Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
Luai Sakra was said to be a CIA informant that received "large sums of money" from them. How does that fit into the idea that elements of the U.S. Government have contacts and possibly control deep within "Al-Qaeda?"
I'm not sure I care who piloted Flight 77 (and it's probably a mistake of Loose Change to harp on Hanjour's ineptitude, given that he might not have been the pilot), but I do find the CIA connection interesting.

Luai Sakra, Ali Mohammed, Osama Bin Laden -- sweet shit, is there anyone in al-Qaeda not working for the CIA?

Yet again, I am struck by the fact that of all the potential "villains" in all the world, the one(s) who struck on 9/11 is swimming in connections with the US intelligence community. How could they not have connected the dots? Every other dot was a double agent!