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Thread: Bill Maher confronted again – but is this the right approach?

  1. #1
    DemBruceLeeStylez! Guest

    Bill Maher confronted again – but is this the right approach?

    Bill Maher confronted again – but is this the right approach?

    I sympathise with the guys who confronted Bill Maher here and can totally understand their frustration. But, should there be a debate about the way we should conduct ourselves when protesting venues like this?

    Is attacking people like Bill Maher the most constructive approach? Or does it actually prompt a counterproductive divisive and defensive response from anyone on the receiving end of it? Could a more coolheaded and civil way of protesting be infinitely more effective? I think there should be a debate on this, but kudos to these guys anyway for at least finding the guts to stand up and tolerate all the ridicule;

  2. #2
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Anyone who thinks this is the way to go about 911 truth is indeed a detriment to us all.
    Is Bill Maher gay? I was watching his stand up on demand, and he looked very feminine. Almost like he had on eye liner or some shit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    WTC7 seems like a strawman argument to me. The 9/11 Truthers in the audience set it up with "WTC7!!! WTC7!!!", and Bill Maher follows up by saying, "These are the people that think the towers were brought down in a Controlled Demolition by George Bush (not verbatim)", and the audience applauds.

    This type of thing is what prompted me to write this.

    I am sick to death of it.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    You know when I liked to talk about WTC7? When we would promote that it wasn't even mentioned in the 9/11 Report. That one thing was enough to prove that the 9/11 Commission did not fulfill its' mandate. I love information that shows the 9/11 Commission didn't fulfill its' mandate. Because it PROVES BEYOND THE SHADOW OF DOUBT that we need a new investigation.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    simuvac Guest
    Yes, this will probably attract more ill will than anything else.

    I do, however, share the frustration of the people who executed this. It's quite clear that nothing will happen on the issue of 9/11 without activism that is more dramatic than handing out leaflets on a street corner. Time works in favor of the government, not us. Part of me thinks: Just bring it down, whatever the consequences. But the other part of me is more conservative than that.

    In other words, I recognize this type of activism probably won't help; but I empathize with the people who did it.

  6. #6
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by simuvac
    Yes, this will probably attract more ill will than anything else.

    I do, however, share the frustration of the people who executed this. It's quite clear that nothing will happen on the issue of 9/11 without activism that is more dramatic than handing out leaflets on a street corner. Time works in favor of the government, not us. Part of me thinks: Just bring it down, whatever the consequences. But the other part of me is more conservative than that.

    In other words, I recognize this type of activism probably won't help; but I empathize with the people who did it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Conspiracy Fanatics Invade Bill Maher

    Written by Dave Nalle
    Published October 21, 2007

    So I'm watching the Bill Maher show and starting to doze off as Sheila Jackson Lee spouts some sort of moronic socialist nonsense, and all of a sudden I'm jarred alert as the show gets sucked into a bizarre alternate reality by a loud shouting voice from the audience. I have no idea what the guy was shouting, but all of a sudden Bill Maher is charging into the audience, calling for security and they've got the guy surrounded and are dragging him from the hall.

    At this point it all becomes clear - thanks to my DVR at 1/15th speed - because I can read the sign he's attempting to hold up and it says "Expose the 9/11 Coverup." After he's hustled out spraying flyers in his wake, Maher attempts to get things back on track to be interrupted first by a woman shoting "What about Building 7, Bill?" and then by a man shouting "Tell us what happened to building 7, Bill" and some other incomprehensible business about the government blowing up the towers. Well, they're dragged out in turn, and the discussion got back on track after a few sarcastic comments and Maher pointing out that of all the groups he's offended the only ones regularly protesting outside his studio are the 9/11 'Truthers'.

    We have to thank the miracle of live television which made this spectacle possible. Live cameras make Maher's show a target of opportunity for desperate conspiracy nuts who are so sure no one is listening to them - with good reason - that they think shouting slogans at random guests on a live cable TV show is a smart way to get taken seriously. What they don't seem to get is that people who have serious political agendas and ideas which don't require them to wear tinfoil hats are going to be invited to be on the stage at the Bill Maher show. They're not going to be protesting in the street out front or shouting disruptive slogans from the audience.

    Maher's not exactly discriminating. He's an equal opportunity exploiter and he's more than willing to have just about any silly position aired on his show, even if only to rip a guest to shreds with nihilistic sarcasm. The fact that Maher won't even give them as much consideration as he gives to radical vegans, activist homophobes or creationists, must really irk them. There's nothing more frustrating when you're sure you have a direct line to the one, absolute truth than to have someone with a media platform think you're such a joke that he just ignores you. Thus, Maher must be attacked, disrupted, silenced until he has the courtesy to listen and give them the respect they think they deserve.

    Which brings me around to what I think is a telling observation. Everyone who has a political position or message wants to be taken seriously. And we'd all love to have a forum for our views, even if it's just a few minutes on a comedic cable show run by a bitter, priapic, prematurely gray egomaniac. But most of us are willing to go through normal channels, to wait our turn and work our way up to national exposure. We understand that if we have something worth saying then someone is going to want to give us a chance to say it.

    The 9/11 fanatics are different. They seem to have come to the conclusion that no one is going to give their views an airing in the media. They probably see multiple levels of conspiracy, including a conspiracy to ignore them and their brilliant discoveries. What they don't seem to get is that being obnoxious doesn't make people respect them, it makes those they want to influence and the audience they want to reach take them even less seriously. If you have a controversial cause and behave like a whacko, then people conclude that your cause is silly even before they have a chance to consider the evidence. "Stupid is as stupid does" is the operating principle under which they seem to be eager to be judged.

    As they marginalize themselves more and more with their ridiculous claims and increasingly outrageous behavior, I'm afraid we can expect to see more and more desperate and extreme attention-seeking behavior. That's the pattern of the kind of narcissistic mindset which drives conspiracy fanatics. It's even believable that in the ultimate irony, as they retreat into a world of paranoia and frustration, the 9/11 conspiracy fanatics might themselves turn to violent terrorism to get the attention they so desperately crave. It's easy to laugh at the conspiracists, but it's a grim truth that someone protesting Bill Maher this week might be the next Timothy MacVeigh or Ted Kasinski a few frustrated and ignored years down the road.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    dMole Guest

    Probably good I wasn't in Maher's audience

    So an OSHA Class III steel-toed workboot up the ass, shattering his tailbone into several dozen pieces is definitely off the table then?

    I'm personally in the well-frustrated zipcode at this point, but maybe my perception of glaringly-fucking-obvious is a little wider than the average American Citizen's...

    Okay, that's right, we live in a Prozac-n-Ritalin-dulled, non-violent society... Thoughtcrime will not be tolerated... Report to your local Re-Education Center immediately... Yes sir...

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