View Poll Results: Would You Allow A Draft After Another Terrorist Attack?

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  • Yes

    2 7.41%
  • No

    25 92.59%
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Thread: Would You Allow A Draft After Another Terrorist Attack?

  1. #11
    somebigguy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ^^^^^^^^
    thats right. Then you cowardly, lazy, hippy, Unamerican, Fuck stains can go find something else to bitch about. I'd like to build a time machine and send a couple of million of you people back to the start of this country and you'll see the truth. ......And another thing radiation doesn't always exist in a nuke. most bombs of that magnitude are just atom splitters.
    Define terrorism fuck face. Your gov't blowing up its own buildings, thats terrorism.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by pcteaser
    I love how everyone is willing to send MY SONS to their deaths for the sake of Freedom. Are you being oppressed? Are bombs falling on our heads? Do you fear to walk out your front door every day?

    Fuck the war.

    It's all about survival. Not about sending innocents (teenage kids who can't even buy a fucking drink in most states) to kill other innocents and to either die or live with the nightmares the rest of their lives.
    From your mouth to America's ears.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #13
    EmceeSoze Guest
    Is that guy(?) serious?!

    A slave to terrorism??? Hahahaha!!!

    How about this time a big 'ol terrorist takes out a US city, or whatever vision they've programmed you to imagine, what will be your reaction?

    - get revenge and bomb the world into submission?

    - ask how the fuck, under elevated security measures, under the watch of a vastly improved intelligence network, and under the Bush regime partII, did ANOTHER massive destruction of US citizens occur? Collosal Failure partII would get more neo-cons promoted and more fools like you blindly calling for revenge for the 2nd big attack on your god-given existence.(so I hear your president claim)

    Look within poptart!!

  4. #14
    somebigguy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by EmceeSoze
    Is that guy(?) serious?!

    A slave to terrorism??? Hahahaha!!!

    How about this time a big 'ol terrorist takes out a US city, or whatever vision they've programmed you to imagine, what will be your reaction?

    - get revenge and bomb the world into submission?

    - ask how the fuck, under elevated security measures, under the watch of a vastly improved intelligence network, and under the Bush regime partII, did ANOTHER massive destruction of US citizens occur? Collosal Failure partII would get more neo-cons promoted and more fools like you blindly calling for revenge for the 2nd big attack on your god-given existence.(so I hear your president claim)

    Look within poptart!!
    He's a fucking coward and an idiot.

    Maybe he should look at this thread to see how effective his solution is:

  5. #15
    WhiteGuySaysThis Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by pcteaser
    I love how everyone is willing to send MY SONS to their deaths for the sake of Freedom. Are you being oppressed? Are bombs falling on our heads? Do you fear to walk out your front door every day?

    Fuck the war.

    It's all about survival. Not about sending innocents (teenage kids who can't even buy a fucking drink in most states) to kill other innocents and to either die or live with the nightmares the rest of their lives.
    Very well said.

  6. #16
    unconstitutionalliberty Guest
    As an already enlisted individual I say...NUKE 'EM ALL...but that has hazardous side effects. I'm not really thinking that. I love Japan but look what effect dropping a few bombs had (ok that was more stupid than before...and its getting more and more off topic) Yes, open the draft...see if I care.

  7. #17
    WhiteGuySaysThis Guest
    That is a kick ass signature!

  8. #18
    911=inside job Guest
    i think there should be a draft right now..... we need it to wake the sheeple up!!!!!!

    you think the first war protest were big??? lol... there would be riots....

  9. #19
    ehnyah Guest

    quite the reactionaries


    1)You don't have to "drop a nuke on em' dude", as it is, there is so much depleted uranium over there(from our bombs and bullets-from GULF 1) that not only will "dem darn terrorizers" be having babies born without eyes(I can show you the pictures), but US soldiers get a little taste of it too walking around. Haven't you seen the kids of us soldiers born with flipper arms?(I can show you those too)

    So if fighting for freedom means getting uranium poisoning, why not sign up right now, why sit on a message board fighting hippies when you could go find bin laden for us, of course Americans don't want to find bin laden, they love terrorism, so does bush, this is why the terrorism will never end. It's good for business. All those private companies getting a piece of the pie. $CHA-CHING$

    2)Speaking of $CHA-CHING$, it's much more lucrative to fight for a development or security contract and live the high life while US soldiers get paid peanuts to protect you. I love freedom, but if I can have a gung-ho killer ask to be cannon fodder, I might as well get paid right? That's the American dream.

    3)Oh hey, speaking of the American dream, I'm so happy that those soldiers are fighting for freedom, I was afraid the Iraqis were about to stage a beach landing in NJ. But besides that, when they come back you have to feel proud that they will get their jobs at wal-mart back. Perhaps missing some limbs, but hey, anything to protect my freedom to buy chinese made yellow ribbon magnets.

    4)Since we're talking about freedom too, I wish there was a way for me to tell those soldiers they don't have to do house to house searches in Iraq kicking people's doors down in the middle of the night. You know why, because if the government allows me to keep my guns and if bin laden shows up on my doorstep he'll see what happens. I don't need some wet behind the ears new jack fighting for me in the sands of Iraq. If they want to die for freedom, why not do it in the US, there's lots of terrorists here trying taking away freedoms and constitutional rights.

    5)Now that we've gotten to rights, everyone has a right to join our imperial armies, and since the military is struggling for recruits, why waste time fighting "hippies" when you can be a freedomizer!

    6)Finally, if you were really worried about terrorists and not what channel they're moving American Idol too, you might ask, how's bin laden doing? The anthrax perps? (maybe they're in Iran-LMAO)....ahhh yes, gotta love the power of nightmares.

    The guy who is all upset doesn't even know he's spewing neocon ideology, and furthermore, doesn't even know what a neocon is. That should make everyone laugh.

    Knowledge is the antidote to fear - emerson

  10. #20
    Simply_sexy Guest
    *raises eyebrows* I do notice that its usually only the men who are above the age limit to be part of the draft are the ones who are for it.

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