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Thread: Cheney Asked, "You Don't Care What The American People Think?" Answer, "No"

  1. #1
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    Jan 2005

    Cheney Asked, "You Don't Care What The American People Think?" Answer, "No"

    Tucker: Cheney 'kind of a hero' for ignoring Americans' opinions

    David Edwards and Muriel Kane
    Published: Thursday March 20, 2008

    When Vice President Dick Cheney asserted in a recent interview with ABC News that "there's a general consensus that we've made major progress" in Iraq, interviewer Martha Raddatz was dubious.

    "Two-third of Americans say it's not worth fighting," Raddatz noted.

    "So?" replied Cheney.

    "You don't care what the American people think?" Raddatz asked.

    "No," Cheney replied.

    MSNBC's Joe Scarborough played a clip of this exchange on Morning Joe. "Look at his face," Scarborough pointed out. "Look how shaken up he is."

    "The question," Scarborough continued incredulously, "was what do you do when two-thirds of American think this war is not worth fighting. Dick Cheney's response: 'So?' There's a guy that sticks his finger in the wind!"

    Tucker Carlson leaped in to defend Cheney. "He's kind of a hero in that way," Carlson suggested. "I know I'll probably have my car egged for saying this, but ... it's so nice to see someone that old-school. 'Hey, you kids, get off my lawn.' That's Dick Cheney. I love that."

    "He's not a baby boomer," agreed Scarborough.

    This video is from MSNBC's Morning Joe, broadcast March 20, 2008.

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    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    beltman713 Guest
    Yeah, why hasn't he been run out of town on a rail already?

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