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Thread: BREAKING NEWS: Dick Cheney Behind 9/11 Attacks - MUST READ

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The FAA & Ptech
    In the 9/11 Commission report a "phantom flight 11" was added to the official version of what happened that day. A tape was played at the final commission hearing on June 17, 2004, of a woman from the FAA telling NORAD that flight 11 was still airborne at 9:24 am, long after it had actually struck the WTC. Originally this was reported to be the time when the FAA notified NORAD that flight 77 was off course and headed to the Pentagon.

    This information was used by the commission to claim NORAD had never been informed that flight 77 was headed towards Washington D.C., leaving the FAA holding the bag for the penetration of the most heavily guarded airspace in the world. The commission's report states they were "unable to identify the source of this mistaken FAA information."

    It has been clearly documented that "false blips," or radar injects, were placed on FAA radar screens on the morning of 9/11 as part of the Air Force war games that morning.2 "Phantom flight 11" fits the description of a "false blip." If it was, in fact, a radar inject, that would explain why the 9/11 commission was unable to locate the source of the "mistaken FAA information." The 9/11 war games are classified and specific information regarding such details is not publicly available. We do know by the time "phantom flight 11" appeared on FAA screens - 9:24 am - the war games had reportedly been called off.3

    So what was it doing there?

    FTW's position is that "phantom flight 11" was injected onto FAA radar screens by "the maestro"4 using Ptech software to override FAA systems. Let's examine the feasibility of such a scenario.

    Ptech had been working on the data blueprint of the FAA's entire network for 2 years prior to 9/11. Their confidential business plan lays out just how much access they had to the FAA's data systems.

    Ptech Inc. Confidential Business Plan: Page 37 of 46 11/7/2001

    The FAA recognized the need for leveraging its IT investment, with a means of centralizing activities and introducing consistency and compatibility within the operating systems environment. A Ptech consulting team was organized to use activity modeling to identify key functions that could be examined for improvement in network management, network security, configuration management, fault management, performance management, application administration, network accounting management, and user help desk operations.5

    What the above tells us is that Ptech had access to the entire informational barn door of the FAA's data systems. In an amazing exchange published in part 1 of this series, FTW editor Jamey Hecht was able to confirm a central thesis of Crossing the Rubicon while interviewing Wall St. Whistleblower Indira Singh. Indira is an IT professional who started First Boston's first Information Technology group in 1975 and had worked on Wall St. until 2002. She's been an IT consultant for Banker's Trust, the U.N., JP Morgan, and American Express. In 1988 she started TibetNet - a derivative of DARPA's Internet, the service you are likely reading this report on at the moment. The exchange was as follows:

    Jamey Hecht: You said at the 9/11 Citizens' Commission hearings, you mentioned - its on page 139 of transcript - that Ptech was with Mitre Corporation in the basement of the FAA for 2 years prior to 9/11 and their specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force, in case of an emergency.

    Indira Singh: Yes, I have a good diagram for that…

    Jamey Hecht: And that relationship had been going on mediated by Ptech for 2 years prior to 9/11. You elsewhere say that the Secret Service is among the government entities that had a contract with Ptech. Mike Ruppert's thesis in Crossing the Rubicon, as you know, is that the software that was running information between FAA & NORAD was superseded by a parallel subsuming version of itself that was being run by the Secret Service on state of the art parallel equipment in the PEOC with a nucleus of Secret Service personnel around Cheney.

    …In your view, might it have been the case that Cheney was using Ptech to surveil the function of the people who wanted to do their jobs on the day of 9/11 in FAA & NORAD, and then intervene to turn off the legitimate response?

    Indira Singh: Is it possible from a software standpoint? Absolutely it's possible. Did he (Cheney) have such a capability? I don't know. But that's the ideal risk scenario - to have an over-arching view of what's going on in data. That's exactly what I wanted for JP Morgan.

    You know what's ironic about this; I wanted to take my operational risk blueprint which is for an operational event going wrong and I wanted to make it generic for extreme event risk to surveil across intelligence networks. What you're describing is something that I said, 'boy if we had this in place maybe 9/11 wouldn't have happened.' When I was going down to In-Q-Tel and getting these guys excited about creating an extreme event risk blueprint to do this, I'm thinking of doing exactly what you're saying Cheney might have already had! [emphasis added]

    -- end of transcript

    Ptech was working with Mitre Corp. in the FAA and, according to Indira, Ptech was the Alpha dog in that relationship. Mitre has provided simulation & testing technologies for the Navy.6 They provide multiple FAA technologies and boast in their annual reports that their two biggest clients are DOD & FAA. Mitre knew the FAA's technological enterprise inside and out, including any simulation-and-testing (war game) technology operated by the FAA.

    This was the perfect marriage to ensure that the capacity to covertly intervene in FAA operations on 9/11 existed - in the middle of simulated war games.It is also the perfect marriage to ensure that the command and control of these capabilities was readily available to Dick Cheney via Secret Service Ptech software in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, the bunker to which Cheney was "rushed" by the Secret Service. As already pointed out in part 1 of this series, Ptech does what Total Information Awareness (TIA, the DARPA program to monitor all electronic transactions in real-time) is supposed to do. (There are an undetermined number of other software programs in the hands of an undetermined number of corporations also capable of this. Again, enterprise architecture software is designed with the express purpose of knowing everything that is going on throughout the entirety of the "enterprise" in real-time.

    In the case of Ptech software, installed on White House, Secret Service, Air Force and FAA systems (as well as most American military agencies), the enterprise included all of the real-time data of the above mentioned agencies. Indira has confirmed Ptech software could have been set up to allow Dick Cheney to surveil and intervene on FAA radar screens.

    As documented by former Bush counter-terrorism advisor Richard Clarke in his book, Against All Enemies, on 9/11 the Secret Service had the capability of seeing FAA radar screens in real time; and as documented by Mike Ruppert in Crossing the Rubicon, Secret Service has the authority to take supreme command over any and all American agencies - including the Air Force.

    9/11 is a prime example of what Indira Singh calls "extreme event risk." In the months prior to the attack, she was working on a program capable of providing data in real time to prevent these types of events from happening. She had pitched this very idea just one week before 9/11 at In-Q-Tel Headquarters (CIA) in Virginia, giving a final presentation for an ICH (Interoperability Clearinghouse) project code named "Blue Prophet." Indira explained to CIA why she was supporting ICH in this project.

    She told the In-Q-Tel team, "The intelligence and other agencies need this now." One of the men with CIA looked at Indira with what she describes as the "blackest, coldest look anyone has ever given her."

    They weren't interested in Blue Prophet's software for interoperability or risk, but rather the data it would produce because the data would point in the right directions. That data was very predictive, producing quality real-time intelligence. This is one week before 9/11. If In-Q-Tel already had this capability, it's no wonder they would be wary of someone like Indira - the woman from New York in Risk Management who resided a few minutes' walk from the Twin Towers.

    End Part II/Part II
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Debriefed by Secret Service - looking for a PROMIS
    It was Indira Singh whose investigative research into Ptech laid the groundwork for this series. One of the first reporters Indira contacted was Joe Bergantino, a 20-year veteran investigative reporter for a CBS affiliate in Boston.

    "There are some great people in mainstream media," says Indira, and according to her, Joe is one of them. Joe told her that Ptech's CEO Oussama Ziade had stated, "If it wasn't for that woman in New York, none of this (the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) raid) would be happening". Neither Joe nor Indira liked the way that sounded.

    Joe contacted Senator Grassley's office. A Secret Service agent, Charlie Bopp, was reassigned to Grassley's office, and put in charge of the Ptech file. An initial meeting was scheduled with Indira in January 2003.

    Indira showed up with what she called, "A major Ground Zero attitude." She was supposed to be on the 106th floor of the WTC on 9/11 but instead responded as a civilian EMT that morning. This was very personal for her. Charlie understood and nevertheless made the arrangements for a debriefing at the Secret Service's National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) in April 2003.

    During the debriefing Indira was asked by a member of the Secret Service, "Is Ptech PROMIS?"

    "I already knew what had happened to Danny Casolaro, and they were asking me if I had copies of Ptech," Indira told FTW.

    Danny Casolaro was the investigative journalist mysteriously "suicided" in a West Virginia hotel room while investigating the theft of PROMIS software. Casolaro's investigation had uncovered a shadowy network he called "the Octopus" that seemed to have its hands in everything from drug trafficking and money laundering, all the way up to political assassinations and coups d'etat. When Casolaro's body was discovered, his arms were violently slashed and all the documents he traveled with were missing. He had told friends and relatives if anything happened to him they shouldn't believe it was by accident.

    Being asked such a loaded question, she responded with her Ground Zero attitude saying:

    "You have a copy of the software, why don't you tell me? This is not about the software guys, ok - was it a PROMIS? It was a place you could hide a PROMIS, a place you can drop a PROMIS."

    Indira told FTW, "I was going to use Ptech software for risk surveillance at JP Morgan - Duh!"

    By the very nature of risk surveillance, it is necessary to use PROMIS progeny based on artificial intelligence to achieve the capabilities we are describing. Charlie Bopp and those present for Indira's debriefing knew this, but they wanted to talk about the software and not the people behind the software. That is extremely significant. In part 1 of this series we've shown how the major people behind Ptech link to the Muslim Brotherhood, elements of the Saudi Royal Family, as well as Dick Cheney and the powerful American 'Christian' cult known as "The Fellowship," or, "The Family."

    Indira wanted to name names, but Charlie wouldn't let her. "We can't investigate the people behind Ptech," said Charlie. "Just trust me, let's focus on the software." They gave no reasoning for this, they just said, "we can't."

    "Well if you can't talk about the people behind this, it's a waste of time because with software like that you can't find trapdoors now. This is live stuff!" Singh told FTW. "You can't prove an intelligent agent [a small software component that reaches out to claim or insert information from another system - Ed.] went out and sent information somewhere. It's like proving you ate a piece of cake when you were 10 years old, unless you have video of it, it's not going to happen. It's that ephemeral." [emphasis added]

    In other words, PROMIS-based activity leaves no footprints.

    This means trapdoors are no longer necessary, or at least, no longer detectable. If Indira is correct, there would have been no "fingerprints" left of any kind showing just what Ptech software was used for on 9/11 and who used it.

    "These guys debriefing me were from Military Intel, so they were trying to find out what I knew," says Singh. According to her, August of 2002 (the month before the story on Ptech was shut down by the White House, and three months before Ptech was raided) was a significant month. There were supposedly leaks of some kind coming out of the Persian Gulf. She was asked if Ptech software could have been the source of those leaks.

    Singh responded, "Well if Military Intel are using Ptech in the Gulf, obviously! YES!"

    During one of the initial meetings Indira threw a hat on the table from FDNY Engine 4, Ladder 15 and said, "I want you to put this on your desk, so any time you think of playing some political games you remember there were real people down there."

    Indira Singh was done playing games.

    Muslim Brotherhood, Christian Cultists, and Nazis
    In part 1 of this series we documented the extensive ties from the Muslim Brotherhood running through Ptech. The Brotherhood was founded by Hassan Al-Banna and expanded with the help of Mahmoud Abu Saud of the House of Saud.7

    This extensive network runs through various shell organizations and charities with interlocking boards, such as the New Jersey based real estate investment company BMI, CARE International, and the Northern Virginia based SAAR network - named after al Sulaiman Abdul Al-Aziz al-Rajhi, a scion of one of Saudi Arabia's richest families. Heading the SAAR network (renamed Safa) is Yakub Mirza, who also sits on the board of Ptech. It is of interest to note that claims against Al-Rajhi Banking & Investment Corp. for funding and supporting terrorism were recently dismissed by U.S. District Judge Richard Casey.

    One of the central funding mechanisms in this nexus is the Al Taqwa Bank of Switzerland - now Nada Management - which the Department of Treasury says funds Al Qaeda.

    Hitler supporter Albert Friedrich Armand Huber (aka Ahmed Huber) and Youseff Nada sit on the board of Al Taqwa. Nada reportedly helped the Grand Mufti escape from Nazi Germany when the Third Reich was teetering on the brink of collapse, and Ahmed Huber knew the Grand Mufti quite well; so well in fact, it was the Mufti who convinced Huber to convert to (the Brotherhood's form of) Islam.

    Huber has spoken publicly of a "New Right" marriage of Nazi ideology and Islamist fascism. He has both a picture of Adolph Hitler and Osama bin Laden in his Swiss home.

    Al Taqwa is a "hawala," a bank conducting transactions leaving no paper trail through a "good faith" global network that transfers funds - no questions asked.8 Bank Al Taqwa is located in the Bahamas; the parent company, Nada Management, is based in Lugarno, Switzerland, and is linked to the Royal Family of Liechtenstein.

    Al Taqwa has done business with Asat Trust. The now deceased Prince Emanuel von und zu Liechtenstein became a board member of Asat Trust in May 1970 and stayed until November 1990, when he was replaced by Martin Wachter, the trust's current director.9

    Asat Trust is on the American and U.N. terror list. According to the American Jewish Daily Forward, copies of business registration documents on file with authorities in Liechtenstein show that Asat Trust has been intimately involved with the Al Taqwa network during the last 30 years, registering changes in company names, personnel and financial structure.10

    Most frightening of all is that this network seems to have links back to the powerful American Christian cult known as "The Fellowship," or "The Family." This organization is tied to American 'Christian' men of high political power including John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, multiple Congressional members and prominent business leaders. Some "Family" members have stated they would love to have Osama bin Laden as a guest speaker because of the covenant he has with his followers. Doug Coe, the Family's leader who was praised by George H.W. Bush at the 1990 National Prayer Breakfast for his "quiet diplomacy," openly admires Hitler's "covenant."11

    Yassin Al Qadi - the Saudi terrorist financier who funded Ptech and BMI - claimed to have met Dick Cheney in Jeddah before he became Vice President and the two "still share cordial relations." When Cheney's office was asked to comment on this, spokeswoman Jennifer Miller Wise stated the Vice President gave her no reason to believe he had met with Al Qadi before he assumed office.12

    That is a non-answer; "no reason to believe" he met Al Qadi leaves no reason to believe he didn't. Regardless, there are more transparent connections between elements of Saudi and American elites.

    In November of 2001, Halliburton was awarded a $140 million contract to develop an oil field in Saudi Arabia by the kingdom's state-owned petroleum firm, Saudi Aramco, and a Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root, along with two Japanese firms, hired by the Saudis to build a $40 million ethylene plant.13

    Dick Cheney is, of course, the former CEO of Haliburton.

    As recently as 1991 ARAMCO had Khalid bin Mahfouz sitting on its Supreme Council or board of directors. Mahfouz, Saudi Arabia's former owner of the nation's largest bank, has been reported in several places to be Osama bin Laden's brother in law. However, he has denied this and brought intense legal pressure to bear demanding retractions of that allegation.14 He also denies any involvement in financing terror organizations.

    One journalist who was sued by bin Mahfouz, Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, is counter suing in New York Federal Court. She is the only one of some 30 authors not to retract claims that Mahfouz has financed Al Qaeda operations as published in her book, Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop it.

    Khalid bin Mahfouz has major partnership investments with the multi-billion dollar BinLadin Group of companies and is a former director of BCCI, the infamous criminal drug-money laundering bank which performed a number of very useful services for the CIA before its 1991 collapse under criminal investigation by the legal apparatus of multiple countries.15

    George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney all have extensive ties to the Saudi Royal family and Saudi elites, who in turn have questionable ties to terrorist financiers such as Yassin al-Qadi. It is therefore not unreasonable for Dick Cheney to have met al-Qadi while in Jeddah while CEO of Haliburton.

    This is the reality of the world we live in; where a covert international power structure supercedes the interests of nation states, and the misnomer of "national security" is used to keep this network's secrets hidden from the prying eyes of authentic journalists and the public at large.

    1 On the very day the FBI raids Ptech, Ari Fleischer - president Bush's press secretary - gives Ptech a "clean bill of health" by stating: "The material has been reviewed by the appropriate government agencies, and they have detected absolutely nothing in their reports to the White House that would lead to any concern about any of the products purchased from (Ptech)."

    2 See Crossing the Rubicon, chapters 19 & 20.

    3 See footnote #1 from Part 1 of this series.

    4 "The Maestro" is the term used by Major Don Arias of NORAD to describe the individual who was in charge of coordinating the 9/11 war games. FTW's research has concluded the 9/11 maestro was either Dick Cheney, or both Cheney and General Ralph "Ed" Eberhart. See Crossing the Rubicon for full documentation.

    5 Copy of page 37 of Ptech's Business Plan from 11/17/2001, provided by Indira Singh via email.



    8 "A Banking System Built for Terrorism," by Meenakshi Ganguly, Time, 10/05/01:,00.html.

    "Shareholders in the Bank of Terror?" by Lucy Komisar, Salon, 11/09/01

    9 "Terror Fund Trail Leads to Alpine Kingdom," by Marc Perelman, Forward

    10 Ibid.

    11 Coe listed other men who had changed the world through the strength of the "covenants" they had forged with their "brothers": "Look at Hitler," he said. "Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, Bin Laden." The Family, of course, possessed a weapon those leaders lacked: the "total Jesus" of a brotherhood in Christ.

    "In a document entitled "Our Common Agreement as a Core Group," members of the Family are instructed to form a "core group," or a "cell," which is defined as "a publicly invisible but privately identifiable group of companions." A document called "Thoughts on a Core Group" explains that "Communists use cells as their basic structure. The mafia operates like this, and the basic unit of the Marine Corps is the four man squad. Hitler, Lenin, and many others understood the power of a small core of people." From "Jesus Plus Nothing," by Jeffrey Sharlet, Harper's, March 2003

    12 "Software company tries to survive terror investigation," by Justin Pope, Associated Press, 01/03/03

    13 "Bush Advisors Cashed in on Saudi Gravy Train," by Jonathan Wells, Jack Meyers and Maggie Mulvihill, Common Dreams, 12/11/01

    14 "COUP D'ETAT," by Michael Ruppert, FTW, 6/8/04

    15 Ibid.

    End Part II/Part III - End Part II
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I hope whoever reads this story signs up to comment on it...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
    Christophera Guest
    Okay ........... it's all true.

    How does knowing it help to create unity and define meaningful action?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Christophera
    Okay ........... it's all true.

    How does knowing it help to create unity and define meaningful action?
    Whether you know it or not Christopher, there are people in Washington D.C. who actually care about this country. Yes, they are few and far between, but imagine what they could accomplish if they had the backing of the MAJORITY of this country...


    This site, this story, the people that post here. They are all part of something big. People need to be made to understand that the problems we're experiencing today are a direct result of the events of 9/11. They need to be made to understand that we must first learn about the events on that day to make sure it DOESN'T happen again. Then, and ONLY then, when those people I mentioned in Washington fight for this country, they will hopefully have the backing of the people.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #6
    Christophera Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    Whether you know it or not Christopher, there are people in Washington D.C. who actually care about this country. Yes, they are few and far between, but imagine what they could accomplish if they had the backing of the MAJORITY of this country...


    This site, this story, the people that post here. They are all part of something big. People need to be made to understand that the problems we're experiencing today are a direct result of the events of 9/11. They need to be made to understand that we must first learn about the events on that day to make sure it DOESN'T happen again. Then, and ONLY then, when those people I mentioned in Washington fight for this country, they will hopefully have the backing of the people.
    If they were capable of doing anything it would have been done earlier rather than allowing the nation to polarize.

    New determinations of the event of 9-11 must be accepted by a majority of the people, then those in the positions you describe have leverage.

    Meaning we should all promote the concept of the "Most Comprehensive 9-11 Scenario" as a contest conducted on the web with a BB having a polling feature and a strictly moderated and immediate reaction to polling responses with a special forum to discuss their decission and actions.

    As 9-11 truth seekers we must unify in actions of assembling a number of people who will write email to the large non profits for'

    9-11 truth
    justice environment

    They ask for cooperation amongst the different non profits in a joint effort and combination of membership. A consolidation of those participating in petitions may be useful.

    The effort becomes an escalating campaign from request to demand, for them to focus on the seriousness of non accountability as it relates to their mission statement and purpose.

    Without authority, knowledge only has power over tim, unless HUGE numbers are involved. In this case authority is the problem, it is absent in the verification of information. Alternatively IF we can get a huge number to know the absolutely best and most comprehensive potential definition of events on 9-11 through the non profit action, THEN the knowledge will have meaning with numbers.

    Example: I contend I have just described the best possible plan for the people, in a necesessarily grassroots manner, to actually gain accountability and eventual democratic control of America by addressing 9-11 first.

    My question to Jon Gold is, "How many people will read that message in the next week and how easily will it be for them to show their approval, acceptance and support of it?

  7. #7
    somebigguy Guest
    Christopher, is that you? What's with the name?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Christophera
    If they were capable of doing anything it would have been done earlier rather than allowing the nation to polarize.

    New determinations of the event of 9-11 must be accepted by a majority of the people, then those in the positions you describe have leverage.

    Meaning we should all promote the concept of the "Most Comprehensive 9-11 Scenario" as a contest conducted on the web with a BB having a polling feature and a strictly moderated and immediate reaction to polling responses with a special forum to discuss their decission and actions.

    As 9-11 truth seekers we must unify in actions of assembling a number of people who will write email to the large non profits for'

    9-11 truth
    justice environment

    They ask for cooperation amongst the different non profits in a joint effort and combination of membership. A consolidation of those participating in petitions may be useful.

    The effort becomes an escalating campaign from request to demand, for them to focus on the seriousness of non accountability as it relates to their mission statement and purpose.

    Without authority, knowledge only has power over tim, unless HUGE numbers are involved. In this case authority is the problem, it is absent in the verification of information. Alternatively IF we can get a huge number to know the absolutely best and most comprehensive potential definition of events on 9-11 through the non profit action, THEN the knowledge will have meaning with numbers.

    Example: I contend I have just described the best possible plan for the people, in a necesessarily grassroots manner, to actually gain accountability and eventual democratic control of America by addressing 9-11 first.

    My question to Jon Gold is, "How many people will read that message in the next week and how easily will it be for them to show their approval, acceptance and support of it?
    I'm not the one to decide these things. There are people in power who were elected BY the people who should make these "decisions". It is up to the people to direct them into making the right decision.

    I would think a "9/11 Truth Million Man March" would be in order in Washington D.C., but what do I know?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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