Chavez shocked by US' Gaza reaction

Sun, 28 Dec 2008 06:32:42 GMT

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has questioned the United States' reaction to Israeli attacks on Gaza, calling Washington's response 'shocking.'

Israel's Saturday bombardment of Gaza left at least 230 dead and 800 wounded, making it the biggest such atrocity in 60 years of Israel-Palestine conflict.

Condemning Israel for its air raids on the tiny coastal region, Chavez said “The US is the only government compliant in the attacks.”

The remark came after Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the US National Security Council, criticized the Hamas, saying Tel Aviv was defending its people.

Chavez described the Israeli raids as a “criminal” act which is meant to “annihilate the hope of life for an entire people,” AP reported.

He called for a “massive campaign of repudiation'' of Israeli atrocities.