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Thread: Medicinal Marijuana

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Medicinal Marijuana

    Medicinal Marijuana

    I recommend everyone read the book, "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer.

    Protect Patients From Politics

    Canada OKs Cannabis Oral Spray

    Drug Czar Misled Press On Teen's Suicide, Marijuana

    Court Rules Against Medicinal Marijuana For Sick People

    The High Cost Of Prohibition

    Pelosi On Pot: Leave It To The States

    Feds Raid Three San Francisco Pot Clubs

    Drug Czar Says Medical Marijuana 'Dying'

    California Patrol Won't Seize Marijuana Used As Medicine

    Study Turns Pot Wisdom On Head

    "THC Acts In Ways That Counter The Cancer-Causing Chemicals In Marijuana Smoke"

    Denver Voters OK Marijuana Possession

    Federal Marijuana Monopoly Challenged

    RI House Of Representatives Override Governor's Decision Not To Legalize Medical MJ

    Man With No Criminal Record Gets Sentenced To 55 Years For Selling Pot

    Calif. Assembly Passes Hemp-Farming Bill

    The FDA Releases A Statement Saying Marijuana Has No Medicinal Value Whatsoever

    No Link Between Marijuana Use And Lung Cancer

    Medicinal Marijuana Killed By A 259 to 163 Loss In Congress

    Legalization Of Hemp Crops Considered

    Marijuana May Stave Off Alzheimer's

    Pot Is Called Biggest Cash Crop

    Letter from Ron Paul on Medical Marijuana

    Research Supports Medicinal Marijuana

    Industrial Hemp Farming Act Introduced In Congress

    Marijuana May Help Fight Lung Cancer

    Supreme Court Justice Stevens: Smoking Pot Akin To Drinking During Prohibition

    New Studies Expose Government Lies About Medical Pot

    DEA Raids 10 Medicinal Marijuana Clinics In Los Angeles
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    could also fuel cars apperently

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