Do you know what makes me distrust the idea of Controlled Demolition the most? The fact that it's the #1 thing the media, and the "debunkers" use against us. I don't understand the science, nor do I understand what should have happened to those buildings. I like Dr. Jones, Willie Rodriguez, and Kevin Ryan. However, liking someone, and understanding what they're saying and being able to comment on it, is two entirely different things. I think they are legitimate which is why I continue to post their information, but I don't KNOW that they are legitimate, and guess what... I'm not exactly a trusting person to begin with (hence the reason I'm here). The question that goes through my head again and again is, "If Controlled Demolition actually did take place at the WTC, would the controlled media mention it, and use it against us as often as they have?" Yes, I know the bigger the lie... blah blah blah...