^i dont know if anyone else get this show on the radio but it is fucking awesome....http://www.gunsandbutter.net/

there is tons of old 911 stuff to listen to also....

she said that they were told hours before wtc-7 came down that it was being taken down... not sure the exact words but it meant they were taking it down.... anyways everyone should hear this when they put it up on the net.... there is a lot of good shit i had never heard about...
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Today's Show
April 27, 2005
Indira Singh Part 1: Groundzero on Septemer 11th, Blueprint for Terror ^
Prior to 9/11, Indira Singh volunteered as a civilian Emergency Medical Technician, until she was injured at Ground Zero. Living in the community surrounding the World Trade center, Indira shares the experiences of her community during and after 9/11 that went mostly untold.
On 9/11 she was working as a Senior Consultant for JP Morgan Chase. It was in this capacity that nine months later she became aware of the biggest threat to our country – a transnationally protected terrorist cartel that brought us 9/11, which continues to operate today.
Indira Singh's Bio - PDF format

Audio link coming soon.. ^