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Thread: The Archives

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The 9/11 Families

    It's not enough...

    9/11 Commission Funding Woes

    A Letter I Wrote To The Family Members...

    9/11 Family Groups Calls For Full Disclosure Of ALL 9-11 Commission Materials

    9/11 Aftershocks Rupture Virginia Family

    NYTimes - Letter to the Editor

    9/11 Truth Advocates Launch Nationwide Congressional Candidate Poll

    9/11 Families Denounce U.S. Agency For Withholding Secret Aviation Data

    9/11 Family Member Bill Doyle On Alex Jones Show - Audio Inside

    Spitzer Blocks Top Aide From 9/11 Congressional Testimony

    For A Moment, 9/11 Widow Not Alone

    The Sound Of One Hand Slapping

    9/11: No CIA Report Yet

    Families Press CIA To Release 9/11 Report

    September 11th Advocates: Statement Regarding 9/11 Commission Hearings

    Ex-National Security Official Says Bush 'Ignored' Terrorism

    Statement Of September 11th Advocates Regarding Surveillance Of Mohammad Atta

    The Jersey Girls Receive The "Wings Of Justice Award"

    Kristen Breitweiser: Enabling Danger

    9/11 Widows Further 9/11 Commission "Mistakes"

    "Jersey Girls" - Regarding The Release Of The CIA Inspector General's Report

    9/11 Widows Group Decries Pentagon Call For Closed Judiciary Hearings On Able Danger

    9/11 Relatives Charge Cover-Up

    Former Family Steering Committee Members Request Judiciary Compell Testimony

    CIA Chief Refuses To Seek Discipline For 9/11 Officials

    Philip Zelikow: The Bush Administration Investigates The Bush Administration

    9/11 Widow: No Surprises In Commission's Dismal Report Card

    The King's Red Herring

    Statement Of September 11th Advocates Regarding NSA Surveillance

    Giuliani's Deadly Impact? Have The Jersey Girls Joined The Fray?

    9/11 Widows Rap Rudy's Testimony

    Bush Nominates Himself To Chair 9/11 Investigation

    September 11th Advocates Statement On Hayden, Others Rewarded After 9/11

    9/11 Widows Respond To Coulter's "Slander"

    A Tribute To The Jersey Girls

    Writer's Claims Disturbs Families Of 9/11 Victims

    Important Quotes From Important People

    9/11 Commission Declassified Monograph

    A 'Redaction': In the 9/11 Commission We (Once) Trust(ed)

    House Hearing On Anniversary Of 9/11 Report

    9/11 Back To Congress

    The 9/11 Omission Hearings

    The 9/11 Congressional Briefing Hosted By Rep. Cynthia McKinney - Audio Inside

    Press Releases: Citizens' Watchdog Group Challenges 9/11 Commissioners to Debate

    Transcripts From Cynthia McKinney's 9/11 Congressional Briefing

    Questions For The 9/11 Commissioners & Staff Regarding Able Danger

    Alex Jones' Team Confronts 9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean - Video Inside

    Lorie Van Auken Writes A Letter To The Editor - NYTimes

    9/11 Widows Issue Statement Re: Pentagon Deception & 9/11 Commission

    9/11 Widows Speak Out In New Documentary

    Lorie Van Auken Refuses To See "World Trade Center"

    Les Jamieson On WBAI 99.5 Does A 3 Hour Show On 9/11 Truth - Audio Inside

    Can You Imagine? - Video Inside

    9/11: Press For Truth Clip: Kissinger Vs. The 9/11 Families - Video Inside

    Which 9/11 Documentary About The Families Struggle For Truth Does Reuter's Report On?


    9/11/2006: Family Members To Call For A New 9/11 Investigation

    Donna Marsh O'Connor In Front Of The United Nations - Video Inside
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    More to come...
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #13
    LloydBentsen Guest
    well done.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    9/11 Truth Media - Video Collection

    Here is just about everything I've collected as far as 9/11 and videos go. Thanks to EVERYONE who had a hand in either getting these videos, filming these videos, or participating in these videos. Thanks to for hosting a great deal of these videos.

    If any of the videos don't work, please let me know. Thanks.

    Former Defense Minister of Canada Speaks About 9/11 - Video Inside

    Rep. Cynthia McKinnney Questions Rumsfeld, Myers About 9/11 Wargames - Video Inside

    David Ray Griffin On C-SPAN - Video Inside

    In the Name of Sibel Edmonds - Video Inside

    Condoleeza Rice Questioned About August 6th PDB At The 9/11 Commission - Video Inside

    Executive Director Of David Kubiak Talks About The 9/11 - Video Inside

    Paul Thompson Lecture - Video Inside

    Lee Hamilton Questioned About Dr. David Ray Griffin On C-SPAN - Video Inside

    Kristen Breitweiser Slams Porter Goss - Video Inside

    Dr. Robert Bowman Gives A Great Lecture - Video Inside

    Unanswered Questions Of 9/11 - Video Inside

    The 9/11 Commission Hearings - Video Inside

    Dr. David Ray Griffin Speaks At The D.C. Truth Convergence - Video Inside

    Daniel Hopsicker Talks About The Hijackers - Video Inside

    Who Killed John O'Neill? - Video Inside

    9/11 Awareness Exercise - July 4th, 2005 - Video Inside

    9/11 CitizensWatch Co-Founder Confronts 9/11 Commissioner - Video Inside

    Rep. Curt Weldon (R) Talks About "Able Danger" - Video Inside

    Peter Dale Scott Speaks After Nafeez Ahmed's C-SPAN Appearance - Video Inside

    Washington Journal - Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer - Video Inside

    Jenna Orkin At The Truth Convergence - Video Inside

    Ray McGovern At The D.C. Emergency Truth Convergence - Lafayette Park - Video Inside's C-SPAN Appearances - Video Inside

    Paul Thompson At The National Press Club In Washington D.C. - Video Inside

    Paul Thompson At The D.C. Emergency Truth Convergence - Lafayette Park - Video Inside

    4th Anniversary - Donna Marsh O'Connor At The United Nations - Video Inside

    4th Anniversary - Dr. Faiz Khan At St. Mark's Church - Video Inside

    4th Anniversary - Craig Hill At St. Mark's Church - Video Inside

    Blasted Reality Films - The Produced Reality - Video Inside

    D.C. Emergency Truth Convergence - Video Inside

    26 Anomolies About 9/11 - Video Inside

    Rep. Curt Weldon Talks About 9/11 Coverup On CNN - Video Inside

    Canadian Television Talks About 9/11 Conspiracy - Video Inside

    9/11: Attack or Godsend? (Meacher/Von Bulow - Video inside)

    Rep. Curt Weldon Asks For A Criminal Investigation Regarding 9/11 - Video Inside

    KUTV Coverage Of Professor Steven E. Jones - Video Inside

    MSNBC Covers Professor Steven E. Jones, Omits WTC7 Coverage - Video Inside

    Sander Hicks' Wife, Holley Anderson Sings A Great Song In Kansas City - Video Inside

    Tucker Says 9/11 Skeptics Should "Leave The Country", Commits Slander - Video Inside

    Tucker Carlson Resorts To Calling 9/11 Skeptic 'Quack' - Video Inside

    The Lone Gunmen, First Episode - A Review Of The New Wargames Timeline - Video Inside

    BBC - Newsnight Scotland cover Shayler questioning 911 (video inside)

    Jersey Girls Call For The Resignation Of Philip Zelikow, March 2003 - Video Inside

    Fox News Affiliate Covers 9/11 Truth - Video Inside

    Enhanced Tucker Carlson/Steven E. Jones Footage With Commentary - Video Inside

    9/11 Controlled Demolition Report - Video Inside

    Karen Hughes Talks About 9/11 Myths - Video Inside

    The Founder Of The PNAC, Bill Kristol, Blames Clinton For 9/11 - Video Inside

    Fox News Cavuto Show Hosts 9/11 Skeptic To Bash - Video Inside

    A Fallen Hero - Video Inside

    Alex Jones Predicts 9/11 On 7/25/2001 - Video Inside

    Forum On The Role Of The National Security Advisor - Video Inside

    Janice Matthews Lectures About 9/11 At The OKCB Truth Convergence - Video Inside

    Professor Steven E. Jones' Lecture About WTC Collapse - Video Inside

    9/11 Revisited: Were Explosives Used To Bring Down The Buildings - Video Inside

    Can You Imagine? - Video Inside

    Dennis Kucinich Thinks Bush Let 9/11 Happen - Video Inside

    Norman Mineta's Omitted And Covered Up 9/11 Commission Testimony - Video Inside

    Fox News Reports On Israeli - 9/11 Connection - Video Inside

    Wesley Clark Says We Need To Investigate 9/11 - Video Inside

    End Part I
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Leslie Nielson Makes A Point In Scary Movie 4 - Video Inside

    9/11 Truth On CNN Headline News With Mike Berger From - Video Inside

    Alex Jones On CNN - Video Inside

    Hannity & Colmes Talk About Charlie Sheen - Video Inside

    Showbiz Tonight Dedicates An Entire Show To 9/11 Truth - Video Inside

    Helen Thomas Speaks Of The PNAC, And The President's Desire For Iraq - Video Inside

    All Of Showbiz Tonight's Coverage Of 9/11 - Video Inside

    New CNN Headline News Showbiz Tonight 9/11 Coverage - Video Inside

    Alex Jones' Team Confronts 9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean - Video Inside

    Bill Maher And Guests Discuss Bush's Actions On 9/11 - Video Inside

    Richard Ben-Veniste Says You Can't Trust Bush - Video Inside

    Charlie Sheen Questions 9/11 On The Jimmy Kimmel Show - Video Inside

    BYU Professor Steven Jones Gives Update On 9/11 Research - Video Inside

    Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime - Video Inside

    CNN Just Blatantly Lied About - Video Inside

    John Bolton Gets Called On His PNAC Affiliations By A Reporter - Video Inside

    9/11 Truth News With Turbo Ted - Video Inside

    Watch The Gypsy Work - Video Inside

    Randi Rhodes, Ed Schultz Debates On Larry King - Video Inside

    John Albanese Introduces "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" - Video Inside

    New 9/11 Movie: What's The Truth? - Video Inside

    CNN Promotes Junk Missile/Pentagon Theory As Thing That Drives Us - Video Inside

    Quick Mix Video Of Lobby Tour And Chicago March - Video Inside

    Presentation By Kevin Ryan From Chicago Conference - Video Inside

    Keith Olbermann Mentions Chicago Event - Video Inside

    Ann Coulter Attacks The 9/11 Widows - Video Inside

    Kean And Hamilton Fear Monger For Their Fuhrer - Video Inside

    Alex Jones Keynote Speech In Chicago - Video Inside

    Conjecture & Theory - Ken Jenkins & Morgan Reynolds Chicago - Video Inside

    Coulter Attacks The Widows Again, Max Cleland? - Video Inside

    Carol Brouillet Posts Her Strategy For The 9/11 Truth Movement - Video Inside

    Daniel Ellsburg - The Day After The Next 9/11, Our Freedoms Are Gone - Video Inside

    What's The Truth - Final Edition - Video Inside

    Tim Russert Interviewed By Jack Blood And Questioned On 9/11 - Video Inside

    Italian Film Crew Covers Chicago Conference - Video Inside

    Mike Berger From On Scarborough Country - Video Inside

    Lt. Colonel Mentions Shoot Down Orders On 9/11 On BBC - Video Inside

    Dr. James Fetzer On Hannity And Colmes - Video Inside

    New BBC Footage Mentions Low Explosion - Video Inside

    Boondocks First Episode - Video Inside

    New Alex Jones Movie, "Terror Storm" - Video Inside

    9/11: Revealing The Truth, Reclaiming Our Future Press Conference - Video Inside

    Greg Palast, BBC Reporter, Investigates The U.S. Investigation Of 9/11 - Video Inside

    Peter Phillips Talks About 9/11 And The Press - Chicago Conference - Video Inside

    9/11 Case Study: Pentagon Flight 77 - Video Inside

    Dr. Robert Bowman At The Chicago 9/11 Conference - Video Inside

    9/11 Truth Door To Door - Video Inside

    9/11 Truth Door To Door Part II - Video Inside

    Dissent: Figuring Out What Works--Direct Action, Popular Resistance - Video Inside

    Kevin Barrett Kicks Sean Hannity's Ass - Video Inside

    Kevin Barrett On CNN - Video Inside

    Ian C. Contributes To The 9/11 Truth Door To Door Project - Video Inside

    Dr. Robert Bowman On Hannity & Colmes - Video Inside

    PA 9/11 Visibility Group Has Its' First Meeting - Video Inside

    Ann Coulter Attacks 9/11 Widows Again - Video Inside

    Condoleezza Rice Continues To Make The Iraq - 9/11 Connection - Video Inside

    The Missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars - Video Inside

    Jon Gold Questions Scott Ritter And Ray McGovern On 9/11 - Video Inside

    Dave Slesigner At The Chicago Conference - Video Inside

    Kevin Barrett Interviewed On "For The Record" - Video Inside

    Bill O'Reilly Slanders Kevin Barrett On National Television - Video Inside

    Grassroots Organizing 101 - Chicago Conference - Video Inside

    C-SPAN'S Coverage Of The American Scholars Symposium - Video Inside

    Capitol Hill Police: Cynthia McKinney Targeted - Video Inside

    Joe Scarborough Portrayed Cynthia McKinney As Crazy, So I Made A Movie - Video Inside

    Dr. David Ray Griffin Interviewed By Tucker Carlson - Video Inside

    9/11 Truth Door To Door - Opening Weekend "World Trade Center" - Video Inside

    9/11 Truth Leafletting - Opening Weekend "World Trade Center" - Video Inside

    Local Fox News Account Of Mia Hamel's Arrest - Video Inside

    Chicago: The 9/11 Key To Grasping And Ousting The Corporate Coup - Video Inside

    9/11: Press For Truth Clip - "Bush Knew" - Video Inside

    Leader Of Canadian Action Party Speaks Out - Video Inside

    9/11 Air Traffic Controller Talks About That Day - Video Inside

    Behind Every Terrorist There Is A Bush - Video Inside

    Dr. David Ray Griffin At The Congressional Black Caucus - Video Inside

    9/11: Press For Truth Clip: Kissinger Vs. The 9/11 Families - Video Inside

    Barrie Zwicker Speaks In Winnigpeg Canada - Video Inside

    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    9/11 Truth Media - Audio Collection

    Here is all of the audio I've collected. Thanks to everyone for making it available.

    If audio is missing, please let me know. Thanks.

    Alex Jones Interviews Janice Matthews From - Audio Inside

    Gold9472 And Karl Schwarz On The "Radio" - Audio Inside

    Michael Ruppert Presentation - June 2nd - Audio Inside

    Alex Jones 9/11 Expose - Audio Inside

    Dr. David Ray Griffin On Inside Scoop - Audio Inside

    Paul Thompson On Air America 7/20/2005 - Audio Inside

    The 2005 Emergency Truth Convergence - Audio Inside

    The 9/11 Congressional Briefing Hosted By Rep. Cynthia McKinney - Audio Inside

    Paul Thompson Joins Caroline Casey On KPFA'S Visionary Activist Show - Audio Inside

    Paul Thompson And Nafeez Ahmed At The D.C. Truth Emergency Convergence - Audio Inside

    Rep. Henry Waxman Calls For Rice 9/11 Hearings - Audio Inside

    What Is The 9/11 Commission's Mandate - Audio Inside

    WBAI In NY 2 Hour Radio Show Download - Audio Inside

    Mike Malloy Discusses 9/11 Truth - 9/30/2005 - Audio Inside

    Levee Breaks, 9/11 Part Of Govt. Plot, Farrakhan Implies - Audio Inside

    Mike Malloy Discusses Professor Steven E. Jones - Audio Inside

    Howard Stern, September 11th, 2001 - Audio Inside

    Mike Malloy On 9/11 Truth - Audio Inside

    TVNewsLies Interviews Michael Ruppert About Peak Oil - Audio Inside

    The 9/11 People's Commission, Washington D.C. 9/11/2004 - Audio Inside

    Michael Ruppert Gives A Lecture On 10/20/2004 - Audio Inside

    Alex Jones Interviews Sibel Edmonds - 1/17/2006 - Audio Inside

    Professor Steven E. Jones' Lecture - February 1st, 2006 - Audio Inside

    Mike Malloy No Longer Has Doubt That 9/11 Was An Inside Job - Audio Inside

    Dr. David Ray Griffin On rbnlive - Audio Inside

    9/11 Author/NY Governor Candidate Sander Hicks On The Majority Report - Audio Inside

    Randi Rhodes Opens The Door For 9/11 Truth - Audio Inside

    Dr. David Ray Griffin On The Mike Malloy Show, 2/22/2006 - Audio Inside

    Harry Belafonte Questions 9/11 And Asks Us To Redefine Terror - Audio Inside

    Meet Dr. Howard - New 9/11 Health Czar - Audio Inside

    9/11 Commercials For You To Pass Around - Audio Inside

    A Blast From The Past - Audio Inside

    Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story - Audio Inside

    The 9/11 Card - Audio Inside

    Dr. David Ray Griffin On Guns & Butter - Audio Inside

    Alex Jones On The Alan Colmes Radio Show - Audio Inside

    Representative Curt Weldon Takes Part In A Town Hall Meeting - Audio Inside

    Dr. Robert Bowman On The Alex Jones Show - Audio Inside

    9/11 Truth On The Ron & Fez Show - Audio Inside

    Sting Records An Amazing Version To An Amazing Song On 9/11 - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey And Robert Bowman Interview - Audio Inside

    Jack Beacon And Chip Berlet Debate 9/11 - Audio Inside

    Dayton: FAA, NORAD Hid 9/11 Failures - Audio Inside

    A Michael Ruppert Radio Interview - Audio Inside

    A Talk By Barrie Zwicker - Audio Inside

    Fmr. German Defense Minister Andreas Von Bulow On The Alex Jones Show - Audio Inside

    Hannity & Colmes Lies About And Attacks Cynthia McKinney - Audio Inside

    Payne Stewart Newscast - Audio Inside

    Introducing: The YBBS Commercial - Audio Inside

    Cheney Making The Case Not To Investigate 9/11 - Audio Inside

    Matthews, Day, And Tarpley Talk About The Chicago Event - Audio Inside

    Keith Phucas From The Times Herald Interviews Jon Gold - Audio Inside

    91.1 KAOR Vermillion's Daniel Strong Interviews Jon Gold - Audio Inside

    Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime - Audio Inside

    Randi Rhodes Talks About The Pentagon Video - Audio Inside

    Alex Jones Interviews Ray McGovern - Audio Inside

    Bryan Sacks From Interviewed On WWRL In New York - Audio Inside

    Alex Jones Interviews Professor Steven E. Jones - Audio Inside

    Robert Baer - Fmr. CIA - Comments On 9/11 "Inside Job" Possibilities - Audio Inside

    James Fetzer Interviews Dr. David Ray Griffin - Audio Inside

    Mike Malloy On Gatekeeping - Audio Inside

    Q&A Session From Griffin's "9/11, The Myth And the Reality" - Audio Inside

    Opposition Radio With Dr. Joe Hawkins - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey Interviews The U.K.'s 9/11 Truth Chairman Ian Crane - Audio Inside

    9/11 Family Member Bill Doyle On Alex Jones Show - Audio Inside

    Kevin Barrett Explains 9/11 To Ben Merens Of Wis. Public Radio - Audio Inside

    Voice Of Arizona Radio Show Interviews Kevin Barrett - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey Interviews Chris Emery - Audio Inside

    Webster Tarpley Interviews Professor Steven E. Jones - Audio Inside

    Dave And Joyce From The Power Hour Discuss The O'Reilly Death Threat - Audio Inside

    Les Jamieson On WBAI 99.5 Does A 3 Hour Show On 9/11 Truth - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey Interviews Dr. David Ray Griffin On The 2nd Anniversary - Audio Inside

    Music That Pisses Off Shills, And Is Funny To Boot - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey Interviews Dave Slesinger - Audio Inside

    Kevin Barrett Destroys Sean Hannity, Hannity Mutes To "Win" - Audio Inside

    Randi Rhodes Interviews Paul Thompson On Recent 9/11 News - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey Interviews Don Paul - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey On Air America Phoenix - Audio Inside

    A New Podcast: Matt McClure's 9/11 News - Audio Inside

    Jon Gold Interviews Michael Wolsey - Audio Inside

    Alex Jones Interviews Mike Malloy - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey Interviews Professor Steven E. Jones - Audio Inside

    Paul Thompson Talks About 9/11: Press For Truth On Randi Rhodes - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey Interviews Ed Haas Of The Muckraker Report - Audio Inside

    CIA Director Warned Congress About 9/11 Attacks - Audio Inside

    Alan Colmes Interviews Alex Jones - Audio Inside

    George Flynn Interviews Former Marine Col. Jim Bush - Audio Inside

    The Sibel Edmonds' Song - Audio Inside

    Mike Newcomb Interviews Barrie Zwicker - Audio Inside

    Popular Mechanics Gets Their Ass Kicked On The Charles Goyette Show - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey Interviews Captain Eric H. May - Audio Inside

    Michael Wolsey Interviews Kevin Ryan - Audio Inside
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    I'm posting this because Bush today said that the leaders of Iran are using their "resources to fund terrorism and fuel extremism and pursue nuclear weapons."

    Here is everything I have on Iran.

    Incidentally, for a time, I spelled nuclear, "Nucular." I'm sure you can figure out why.

    BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Planning For Possible Attack On Iran

    BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Warns Iran Over Missiles, Punishes Chinese Firms

    Condoleeza Rice Issues Warning To Iran

    Iran 'Will Stick To Nuclear Plan'

    U.S. Uses Drones To Probe Iran For Nukes

    Iran And Syria Say To Build 'Common Front'

    BREAKING NEWS: Powerful Blast In Iran

    Russia To Ink Iran Atom Fuel Deal

    Scott Ritter Says U.S. Plans June Attack On Iran

    Halliburton, Others Evade Iran Embargo

    Pakistan Admits Khan Gave Iran Nuke Material

    Iran Defiant In Face Of United U.S., EU Approach

    Iran: U.S. ‘Hallucinating’ Over Nuclear Talks

    BREAKING NEWS: Israel Plans Strike On Iran Nuke Plant

    Iran May Face Naval Blockade In Arabian Sea

    Iran Reportedly On Arms-Buying Spree

    Poll: Americans Worry About Nuclear Weapons

    Ukraine Leader Confirms Missle Sales To Iran

    Attacking Iran: I Know It Sounds Crazy, But...

    Iran Says it's Set To Resume Nuclear Work

    Iran Issues New Threat Amid Stalled Nuclear Talks

    Israel Warns Iran Over Nucular Threat

    U.S. Fires Warning Shot Over Iran Nucular Talks

    Iran Renews Pledge Not To Seek Nucular Weapons

    Iran Lawmakers Want Nucular Development

    Mahathir Says U.S. Is Encouraging Israel To Attack Iran

    Iran Successfully Tests 2000-km Range Ballistic Missle

    U.S. Says It Intercepted Nucular Material For North Korea, Iran

    Bombing Iran: The Facts Don't Matter

    AP: Intelligence Sees Terrorists in Iran

    Who Called It? Evidence Points To Terrorists Hiding In Iran

    Nuclear Watchdog IAEA Inspects Iran, Finds No Violations

    Iran Hit By Wave Of Bombings, Blames U.S.

    U.S. Sheltering Terrorists, Says Iran

    Iran 'Misled U.N. On Nuclear Work'

    Iran Calls For Bush Poll Apology

    The U.S. War With Iran Has Already Begun

    Iran Loser Blasts 'Illegal Poll'

    Nuke Crisis Looms With Hardline Iran

    Iran To Maintain Nuclear Policy

    Bush Questions Iran Leader-Elect's Past

    Report: Iran Leader Linked To '89 Vienna Killings

    Iran: U.S., Israel Waging Smear Campaign

    N. Korea Provides Nuclear Aid To Iran - Intel Reports

    China Ready To Boost Ties With Iran, President Hu

    Iran To Build 20 Nuclear Power Plants

    Iran Says Israeli Mossad Performed The Attacks

    Netanyahu Warns West It Must Halt Iran Nuclear Plans

    Bush Tells Iran To Release Jailed Journalist

    Iran Slams U.S. For Human Rights Violations

    Iran To Restart Nuclear Work

    U.K. Warns Iran Over Nuclear Plans

    Iran To Defy E.U. By Resuming Nuclear Activity

    Iran Is Judged 10 Years From Nuclear Bomb - White House Lied Again

    Iran Supplying Insurgents In Iraq With Roadside Bombs

    Neocons Advocating War With Iran, And Continue To Spin Their Disinformation

    Tension Mounts As Iran Mulls Nuclear Plan

    Iran Rejects European Nuclear Proposal

    Iran Resumes Uranium Enrichment

    Iran Seeks United Front With Syria

    Iran In Nuclear Sanctions Warning

    Bush Refuses To Rule Out Force Against Iran

    Schroeder attacks Bush over Iran

    Ahmadinejad Names Hard-Liners To Iran Cabinet

    China to Back Iran Up

    How Bush Would Gain From War With Iran

    Iran Wages Undeclared War Against Coalition

    Iran Arrests Separatists With 'Links' To British Intelligence

    Iran, China Discuss Defense Cooperation

    Iran, Venezuela Discuss Oil Embargo

    No Proof Found Of Iran Arms Program

    Europeans Call Off Key Nuclear Talks With Iran

    U.S. Dismisses Iran Nuclear Report

    Pat Buchanan's Mag Claims Cheney Preparing Tactical Nuke Strike On Iran

    U.K.'s Straw Rules Out Military Action On Iran Nuclear Plan

    Axis Of Evil Country, Iran, Offers Aid For Katrina

    U.S. Warns China On Iran Oil

    U.S. Turns Down 20 Million Barrells Of Oil From Iran For Hurricane Aid

    Iran 'Will Trade Nuclear Secrets'

    Why China's Not Backing Bush On Iran

    Iran May Agree To Supervised Nuclear Program

    Putin, Bush Disagree On Iran Nuclear Issue

    Iran Gets New U.S. Nuclear Warning

    Beware Our Fiery Wrath, Iran Warns Foes

    Iran Calls On U.N. To Probe How Israel Acquired Nuclear Weapons

    E.U. Submits Motion To U.N. To Have Iran Referred To Security Council

    Iran Threatens Economic Backlash Over IAEA Vote

    Iran Threatens To Resume Enrichment

    Attack On Iran Would Rocket Oil Prices To 400 Dollars - General

    Be Ready To Face Consequences: Iran To U.S.

    War Pimp Alert: Iran 'behind attacks on British'

    End Part I
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Iran Denies British Attacks Link

    Blair Warns Iran Over Iraq Bombs

    Anti-U.S. And U.K. Protests In Iran

    Iran 'Treated Worse Than North Korea'

    Israelis Sharpening Swords For Strike On Iran

    Rice Fails To Win Russian Support On Iran

    Iran Says Arrested British Agent For Twin Bombings

    Iran Arrest 20 Over Bombing Blamed On U.K.

    Rice Refuses To Rule Out Military Action Against Syria Or Iran

    Blair's New Tune On Iran

    Iran President Wants Israel "Wiped Off The Map"

    The Real Reasons Why Iran Is The Next Target: The Emerging Euro

    Iran 'Not Planning Israel Attack'

    Bush Calls Iran And Syria 'Outlaw Regimes'

    Annan Cancels Trip To Iran Over Israel Comments

    Iran Calls Ottawa Rights Abuser

    Few Signs Of Progress Into Chalabi Leak Of Intelligence To Iran

    U.S. Spy Drones Crashed On Its' Terroritory, Iran Says

    U.S. Drives A Wedge Between Russia, Iran

    No Military Action On Iran - Foreign Secretary Jack Straw

    New Evidence Of Iran Nuke Arms Ambition: According To "U.S. Officials"

    Iran Starts Converting New Batch Of Uranium: Diplomat

    Iran Given 'Nuclear Weapon Data'

    Iran And Iraq To Deepen Security Ties

    Iran Votes To Block Nuclear Inspections

    Iran Wins Reprieve On UN Sanctions With Russian Offer

    Iran 'Hiding Nuclear Materials' According To An Iranian Exile

    EU Accuses Iran Of Having Nuke Documents

    U.S. To Reach Out To Iran In Bid To Quell Iraq Unrest

    Iran And Russia Sign $1B Defense Deal

    Israel 'Preparing To Handle' Nuclear Iran

    Israel Threatens Iran - Iran threatens counter-strike

    Netanyahu Backs Pre-Emptive Strike on Iran

    UN Security Council Condemns Iran President's Remarks

    Israel readies forces for strike on nuclear Iran

    Most Israelis Oppose Strike Against Iran: Poll

    AIPAC Criticizes White House Policy On Iran

    Turkey Denies Cooperation With U.S. Against Iran

    MK: Iran To Have Nuclear Capability Within 2 Years

    U.S. Punishes Firms For Iran Sales

    'Turkey Would Not Allow Israeli Maneuvers' Against Iran From Their Soil

    Iran Planning For Pending Israeli/American Attack In This Year's Budget

    Israel Rules Out Strike On Iran - For Now

    German Media Suggest That The U.S. And Israel Preparing Military Strike Against Iran

    Iran President: Israel Completed Holocaust

    Ankara Denies Report U.S. Wants Turk Base To Hit Iran

    Secret Services Say Iran Is Trying To Assemble A Nuclear Missile

    CIA Gave Iran Bomb Plans, Book Says

    U.S. Warns Iran Against Resuming Nuclear Research

    Iran Rejection Of Nuclear Deal Becoming Clear: Rice

    Iran Accuses U.S. Of Being Behind Kidnapping Of Iranian Border Guards

    Five Nuclear Powers Send Messages To Iran: U.S.

    Blair: "We Don't Rule Out Any Measures At All" Against Iran

    "Menu Of Possibilities" May Await Iran

    Iran To Host Holocaust Deniers Conference

    Iran Will Not Back Down On Nuclear Issue - Ahmadinejad

    Iran Will End Negotations With U.N. Inspectors If Sent To Security Council

    Iran Sanctions Could Mean $100 Barrel Of Oil

    The President Of Iran Gives A Press Conference - Video Inside

    U.S. Senators Say Military Strike On Iran Must Be An Option

    Russia And China Refuse To Send Iran To U.N. Security Council

    Egypt And Saudi Arabia Urge Cheney To Give The Talks More Time With Iran

    Rice Rejects Renewal Of Talks With Iran

    Iran Threatens Oil Crisis In Nuclear Standoff

    Israel Accuses Iran Of Funding Bomb Attack

    Israel's Defense Minister Threatens Disaster And Suffering For Iran

    Iran Calls For More Nuclear Talks

    Bush's Iran Options Limited By Iraq, Perils Of Military Action

    Russia, Iran Want Nuke Issue Kept In IAEA

    U.S. Senate Passes Resolution Condemning Iran

    The Rumor Is That Iran Will Carry Out A Nuclear Experiment In March

    Britain Hosts Iran Crisis Talks

    Security Council To Take Up Iran Nuclear Issue

    Iran Says U.N. Referral Will Be "End Of Diplomacy"

    U.N. Says Iran Holds Illicit Nuke Document

    Iran Assures Officials It Will Not Cut Production

    Bush: U.S. Would Defend Israel Against Iran

    Frist Says Military Action A Possibility Against Iran

    Russia Warns Against Conflict With Iran

    Bush Administration: Iran Can Make And Deliver Atomic Arms

    Juggernaut Gathering Momentum, Headed For Iran

    Rice Says Iran, Syria Incite Cartoon Protests

    U.S. Asks Turkey To "Warn Iran Over Its Nuclear Program"

    Iran Jews Express Holocaust Shock

    Military Analysts Say Price Of War With Iran Could Be Severe

    Bush Must Not Be Allowed To Strike Iran

    Iran Is Prepared To Retaliate, Experts Warn

    Why Attacking Iran Would Cause WWIII

    Outed CIA Officer Was Working On Iran, Intelligence Sources Say

    "10,000 Would Die" In A-Plant Attack On Iran

    Russia Warns U.S. Against Striking Iran

    Will The Whistles Blow Before We Attack Iran?

    France Says Iran Making Nuclear Weapons

    Bombers Warn U.S. Against Iran Attacks

    China, Iran On The Brink Of Huge Oil Deal

    Russia To Begin Monumental Nuclear Talks With Iran

    Iran Offers To Fund Palestinian Authority

    Iran Offers IAEA Secret Atomic Info

    Russia, Iran Fail To Break Impasse

    Reality and Revisionism About Iran - The Monolith Crumbles

    U.S. Seeks Deadline In Dispute With Iran

    Iran Issues A New Nuclear Warning

    John Bolton Threatens Iran With "Tangible And Painful Consequences"

    Iran Promises Harsh Response To Foreign Attack

    End Part II
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Iraq Weapons - Made In Iran?

    U.S. Needs Help From Russia On Iran

    Rumsfeld Accuses Iran Of Sending Revolutionary Guards Forces Into Iraq

    Iran Threatens U.S. With "Harm And Pain"

    Israel Will Have To Act On Iran If U.N. Can't

    Condi does a drum solo: Iran 'the biggest US challenge'

    Talk About Iran Military Option Could Backfire, IAF Source Warns

    Security Council Considers Iran Proposals

    Iran Builds A Secret Underground Complex As Nuclear Tensions Rise

    Iran Threatens To Use Oil In Case Of Nuke Standoff

    Iran: 200 Submit Holocaust Cartoons

    Iran Offers To Enter Iraq Talks With U.S.

    Scott Reaffirms Accusations Against Iran In Iraq - Video Inside

    FBI Weaving Web In Pakistan To Launch Attack On Iran

    BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Some U.S. Officials Fear Iran Is Helping Al Qaeda

    Why Iran Oil Cutoff Could Be Suicidal

    Permanent U.N. Security Council Members Agree On Iran Text

    Rice: Iran A Menace Beyond Nuclear Issue

    Iran Defiantly Rejects New U.N. Demands

    Iran Plans "War Games"

    Professor of Physics Highlights The Dangers Of Using Nukes Against Iran: Video Inside

    Government In Secret Talks About Strike Against Iran

    Attacking Iran May Trigger Terrorism

    Iran Calls Second Missile Test a Success

    Iran Says Will Test More Weapons In Wargames

    Iran Tests Second New Torpedo in Gulf

    U.S. Officials Are Mulling Iran Strikes, Experts Say

    US & Allies Seek a Way Outside UN to Press Iran

    Seymour Hersh: U.S. Considers Use Of Nuclear Weapons Against Iran

    Focus: Gunning For Iran

    Hans Blix: Iran Years Away From Nuclear Bomb

    Jack Straw: Report On Iran Strike "Nuts"

    Bush Denies Plan To Attack Iran

    Former Iranian President: Iran Producing Atomic Fuel

    Saudi Arabia Asks Russia To Intervene Regarding U.S. Strike On Iran

    Council On Foreign Relations Told Of U.S. Plans For Iran Strike

    Rumsfeld Says Talk Of Iran Strike "Fantasyland"

    Iran Could Produce Nuclear Bomb In 16 Days According To The U.S.

    50% Of This Country Supports Attacking Iran

    Pentagon Using The Mujahedeen In Iran

    China To Send Envoy To Iran, Urges Restraint

    Iran Leader: Israel Will Be Annihilated

    U.S. And Britain Took Part In Mock Iran Invasion

    Retired Colonel Claims U.S. Military Operations Are Already "Underway" In Iran

    Iran Suicide Bombers "Ready To Hit Britain"

    Inside The Real Iran

    Blair Refuses To Back Iran Strike

    Former Officials Warn Against U.S. Attack On Iran

    Iran Pledges $50M Palestinian Aid

    U.S. Plan To Invade Iran Is Updated, Says Top Intelligence Analyst

    Democratic Congressmen Ask Bush About Reports Of U.S. Military Operations In Iran

    China, Russia Welcome Iran Into The Fold

    Oil Hits Record $72 On Iran Fears

    Democrats Support Military Strike On Iran

    Bush Won't Rule Out Nuclear Strike On Iran

    Blair And Straw At Odds Over U.S. Action In Iran

    U.S. To Conduct Crisis Exercise Targeting Iran: Report

    U.S. Prepared To Go It Alone Over Iran

    Dick Cheney Is Playing With The Iran Contra People Again

    Iran: The Day After

    Report: Iran May Prompt Other Mideast States To Go Nuclear

    U.S. Operations In Iran Confirmed

    Blair Warns Over Iran Threat

    Russia Helps Israel Spy On Iran

    Putin: Iran Should Have An Opportunity To Develop Peaceful Nuclear Energy Projects

    Iran Gets First North Korean-Made Missiles

    Iran: Inspections OK If Dossier Returned

    Turkey Refuses U.S. Request To Allow Attack On Iran From Turkish Base

    Chalabi Involved In U.S., Iran Policy Making Again

    Iran Denounces U.S. Nuclear Strike Stance

    Iran Threatens Israel If U.S. Attacks

    Iran Oil Bourse Starts Next Week

    White House Denies Reports That U.S. Employs Terror Groups For Special Ops In Iran

    Gold Rises To 25-Year High As Standoff With Iran Spurs Buying

    John Bolton Asked By Dennis Kucinich About Ops In Iran; Bolton Denies Knowledge

    Not One Drop: How Iran Could Retaliate

    Iran Threatens To Pull Out Of Nuke Treaty

    Russia Says UN Plan For Iran Is "First Step To War"

    Iran Wants Oil Market In Euros

    Peres Warns Iran, Says It Could Also Be "Wiped Out"

    Blair: Nuking Iran Would Be "Absolutely Absurd"

    Iran Says It's Ready To Negotiate

    U.S. Military, Intel. Officials Concerned About Possible Preparations For Iran Strike

    E.U. Prepared To Back Civilian Iran Nuclear Program

    Moscow, China Won't Back Force Vs. Iran

    U.S. Spells Out Plan To Bomb Iran

    Iran Rejects Potential European Incentives

    Doubts Over Iran Nuclear Capability

    Iran Promises Cooperation With U.N. Nuclear Inspectors

    U.S. "Not Offering Iran Guarantees"

    U.S. Is Proposing European Sheild For Iran Missiles

    Iran Condemns U.S. Intervention In Venezuela's Affairs

    Dear President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Of Iran...

    U.S. Says World Could Handle Loss Of Iran Oil

    Iran Requests Direct Talks On Nuclear Program With Washington D.C.

    Iran Test-Fires Long-Range Missile According To Israeli Defense Officials

    Moscow Angered By U.S. Plan For "Star Wars" Bases In Europe To Counter Threat Of Iran

    House Democrats Begin "Ad Hoc Hearings", Write Bush On Iran

    Rice Hints U.N. May Step In On Iran

    Israeli Prime Minister Says U.S. Must Take Care Of Iran

    Iraqi Minister Backs Iran On Nuclear Research

    Bush Administration Is Beginning To Debate Whether Or Not To Talk To Iran

    U.S. Urges Russia To Reconsider Missile Export To Iran, Russia Says Screw You

    Blair Beefed Up His Iran Speech To Please Bush

    White House Urges Europe, Japan To Impose Sanctions On Iran

    Iran Praises Russia, China For Opposing Sanctions

    U.S. Reportedly Ready To Join Iran Talks, If...

    Iran Welcomes Talks, Rebuffs U.S. Terms

    Bush: Security Council Could Loom For Iran

    6 World Powers Strike A Deal Over Iran

    John Bolton Tells Iran To "Put Up Or Shut Up" - Video Inside

    You Do Not Have My Permission To Attack Iran

    Rice Warns Iran: You Have "Weeks" To Comply

    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Able Danger

    As John Albanese pointed out in regards to Able Danger, there is more reason not to believe the Inspector General's report than there is to believe it.

    Everything I have on Able Danger and Rep. Curt Weldon.

    Truth be told, since Weldon was recently claiming that Osama died in IRAN, and claimed that there are WMD in Iraq, and refused to meet me for lunch, I have a problem with Able Danger. That's not to say I don't think it's incriminating. I have met Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer, and he seems nice enough, and sincere enough.

    Incidentally, I once delivered the following to Weldon's office.

    Think he read or watched it?

    Mohammad Atta Allowed To Escape One Year Before 9/11

    Rep. Weldon On The Washington Journal - Video Inside

    Congressman: Defense Knew 9/11 Hijackers

    Congressman Wants Another Look At 9/11 Commission Probe

    Rep. Curt Weldon (R) Talks About "Able Danger" - Video Inside

    Rep. Weldon's Preemptive Strike Against The CIA

    Whitewashing the Protection of Terrorists on US Soil - Nafeez Ahmed - RawStory Exclusive

    Kristen Breitweiser: Enabling Danger

    Was Mohammad Atta Overlooked?

    Errors Of Commission

    Senate May Hold Hearings On Able Danger, Info Sharing

    Open Letter To The 9/11 PDP, Challenge To A Debate And Forum On Findings Of 9/11 Rep.

    The 9/11 Omission: Did The 9/11 Commission Get It Wrong?

    9/11 Widows Group Decries Pentagon Call For Closed Judiciary Hearings On Able Danger

    9/11 Relatives Charge Cover-Up

    Former Family Steering Committee Members Request Judiciary Compell Testimony

    Atta Known To Pentagon Before 9/11

    "Able Danger" & 9/11 Foreknowlede

    Full Text Of Rep. Weldon's Floor Speech, 10/21/2005

    Is Able Danger A Hoax?

    Rep. Curt Weldon Accuses Lee Hamilton Of Participation In Bush 9/11 Coverup

    Clearance And Present Danger

    Pentagon Probes Treatment Of 'Able Danger' Officer

    Dear Friends, Colleagues And CitizensWatch Members...

    Weldon Pushes 'Able Danger' Criminal Probe

    Readers Demand New York Newsday Give A Fair Hearing To 9/11 Skepticism

    Pentagon Firing Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer, Ending His Military Career

    Prospect For Able Danger Hearings Gain Ground

    Able Danger II

    Letter From CitizensWatch Reader Calls DOD's Bluff

    9/11 Probers Leave Questions Behind

    A 9/11 Tip-Off: Fact Or Fancy?

    What Did U.S. Military Know Before 9/11?

    Philip Zelikow: The Bush Administration Investigates The Bush Administration

    Weldon Rips 9/11 Commission Over Intelligence Failures

    URGENT: Please Sign Able Danger Petition Now - Demand Rumsfeld Ungag "WBs"

    Kean And Hamilton On "Meet The Press" - Transcript Inside

    Questions For The 9/11 Commissioners & Staff Regarding Able Danger

    Commissioners Explain Why Able Danger Was Omitted From Their Report

    Ex-Top General Disputes Claim That 9/11 Boss Atta Was Identified In 2000

    Able Danger Officials Will Testify Before Congress

    Rep. Curt Weldon Refers To The 93 Bombings As Something We Should Know About

    Weldon To Get His Chance To Prove 9/11 Accusations

    The King's Red Herring

    Before 9/11, Bush Lost His Spy Cap

    The Bush Family Coup

    Able Danger And Moussaoui

    Terror Alert Weeks Before Cole Bombing Ignored

    Congressman Subpoenaed For 9/11 Trial

    Congress To Hear Pre-9/11 Report

    "13" Cyber Clues To 9/11 Pilot

    Judge Bars Moussaoui From Courtroom

    Spitzer Blocks Top Aide From 9/11 Congressional Testimony

    Weldon Responds To Omission Of Able Danger From 9/11 Report

    Able Danger And The 9/11 Whitewash

    Exclusive Interview With Sander Hicks: 9/11 Author, Candidate For NY Governor

    Ex-State Department Security Officer Charges Pre-9/11 Cover-Up

    Representative Curt Weldon Says Osama Bin Laden Is Dead

    New Yorkers To Challenge NY Attorney General Eliot Spitzer

    Spitzer On The Spot

    Representative Curt Weldon Takes Part In A Town Hall Meeting - Audio Inside

    The 9/11 Story That Got Away

    Hijacked Truth?

    Former Clinton Officials, And 9/11 Commissioner Are Trying To Get Weldon Out Of D.C.

    9/11 "Conspiracy Theorists" Vindicated: Pentagon Deliberately Misled Public Opinion

    11 Questions Avoided By The Media In Recent Reporting Of DoD Violations Of Law

    Another 9/11 Coverup In The Making?

    The 9/11 Commission: A Play On Nothing In Three Acts

    Kean-Hamilton Statement On Able Danger

    Able Danger Intel Exposed "Protected" Heroin Trafficking

    Senate Judiciary Cmte. Hearing On Able Danger And Intelligence Sharing - Video Inside

    'Able Danger' Officer's Clearance Revoked

    Able Danger' Officer's Clearance Revoked

    Pentagon Probes Treatment Of 'Able Danger' Officer

    Able Danger's Computer Found Condoleeza Rice To Be A Threat

    Rep. Curt Weldon Talks About 9/11 Coverup On CNN - Video Inside

    Rep. Curt Weldon: DIA Lies, Destroys Reputations

    Weldon: Atta Papers Destroyed On Orders

    Rep. Curt Weldon Says There May Still Be WMD In Iraq, Total Bullshit

    Rep. Curt Weldon Included In List Of 20 Most Corrupt Members Of Congress

    Pentagon: Secret Unit Couldn't Stop 9/11
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

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