into passing a loophole, the Web-Pomerene Act of 1918 which legalized cartels and monopolies outside the borders of the United States. This loophole law let the Robber Barons loose to prey on a helpless world already ravaged by the human and and financial cost of WWI.

    Averil Harriman (patriarch of the famous Democratic family) promptly broke another American law by secretly financing the Bolsheviks while American, British and White Russian troops were still fighting against the infant communist revolution. (The FBI "ARCOS" files on Harriman's connections with the Soviets are quite a read). Harriman bribed Lenin into letting him take over the Czar's cartels, which exported managanese, iron ore and other raw materials. Harriman shipped the Russian raw materials to his German partners, the Thyssens, who had been secretly bought out by the Rockefellers.

    The Rockefeller's lawyers, the Dulles Brothers, had deliberately and systematically bankrupted the German economy with the Versaille Treaty. German currency was almost worthless after WWI, and so the Dulles brother's favorite clients, the Rockefellers, were able to buy the stock of nearly every German company for a song. The great sucking sound that preceeded the Great Depression was the whistling of Wall Street money out of America into Germany, Russia (and as a side deal, Saudi Arabia). Two generations later, we are still paying for it.

    The Robber Barons did not call it an international crime. They called it synergy. Harriman's Soviet cartels would deliver the raw materials, Rockfeller's high-tech German companies (the Thyssens) would process the manganese into steel for Harriman's railroads. To save transportation costs, the Robber Barons looked for a middle ground in eastern Poland for a future factory site. It had to be in the coal fields of Silesia, on the banks of the Vistula river, where a canal could be dug to ship materials in cheaply from Russia. The Polish town was named Oswieczim, later known to the world by its German name: Auschwitz.

    It was not a killing factory then, although slave labor was always contemplated for the maximum profit factor. Auschwitz was designed to process Silesian coal into tar additives necessary for Russian aviation fuel. It was a high tech German chemical factory built to balance out Harriman's Russian-to-Germany export trade.

    The Rockefeller-Harriman front company that financed Auschwitz was called Brown Brothers Harriman. It is still around today. Our President's great granfather, Herbert Walker, founded the company, and appointed his impecunious son-in-law Prescott Bush to the boards of several holding companies, all of which became Nazi fronts. The Walkers and Bushes never really liked the Nazis, anymore than Harriman liked the communists. To the robber barons, they were just dogs on a leash. One day the dogs broke their chains, and Hitler and Stalin got loose. Fifty million people died as a result of a bad investment.

    The Robber Barons saw it coming. Their lawyers, the Dulles brothers, had a contingency plan. They had established three banks, one in Germany, one in Holland, and one in New York (the Union Banking Corporation, headed by the ever-useful son-in-law Prescott Bush). No matter who won World war II, the corporate stocks would be shifted around to whichever bank was in a neutral country when the war was over.

    After WW II, the Dulles brothers' shell game deceived a gullible and war-weary world. The "neutral" Dutch bank reclaimed their German assetts as "stolen" by the Nazis, and the whole merry fraud continued. Prescott Bush got his Union Bank back from the US Government in 1951, despite its seizure in 1942 as a Nazi front. Prescott Bush and father-in-law Walker were paid two shares worth about $1.5 million in 1951 dollars. It was a petty payoff for a job well done.

    Nearly 4,000 shares (98% of the Union Bank holdings) were held by Roland Harriman in trust for the Rockefellers. That's about three billion in 1951 dollars, more than 30 billion dollars in todays money. Most of it was reinvested in post-war Germany where they made even more obscene profits. After all, Germany was just as cash starved after World War II as they were after World War I. It was just another cycle in the Robber Baron's spreadsheet. Everyone made money off the Holocaust, except of course the Jews and the Allied soldiers.

    A few decades later things had quited down and all the Nazi money finally came home to Wall Street. By 1972, one of Rockfeller's assetts, the Chase Manhattan bank in New York, secretly owned 38% of the Thyssen company, according to internal Thyssen records in my custody. Not a bad payoff for the Robber Barons. The Auschwitz investment paid off handsomely. The Thyssen-Krupp corporation is now the wealthiest conglomerate in Europe. WWII is over. The Germans won.

    Also in the 1970's, Brown Brothers Harriman, perhaps coincidentally, convinced the ever pliant New York State Banking Commision to issue a regulation permitting them to shred all their records for the Nazi period. The Robber Barons, unlike the Swiss bankers, knew how to cover their tracks.

    There were, of course, exceptions. Von Kouewenhoven, director of the Dutch Bank, discovered the secret Thyssen-Nazi connection after the war, and foolishly went to New York to warn his old friend Prescott Bush. His body was found two weeks later. It was reported with a straight face that he died of a heart attack.

    A dear friend of mine, former American secret agent William E. Gowen, played a principal role in unravelling the entire Bush-Nazi scandal. Gowen confirmed that years after Von Kouenhowen's death, another Dutch investigator, a journalist named Eddie Roever, also suffered a convenient heart attack just as he was about to confront Baron Heinrich von Thyssen-BjornaMissa at his palatial London home, across from Margaret Thatchers.

    Margaret Thatcher may not have known (or maybe she did) that her neighbor Baron Heinrich's brother was the infamous Nazi, Fritz Thyssen, who served Brown Brothers Harriman at the heart of the Nazi war machine. The Dulles Brothers hired ghostwriters for Fritz's mea culpa book "I Financed Hitler." To this day, gullible American media believe that Fritz Thyssen turned against Hitler in disgust at the last moment before WWII. Now that is spin!

    The truth is that Prescott's Unon Bank loaned the money to the Dutch Bank that loaned Hitler the money to build his first Nazi headquarters, the Braun Haus in Munich. The Thyssen's factories built the Bismark, the rail lines to Auschwitz and Treblinka, and sent the rest of their steel to their cartel partners, Flick and Krupp. Together, these war criminals made the bullets and the bombs that killed our parents' generation. They got away with it.

    It is not suprising that their grandchildren are ashamed of how their families made their money. The only suprise is that the American media is still afraid to go to the US national archives and look at the files that John Buchanan found. But then, I am not surprised at all.

    Here is what I wrote nearly ten years ago in "The Secret War Against the Jews":

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