And claims that I'm "Disinfo". So... I wrote them this letter.


I saw that you posted my Opie & Anthony appearance, and claimed that I was spreading "Disinformation". I don't know who the party is who claims I'm a "Disinformationist", but let me tell you this. People who call other people "Disinformationists" are themselves "Disinformationists". Can you imagine a "newcomer" looking for his/her first piece of 9/11 truth, and they see people claiming this person is "Disinfo", and that person is "Disinfo", and as a result, they don't know WHO to believe, and they leave the movement entirely. That is NOT GOOD for the movement, and in fact, HURTS the movement. That is the purpose of a "Disinformationist", to HURT the movement.

Regarding "Peak Oil"... there are 1000's of RESPECTED, and TRUSTED individuals who speak of "Peak Oil". There is a smaller crowd that says "Peak Oil" is "Disinformation". Who am I going to believe, the crowd who tries to push people to find alternatives that are safer for the environment, or the smaller crowd who says that BIG OIL should be allowed to make trillions of dollars at the expense of the environment, and our futures. Which is essentially what you're saying. Like it or not, the theory of "Peak Oil" was devised LONG before 9/11 ever took place. In fact, since its' inception, it has been a PROVEN theory.

I do not appreciate being considered "Disinfo". I can almost guarantee to you that I have been doing this A LOT longer than you, and it upsets me to think that the ENDLESS hours of research and ENDLESS hours of telling people the truth can be wiped away by a simple sentence.

Also, if you're going to post information regarding me, I would insist that you refer them to my website... It is my contribution to the effort, and has a PLETHORA of information important to the people.

Thank you for your time, and your understanding,

Jonathan Gold