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Thread: Michael Moore Slams CNN, Wolf Blitzer On Live TV - Video Inside

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Michael Moore Slams CNN, Wolf Blitzer On Live TV - Video Inside

    Michael Moore slams CNN, Wolf Blitzer on live TV

    David Edwards and Josh Catone
    Published: Monday July 9, 2007

    Before a live interview with documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, CNN aired a segment entitled "Sicko Reality Check" in which Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the network's chief medical correspondent, aimed to keep Moore "honest" and fact check his new film, Sicko.

    The 4-minute piece concluded that Moore "did fudge the facts," and implied that Sicko was misleading in portraying health care systems in other countries, such as France, the UK, and Canada, as better than the one in the US.

    When given a chance to speak, Moore immediately put host Wolf Blitzer on the defensive.

    "That report was so biased, I can't imagine what pharmaceutical company's ads are coming up right after our break here," said Moore. "Why don't you tell the truth to the American people? I wish that CNN and the other mainstream media would just for once tell the truth about what's going on in this country."

    Moore argued that CNN has such a lousy track record of reporting the truth about the war in Iraq and asking tough questions, that Americans should be skeptical of their reporting on health care.

    "You're the ones who are fudging the facts," said Moore. "You've fudged the facts to the American people now for I don't know how long about this issue, about the war, and I'm just curious, when are you going to just stand there and apologize to the American people for not bringing the truth to them that isn't sponsored by some major corporation?"

    Blizter grew defensive and backed up his fellow CNN employee, saying that he would stand behind correspondent Sanjay Gupta's record on medical issues. Moore, in response, vowed to post a rebuttal to his website,, showing that Gupta's facts weren't accurate.

    "I'm going to put the real facts up there on my website," said Moore, "so that people can see what he just said was absolutely wrong."

    Turning to the war in Iraq, Moore accused Gupta, who spent time embedded with US troops in Iraq, and the mainstream media at large of refusing "to ask our leaders the hard questions, and demand the honest answers." Moore laid the blame for the continued US involvement in the war in Iraq at the feet of the media, arguing that they failed to do their jobs and question the Bush war policy.

    Blitzer refused to argue with Moore about Iraq, and instead steered the conversation back to the topic of health care. Moore was asked which of the US presidential candidates he thought would best fix America's health care system.

    Moore did not name a specific candidate, but said that the Democratic candidates as a whole need to be more specific about how they plan to achieve their goal of universal health care.

    "Our own government admits that because of the 47 million who aren't insured, we now have about 18,000 people a year that die in this country, simply because they don't have health insurance. That's six 9/11s every single year," concluded Moore. We need "universal health care that's free for everyone who lives in this country, it'll cost us less than what we're spending now lining the pockets of these private health insurance companies, or these pharmaceutical companies."

    After the interview, Blitzer found sympathy from fellow CNN hosts Lou Dobbs and Jack Cafferty.

    "After watching that Michael Moore interview," said Cafferty, "I've decided whatever CNN's paying it ain't enough."

    The following video is from CNN's The Situation Room, broadcast on July 9.

    Video At Source
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #2
    werther Guest
    I watched this and laughed my ass off! The last time Moore says "sanja guupta" is pretty funny. I checked his sight to see if he had posted anything regarding this interview and Dr. Gupta, but I did not see anything. I did see however, a link for the FealGood Foundation....Stoked. I finally saw sicko last night. Thought it was a pretty damn good film.

  3. #3
    somebigguy Guest
    Is Michael Moore fed up with the media blackouts and finally ready to call them on it? Keep at it Michael, you just might gain some respect back...

  4. #4
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    That was awsome. What's up with Sanja though?

  5. #5
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    here's the video

    that was more of a rape than it is getting slammed

  6. #6
    werther Guest
    michael Moore posted his rebuttal to sanja gupta. CNN, Sanjay Gupta bold faced lied. . ...please don't take that as though I am suprised.

  7. #7
    AuGmENTor Guest
    I liked it. Fuck CNN. Can someone tell me in what ways Mike Moore lost his credibility? From the moment I came into his movement I have heard all of these bad things about him, thus I never really gave him a chance. I own F911, and I have never watched it cuz I heard so many bad things about it. So come on guys, wow me...

  8. #8
    simuvac Guest

    Moore is credible

    The backlash against Michael Moore, on both the left and the right, has little to do with his films. I'm not sure why the left has shit on Moore as much as it has, unless there are many jealous folks in the wake of his success.

    Robert Brent Toplin, a history professor at UNC, wrote a book about F9/11 called Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11: How One Film Divided a Nation. In it, he explains:

    "Angry detractors of Fahrenheit 9/11 say that he employed facts incorrectly, distorted information, deliberately lied about the president, and misrepresented recent U.S. history. My analysis suggests that those familiar indictments of Fahrenheit 9/11 are largely mistaken. In fact, the major disagreements between admirers and detractors of Fahrenheit 9/11 are primarily over the interpretation of facts, not whether the facts themselves are true. Moore's principal evidence is not inherently incorrect, but what one makes of it can excite animated disagreement." (6-7)

  9. #9
    simuvac Guest
    I think there's also a segment of the population that just can't appreciate the type of documentary Moore makes. His films are more impressionistic than some people can handle, so they label them conspiracy theory.

    For example, Bowling for Columbine didn't indict specific people or industries so much as it identified a mindset, a worldview that is driven by foreign policy dictates. Conservatives would want Moore to say, "Ban guns." But he didn't say that. Conservatives hate nuance, and that's all that Moore was depicting.

    Same thing with F9/11. Moore created the impression that the Bush and Bin Laden families were in cahoots, because, in some sense, they certainly were. But conservatives could twist that impression and complain, "He thinks our President is a traitor who sponsored Osama!" Maybe he did; but in conservativeland, the impression Moore depicted was unconscionable.

    Mostly, though, attacking Moore is just par for the course for the right wing echo chamber.

  10. #10
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Moore created the impression that the Bush and Bin Laden families were in cahoots, because, in some sense, they certainly were. But conservatives could twist that impression and complain, "He thinks our President is a traitor who sponsored Osama!" Maybe he did; but in conservativeland, the impression Moore depicted was unconscionable.
    All the information I have read and watched would suggest that they are in cahoots as you say. Sothere'll be no argument on MY part about that...
    Thanks for the reply. Very concise.

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