To start with a little background here, I work with my ex. And almost every day we have lunch together, like we have for over 10 years. Well, since I've been coming here and learning things, I have been trying to tell him some stuff. Not all at once. But a little here, a little there.

Recently I've been adding more and more because I want him to wake up. We have 2 sons who could be affected if a draft is started. And here comes the frustrating part. He doesn't seem to care?!

As he put it today "It's like you want me to believe that our government is full of crooks, murderers and liars!" (I refrained from saying it is) I guess push came to shove when I asked him if he would protest a draft, should one seem to be coming and he said he didn't know. This man knows me, probably better than anyone. I could tell him just about anything and he'd believe me, except for this. Case in point: The memo leaked in the UK prior to the elections. I was complaining that the media here wasn't investigating it. His reply "There isn't anything to investigate". When I point out FBI, CIA and other governmental sources for what I'm trying to explain to him, it's like he turns deaf. I explained the connection between Halliburton and Cheney and he sees nothing wrong with it. It seems to be ok in his eyes for Cheney to turn a profit here. I told him he should see "Uncovered: The War in Iraq", that there were a lot of credible people in the film explaining what was really happening. And he attacks back with the notion that someone is making money off the movie, and therefore the contents are suspect.

I'm so bloody frustrated. He is a shining example of so many people in our country. If it's not on the 6 o'clock news, it's not news. One comment he made to me after I finally said I wouldn't bring it up anymore is "I just don't like you trying to make me feel guilty".

How can I explain to this man that his action or inaction is just as important as anyone elses? That our government was constructed in such a way that when shit like this happens, it is our DUTY to raise hell about it. That's what makes America a nation to be proud of.

Anyway.. sorry for the rant. Any suggestions would be appreciated.