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Thread: What happened?

  1. #1
    canashian Guest

    What happened?

    Ok, my one critique of the CT's is that they tend to only ask questions and bring up suspicious facts. That's fine. But, what is the theory? What happened that day? Don't just contradict the evidence of the official report, show me as clearly as possible, please give me the alternate theory of what happened and how it was done.

    Who did this?
    How did they do it?
    Why did they do it?
    What is the science to back this up?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by canashian
    Ok, my one critique of the CT's is that they tend to only ask questions and bring up suspicious facts. That's fine. But, what is the theory? What happened that day? Don't just contradict the evidence of the official report, show me as clearly as possible, please give me the alternate theory of what happened and how it was done.

    Who did this?
    How did they do it?
    Why did they do it?
    What is the science to back this up?
    It isn't our job to answer the questions. It is our job to ask the questions and DEMAND those who should answer them, DO. The different theories exist specifically BECAUSE those who SHOULD answer our questions have REFUSED to do so. So naturally, we will try to figure out what happened. It's human nature to want to know the truth when we know we have been lied to.

    Who do I THINK did this?

    I think it's a combination of different members of our Government, different members of foreign Government(s), western intelligence influencing real "terrorists", certain members of America's military, and ultimately, it is the American people's fault for allowing things to get so corrupt in our Government.

    How do I THINK they did it?

    Several theories exist as to how they did it, but unfortunately, without access to the proper information, the proper personnel, etc... I don't exactly know. Hence the call for a new investigation.

    Why do I THINK they did it?

    Money, power, oil, the strategic placements of America's military personnel for possible future use (Iran, Russia, China, etc...), drugs, the protection of Israel, and ultimately, because they probably believed they were doing what they considered to be the "right thing." Much like Adolph & Co. Unfortunately, their version of the "right thing" includes nothing of the sort.

    What is the science to back this up?

    That isn't my forte'
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
    PhilosophyGenius Guest
    The last post should be like Statement in Principle for all the 9/11 sites. Kind of like how PNAC has there S.I.P, which defines them, that should the one for the Truthers.

  4. #4
    AuGmENTor Guest
    And no reply? THERE'S a surprise....

  5. #5
    MrDark71 Guest
    Where were you two earlier!

  6. #6
    canashian Guest
    Mr. Dark, your response proves my contention that, right now at least, 9/11 truthers only have questions, but no answers or evidence thereof.

    By your own admission, the government cannot be trusted not to cover up the truth, but you want from them....another investigation? You don't need another 9/11 Commission to answer your questions. Nothing is stoppoing the 9/11 truth movement from conducting their own investigation.

    Your answer on who you think did this: "I think it's a combination of different members of our Government, different members of foreign Government(s), western intelligence influencing real "terrorists", certain members of America's military, and ultimately, it is the American people's fault for allowing things to get so corrupt in our Government."

    That is very vague. Surely you must know who did it? Instead of just pointing out suspicious behaviour, tell me what they did.

    As much as it pains me to say it, maybe the 9/11 Truth movement should just carry out their own independent citizens' investigation. If you are displeased with the government's response and convinced they are covering something up, then why entrust them with another costly investigation?

  7. #7
    MrDark71 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by canashian
    Mr. Dark, your response proves my contention that, right now at least, 9/11 truthers only have questions, but no answers or evidence thereof.

    By your own admission, the government cannot be trusted not to cover up the truth, but you want from them....another investigation? You don't need another 9/11 Commission to answer your questions. Nothing is stoppoing the 9/11 truth movement from conducting their own investigation.

    Your answer on who you think did this: "I think it's a combination of different members of our Government, different members of foreign Government(s), western intelligence influencing real "terrorists", certain members of America's military, and ultimately, it is the American people's fault for allowing things to get so corrupt in our Government."

    That is very vague. Surely you must know who did it? Instead of just pointing out suspicious behaviour, tell me what they did.

    As much as it pains me to say it, maybe the 9/11 Truth movement should just carry out their own independent citizens' investigation. If you are displeased with the government's response and convinced they are covering something up, then why entrust them with another costly investigation?

    Uhhhhh....that was Gold....and he's still right. Besides ....I have all the answers I need to know that 1)you don't know half of what you think you know, and 2) none of what you should know.

    But carry on...enlighten us all.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    "Instead of just pointing out suspicious behaviour, tell me what they did."

    They created a commission that was "set up to fail" according to Thomas Kean. Why then should we accept at face value the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission when so much information out there contradicts those conclusions? Sounds like Obstruction of Justice to me.
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  9. #9
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDark71
    Uhhhhh....that was Gold....and he's still right. Besides ....I have all the answers I need to know that 1)you don't know half of what you think you know, and 2) none of what you should know.

    But carry on...enlighten us all.
    Wow Dark when did you become so tolerant? hehe. I can't stand to listen to this anymore. These people are anti-logic... They never really answer your questions, just switch tacts.

  10. #10
    AuGmENTor Guest
    Hey Jon, what is the PNAC, and what was their goal? And how did it coincide with the events of September 11, 2001?

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