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Thread: Geraldo Rivera Accuses 9/11 Truthers Of Times Square Bombing - Video Inside

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Geraldo Rivera Accuses 9/11 Truthers Of Times Square Bombing - Video Inside

    Geraldo Rivera Accuses 9/11 Truthers Of Times Square Bombing

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    On March 6, 2008, a US Armed Forces recruiting station was bombed by an unknown individual. It took Geraldo Rivera just over 24 hours to start planting a notion in the heads of millions of FOX News viewers that "9/11 was an inside job kind of guys" were likely responsible for the bombing.

    This is a dangerous and false meme that Rivera is planting in the heads of millions of people. And as the Big Lebowski would say, "This agression will not stand... man!" utterly rejects the use of violence to communicate anything. By anyone. That includes Geraldo Rivera. Rivera is infamous partly because he has built his notoriety on the violent incident which occurred on his television show in 1988.

    A brawl broke out on the set between racists purposefully invited to the show, and some other guests, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the violence was expected. "A November 1988 cover of Newsweek carried a close-up of his bashed face next to a headline reading, "Trash TV: From the Lurid to the Loud, Anything Goes."

    FOX News says "We Love to Hear From Our Viewers!"

    Let's take them up on the offer. After all, you're a viewer now... My suggestion is that we all ask for a retraction or apology for this outrageous comment, and Geraldo should have on the air David Ray Griffin to talk about his great new book, 9/11 Contradictions.

    1-888-369-4762 ext.4 to leave a comment.

    Send an email directly to Fox & friends on this page: (you may have to set up an account),2933,77538,00.html

    General comments to FOX News here:
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    amman254 Guest

    is this the beginning ?

    heh doesn't this comment just go hand in hand with the news report a few days ago where it was asked, "don't we have some of those hÃ^dden prisons in the east we can put these guys in?" after showing a 911 truther during a bill clinton speech being "ushered" out?

    who or what is criminal, is definitely something that is influenced by public opinion and what we are "indoctrinated" to believe is criminal....we are allready "unpatriotic". this could be a real step "up", or down, however you want to look at it

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