Pearl widow sues Pakistani bank over husband's murder

Michael Herman and agencies in New York

The widow of the murdered American journalist Daniel Pearl is suing a Pakistani Government-backed bank alleged of helping channel funds to the terror group, in a bid to uncover more information about her husband’s death.

Mariane Pearl filed the lawsuit, that names more than a dozen alleged al-Qaeda members and Habib Bank, in New York last night.

“I am looking for the truth about what happened to Daniel, for our family, our friends, and the public record," Mrs Pearl said.

"This process allows us to delve deeper into the investigation, and to bring accountability and punishment to those involved with his kidnapping, torture and murder."

The lawsuit accuses Habib Bank, in which the Pakistani Government owns a 49 per cent stake, of knowingly providing bank accounts and other financial services to al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

Pearl, South East Asia bureau chief for The Wall Street Journal, was kidnapped and murdered by suspected al-Qaeda terrorists in 2002. Images of the 38-year old being beheaded were subsequently released and broadcast around the world.

As well as information about her former husband’s last days, Mrs Pearl is seeking unspecified compensation for acts she alleges were meant to "emotionally destroy the Pearl family and terrorise, appal and frighten American citizens".

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed - the imprisoned al-Qaeda leader and mastermind of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 - and the al-Rashid Trust, a banned Islamic charity are also named as defendants in the case.

The lawsuit claims that the trust, which banked with Habib, was a front for Mohammed and al-Qaeda that "abetted and conspired" in Pearl’s murder.

Habib Bank could not be reached for comment this morning although a senior executive at the Karachi-based group told Reuters that Ms Pearl’s accusations were “totally wrong”.

“We have never been involved in supporting any terrorist organisation,” the official added.

Pakistani authorities have already convicted several men in the case. The British-born former public schoolboy, Ahmed Omar Saeed Shaikh, was sentenced to death in July 2002, and his three accomplices were given life prison terms. Their appeals are pending before Pakistan’s High Court.

Mohammed was caught in Pakistan and is now being held at Guantanamo Bay He claimed that he personally beheaded Pearl, according to a partial Pentagon transcript of his testimony at a military tribunal.

Pakistani banned the al-Rashid charity earlier this year as part of an effort to curb terrorist financing. The lawsuit was filed at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York.