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Thread: Who Is? Archives

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Al-Hamzi, and Almihdar took me six hours to format.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Great idea, both in general approach and in detail. I expect to use this.

    Peter Dale Scott
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Heh... I tried to set the limit for text to 1 billion characters to post the Who Is George W. Bush? thread, and it crashed the db. Oh well. This is a BIGGIE.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #15
    puffin3 Guest
    First post. I'm not so much interested in WHO these people are but WHERE are they now? Why haven't some 'truthers' got a film crew together and interveiwed some of them? I have NEVER seen one of these 'witnesses' come forward with the 'truth'? Just asking. I simply don't except all these 'witnesses' are refusing to say on film what they saw. That is not logical by anyones standards.

    While I'm at it if a plane didn't hit the Pentagon where is the plane and its passengers? I'm sure these questions have been asked many times by people like me who need to have some logical explanations to these questions if I am to believe 9/11 was a put-up job by Bush.

  6. #16
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by puffin3
    First post. I'm not so much interested in WHO these people are but WHERE are they now? Why haven't some 'truthers' got a film crew together and interveiwed some of them? I have NEVER seen one of these 'witnesses' come forward with the 'truth'? Just asking. I simply don't except all these 'witnesses' are refusing to say on film what they saw. That is not logical by anyones standards.

    While I'm at it if a plane didn't hit the Pentagon where is the plane and its passengers? I'm sure these questions have been asked many times by people like me who need to have some logical explanations to these questions if I am to believe 9/11 was a put-up job by Bush.
    What? Just go do some reading in the truther forum Puffin. Lots of answers there. The question you are asking is kinda moot, as around here we tend to stick to things we KNOW for a fact as opposed to conjecture. Why isn't the footage from local businesses in the DC area being released? Why did the 911 commission not fulfill it's mandate? Things like that. This is not the Controlled demolition forum. From what I understand, you can find those if you look.

  7. #17
    simuvac Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by puffin3
    First post. I'm not so much interested in WHO these people are but WHERE are they now? Why haven't some 'truthers' got a film crew together and interveiwed some of them? I have NEVER seen one of these 'witnesses' come forward with the 'truth'? Just asking. I simply don't except all these 'witnesses' are refusing to say on film what they saw. That is not logical by anyones standards.

    While I'm at it if a plane didn't hit the Pentagon where is the plane and its passengers? I'm sure these questions have been asked many times by people like me who need to have some logical explanations to these questions if I am to believe 9/11 was a put-up job by Bush.
    A plane did hit the Pentagon.

    As for the witnesses, many recorded their observations as part of an oral history compiled by the city of New York. Firefighter testimony, which was not invited for inclusion in the 9/11 Commission Report, was suppressed until August 2005, when a lawsuit by the NY Times and others successfully opened the oral histories to public consumption.

    You may read the oral histories here:

    Professor Graeme MacQueen produced a study of the oral histories here:

    Many eyewitness accounts are available from popular media reports. See the 9/11 Timeline at

    As for eyewitnesses who refuse to go on camera, I'm sure it has to do with the fact that people get threatened with physical violence for saying things that don't agree with government propaganda.

  8. #18
    puffin3 Guest
    I'm asking again WHERE are these people? Why haven't they come forward and agreed to be interviewed on camera. I just can't believe all these people are being threatened or paid off by the government. As far as "facts" are concerned IF they are facts it should be no problem PROVING them should it. I have an open mind but it is still a mind. What about the Popular Mechanics article?
    I new to the possibility that 9/11 was a put-up job but I'm not going to believe 'his friend was there and he told my sister who told me' arguements. From what I read on this forum that seems to be the main source of 'the truth'. That doesn't cut it for me.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by puffin3
    I'm asking again WHERE are these people? Why haven't they come forward and agreed to be interviewed on camera. I just can't believe all these people are being threatened or paid off by the government. As far as "facts" are concerned IF they are facts it should be no problem PROVING them should it. I have an open mind but it is still a mind. What about the Popular Mechanics article?
    I new to the possibility that 9/11 was a put-up job but I'm not going to believe 'his friend was there and he told my sister who told me' arguements. From what I read on this forum that seems to be the main source of 'the truth'. That doesn't cut it for me.
    You have no idea what you're talking about, and if you're here just to start trouble, you'll be banned. Why don't you tell me about Philip Zelikow? For instance, tell me why that man, OF ALL PEOPLE, deserved to be in charge of the 9/11 Commission.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #20
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Or why they considered even for one SECOND making kissinger the chairman, and why he stepped down?

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