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Thread: Who Is? Archives

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Who Is? Archives

    Some of you may have noticed that I have started a new "Who Is?" series with regard to 9/11. The reason I started this was because I thought too much emphasis was being placed on the physical aspects of 9/11, and not enough on the background information, the people who may have had something to do with it, the people who participated in the cover-up, the whistleblowers, the family members, the people who represent discrepancies, and so on.

    I am using the work compiled by Paul Thompson at There are links available to each of the stories sourced on the original website. Unfortunately, it's just too much work to duplicate what Paul and others have done with regard to links. I want to thank them all for their tremendous efforts.

    I also want people to know that the information provided is not the "end all/be all" of 9/11. However, it is most definitely an excellent starting point.

    Here are the articles archived. As more are produced, they will be added here.

    Who Is Jack Abramoff?
    Who Is Elliott Abrams?
    Who Is David Addington?
    Who Is Lt. Gen. Mahmood Ahmed?
    Who Is Omar Al-Bayoumi?
    Who Is Prince Turki Al-Faisal?
    Who Is Ahmed Al-Hada? With Introduction By Kevin Fenton
    Who Was Nawaf Al-Hamzi?
    Who Was Khalid Almihdhar?
    Who Is Yassin al-Qadi?
    Who Is Michael Anticev?
    Who Is Major Don Arias?
    Who Is General Larry Arnold?
    Who Is Richard Armitage?
    Who Is John Ashcroft?
    Who Was Mohamed Atta?
    Who Is James A. Baker?
    Who Is James Bamford?
    Who Is Prince Bandar?
    Who Is Richard Ben-Veniste?
    Who Is Sandy Berger?
    Who Is Osama Bin Laden?
    Who Is Tony Blair?
    Who Is Joshua Bolten?
    Who Is John R. Bolton?
    Who Is Marion "Spike" Bowman?
    Who Is Kristen Breitweiser?
    Who Is Willie Brown?
    Who Is Zbigniew Brzezinski?
    Who Is Andreas Von Bülow?
    Who Is George H. W. Bush?
    Who Is George W. Bush? With Introduction By 9/11 First Responder John Feal
    Who Is Lt. Col. Steve Butler?
    Who Is Stephen A. Cambone?
    Who Is Mike Canavan?
    Who Is Andrew Card?
    Who Is Ashton Carter?
    Who Is Dick Cheney? Someone I'd Like To See Tried For The 9/11 Attacks That's Who.
    Who Is Michael Chertoff?
    Who Is Richard Clarke?
    Who Is Max Cleland?
    Who Is Bill Clinton?
    Who Was Robin Cook?
    Who Is Tom Daschle?
    Who Is Mark Dayton?
    Who Is Rudi Dekkers?
    Who Is Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins?
    Who Was Ray Downey?
    Who Is General Ralph Eberhart?
    Who Is Sibel Edmonds? With Introduction By 9/11 Family Member Lorie Van Auken
    Who Is Mounir El-Motassadeq?
    Who Is Amr Elgindy?
    Who Is John Farmer?
    Who Is John Feal?
    Who Is Douglas Feith?
    Who Is Fred F. Fielding?
    Who Is Ari Fleischer?
    Who Is Dave Frasca?
    Who Is Louis Freeh?
    Who Is Thomas Frields?
    Who Is John Fulton?
    Who Is Jane Garvey?
    Who Is Margaret Gillespie? With Introduction By Kevin Fenton
    Who Is Rudy Giuliani?
    Who Is Randy Glass?
    Who Is Jamie Gorelick?
    Who Is Slade Gorton?
    Who Is Porter Goss?
    Who Is Bob Graham?
    Who Is Charles Grassley?
    Who Is Dr. Vernon Grose?
    Who Is Marc Grossman?
    Who Is Stephen J. Hadley?
    Who Is Lee Hamilton?
    Who Was Hani Hanjour?
    Who Is Selig Harrison?
    Who Is Dennis Hastert?
    Who Is Jerome Hauer?
    Who Is Eleanor Hill?
    Who Is Wally Hilliard?
    Who Is Daniel Hopsicker?
    Who Is Steven E. Jones?
    Who Is Hugh Kaufman?
    Who Is Thomas Kean?
    Who Is Bob Kerrey?
    Who Is Zalmay M. Khalilzad?
    Who Is Henry Kissinger?
    Who Is Mindy Kleinberg?
    Who Is Major Eric Kleinsmith?
    Who Is A. B. “Buzzy” Krongard?
    Who Is Dennis Kucinich?
    Who Is Sivan Kurzberg?
    Who Is General Geoffrey Lambert?
    Who Is Patrick Leahy?
    Who Is Michael Ledeen?
    Who Is John F. Lehman?
    Who Is Captain Charles Leidig?
    Who Was Daniel Lewin?
    Who Is I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby?
    Who Is Michael Maltbie? With Introduction By Kevin Fenton
    Who Is Ellen Mariani?
    Who Is Colonel Robert Marr?
    Who Is Ernest May?
    Who Is Ray McGovern?
    Who Is Cynthia McKinney?
    Who Is Michael Meacher?
    Who Is Admiral Richard Mies?
    Who Is Douglas Miller?
    Who Is Judith Miller?
    Who Is Norman Mineta?
    Who Is Khalid Shaikh Mohammed?
    Who Is Ali Mohamed?
    Who Is Robert Mueller?
    Who Is General Richard B. Myers?
    Who Is Laurie Mylroie?
    Who Is Abdelghani Mzoudi?
    Who Is Niaz Naik?
    Who Is Major Kevin Nasypany?
    Who Is Admiral Robert Natter?
    Who Is John Negroponte?
    Who Was John O'Neill?
    Who Is Paul O'Neill?
    Who Was Daniel Pearl?
    Who Is Richard Perle?
    Who Is Scott Phillpott?
    Who Is Thomas Pickard?
    Who Is John S. Pistole?
    Who Is John Poindexter?
    Who Is Colin Powell?
    Who Is Vladimir Putin?
    Who Is Lotfi Raissi?
    Who Is Condoleezza Rice?
    Who Is William Rodriguez?
    Who Is Timothy J. Roemer?
    Who Is Mark Rossini?
    Who Is Karl Rove?
    Who Is Coleen Rowley?
    Who Is Donald Rumsfeld?
    Who Is Kevin Ryan?
    Who Is Sherry Sabol? With Introduction By Kevin Fenton
    Who Is Luai Sakra?
    Who Is Emad Salem?
    Who Is Harry Samit?
    Who Is David Schippers?
    Who Is General Peter J. Schoomaker?
    Who Is Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer?
    Who Is Ijaz Shah?
    Who Is Abdussattar Shaikh?
    Who Is Mayo Shattuck III?
    Who Is Philip Shenon?
    Who Is Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh?
    Who Is Larry Silverstein?
    Who Is Indira Singh?
    Who Is Ike Skelton?
    Who Is John Skilling?
    Who Is Dietrich Snell?
    Who Is L. Britt Snider?
    Who Is Ali Soufan?
    Who Is Eliot Spitzer?
    Who Is Michael Springmann?
    Who Is Dominick Suter?
    Who Is Ron Suskind?
    Who Is George Tenet?
    Who Is James R. Thompson?
    Who Is Joseph Trento?
    Who Is Lorie Van Auken?
    Who Is John Vincent?
    Who Is Dale Watson?
    Who Is Curt Weldon?
    Who Is Christine Todd Whitman?
    Who Is Ken Williams?
    Who Is Tom Wilshire?
    Who Is General Montague Winfield?
    Who Is Robert Wright?
    Who Is Paul Wolfowitz?
    Who Is James Woolsey?
    Who Is David Wurmser?
    Who Is Dov Zakheim?
    Who Is Pete Zalewski?
    Who Is Mohammed Haydar Zammar?
    Who Is Philip Zelikow?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    werther Guest
    thanks for the index.

  3. #3
    simuvac Guest
    Please donate to

    They are the best ally of 9/11 Truth.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I alphabetized them.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    What do you guys think so far?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hey... have you guys learned anything from this?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    Hey... have you guys learned anything from this?
    There were a few people I got a bit better background on (ie Donald Rumsfeld). The sheer amount of raw data contained is a bit daunting. Not to mention there are alot of people on that list I have never heard of, and thus don't see the big picture of how they fit in. I have found it moderately useful. Next time I have like 3 days to kill, I promise to read the whole thing.

  9. #9
    YouCrazyDiamond Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold9472
    Hey... have you guys learned anything from this?
    First impression...I'm pretty damn ignorant as to who the players are/were.

    Second impression...I'm spoiled by all the excellent efforts that you and other people (at cooperative reserach and other places) put into these projects.

    Third impression...As usual, I'm inspired to keep plugging away at leanring about and sharing this knowledge with other people.


    And like 'simuvac' said earlier:

    Please donate to

    They are the best ally of 9/11 Truth.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I'm not going to specify how they each fit in. I'm just presenting the facts as they were collected. I'm going to let people come to their own conclusions.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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