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Thread: Media abuse of "al Qaeda" connections reaches new low

  1. #1
    simuvac Guest

    Media abuse of "al Qaeda" connections reaches new low

    Here's a headline from ABC News today (commentary below):
    Car Bomb Found in London 20 Days After al Qaeda Suicide Bomber 'Graduation Ceremony'

    June 29, 2007 7:02 AM

    Don't you see? The existence of these two events means they must be related.

    The discovery of a massive car bomb set to detonate in central London comes just three weeks after what was described as an al Qaeda graduation ceremony of suicide bomb teams to be dispatched to Europe and the United States.

    Why not also report that the car bomb came "just three weeks" after the G8 summit in Germany?
    A videotape obtained by ABC News from a Pakistani journalist shows groups of dozens of men al Qaeda says have gone through a terror training camp somewhere in Pakistan.

    This amazing transition defies all rules of respectable journalism. Without offering any details of the car bomb, ABC then treats us to several paragraphs about the unrelated Al Qaeda camp.

    Photos: Inside the al Qaeda 'Graduation'

    Teams of 50 to 60 men were supposedly dispatched to the United States, Canada, Germany and Great Britain.

    On the tape, the leader of the British team speaks of the mission in broken English, "Let me say something about why we are going along with my team to tell a suicide attack in Britain."

    Don't you see? That guy said he would attack Britain, so it must have been him in the car! It's just like when Oral Roberts said God would kill him if he didn't raise $8 million. Look what happened to him! Oh wait...

    That was just 20 days ago, and the existence of the tape first reported by ABC News put British and German security experts on edge.


    "The Blotter" recommends some more fear-mongering tripe that is surely a pretext for the bombing of Iran.

    It was also just last year that al Qaeda operative, Dhiren Barot, was convicted in a London court of planning suicide attacks in London and the U.S., using limousines and other vehicles, not unlike the bomb-rigged silver Mercedes discovered in London this morning.

    Based on the early sketchy details, the car bomb was potentially powerful but relatively crude.

    "Relatively crude" is code for "must have been built by one of those barbarians in the sand."

    The great concern now is that if it is an al Qaeda operation, something that is still not known, but if it is, there would likely be other vehicle bombs in the works.

    Wow! We move from a completely unsubstantiated claim to unsubstantiated speculation about the ramifications of the previous unsubstantiated claim.

    Today British officials are continuing a program begun earlier this month to check gas and chemical trucks, cement trucks and limousines and all vehicles coming and going from the famed Wimbledon tennis tournament now underway outside London.

  2. #2
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    Jan 2005
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
    simuvac Guest

    Terrorism: The New Communism

    Remember when everyone who opposed the excesses of corporatism was a "communist"? Meet the new communism.

    What's really beginning to gnaw at me is how the Left is accepting this linguistic shell game, even after they've lost the game about a million times over.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2005
    I honestly don't know what I consider myself now. I used to think I was a "liberal", but that's not true. I used to think I was on the "left", but that's not true. I guess I'm just an American.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #5
    simuvac Guest

    The label doesn't matter so much

    The label means less than what it represents, I guess.

    I'm simply referring to the people who, at least on the surface, oppose the twin towers of market capitalism and runaway militarism.

    Strangely, in the War on Terra, the libertarian right seems to be doing more to oppose it, because of their disdain for big government.

    I'm more opposed to bad government than big government. The libertarians, like Ron Paul, oppose even the good things governments can do (universal health care, for example). That just hands over everything to predatory capitalism, and I don't see that as a solution to anything.

    Anyhoo, if you are "just an American," that's cool. ;-)

  6. #6
    simuvac Guest

    This is horse pucky

    Two explosive-laden cars in London linked

    Explain to me how these would-be terrorists failed to detonate two car bombs.

    "Duh, I just can't seem to park this thing and blow it up good!"

    Something is definitely up. Multiple reports of terror alerts in Europe and America. These fake bomb scares. Bush going on about Al Qaeda, even when it's not Al Qaeda. This doesn't look good at all.

  7. #7
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    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by simuvac
    The label means less than what it represents, I guess.

    I'm simply referring to the people who, at least on the surface, oppose the twin towers of market capitalism and runaway militarism.

    Strangely, in the War on Terra, the libertarian right seems to be doing more to oppose it, because of their disdain for big government.

    I'm more opposed to bad government than big government. The libertarians, like Ron Paul, oppose even the good things governments can do (universal health care, for example). That just hands over everything to predatory capitalism, and I don't see that as a solution to anything.

    Anyhoo, if you are "just an American," that's cool. ;-)
    My friend and I were talking about that the other night. Is it possible to have the good services provided by the Government without having a Government?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #9
    AuGmENTor Guest
    It would take a smarter guy than me to figure that one out. What are you talking about exactly? WHat services do they provide you wioth that you couldn't live without? I'm not being sarcastic, I'd really like to know.

  10. #10
    simuvac Guest
    Can you perform surgery on yourself?

    Health care is the obvious example. I won't rehearse the many arguments in favor of universal health care. Suffice to say, it has been demonstrated repeatedly to be cheaper and more egalitarian than privatized health care. All of the arguments about "wait times" are crap. In the private system, one sacrifices basic health care for the majority so that the minority can have access to quality care. In the socialized system, a very, very small percentage of people experience unusual wait times (maybe 2-5%) so that everyone has access to care.

    I would argue things like policing and firefighting should be performed by the government.

    Governments maintain roads? I mean, all those things corporations call "externalities".

    The key, as many anarchists argue, is to force the government to justify the limited use of violence. Naturally, power tends to concentrate in the hands of the few and abuses follow.... But I still think some government is a good thing, better than no government.

    What America has now is not a republic or a democracy. It is a plutocracy.

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