Cops sued for mass pet murders during Katrina

David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Published: Tuesday June 12, 2007

ABC's Nightline described on Monday how, in the days following Hurricane Katrina, police killed many stranded pets that had been left behind by their owners. Residents of St. Bernard Parish have since claimed they were forced to leave behind their dogs, which were then wantonly killed by sheriff's deputies. The dog owners have filed a class action lawsuit, asserting their pets were executed in three schools that were supposed to serve as shelters.

One woman told ABC of being forced under threat of being handcuffed to hand over the tiny poodle she never saw alive again. Animal rescuers spoke in tears of being prevented from helping and how how the animals were not killed mercifully but were shot from a distance in massive volleys that left bullet holes in school walls. The deputies have claimed they shot only dangerous animals, but another pet-owner described hearing them joking about holding "target practice" with the pets.

The following video is from ABC's Nightline, broadcast on June 11.

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