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Thread: last night on C-Span

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  1. #1
    Hank Guest

    last night on C-Span

    During a panel of 4 on spindoctoring, two brave members of the audience tried to raise questions about 9/11. The first one was impressive little lady from Manhattan who held up a jar of 9/11 debris and asked what the panelists thought. Fellow from Newsweek - self-proclaimed investigative journalist - said that 9/11 had already been investigated by experts and blew her off. Moderator, after second lady raised WTC 7 question, said NO MORE 9/11 STUFF. Do you love it? I was frothing at the mouth, wanting to lay some Griffin words on that Newsweek idiot, who implied he had researched the subject and spewed purebred NIST and POPULAR MECHANICS b.s. They try to cut us off at every turn. We just have to keep bringing it up, up and up. I am wearing my 9/11 t-shirt now every time I go shopping - starting to smell like it - and still batting 1.000 - that is to say, every person who has done more than stare at me has been on side, albeit uninformed. So I tried to impart some reality within the limitations of the moment. We need 10,000 people wearing these all over, to get some attention focused on us. Maybe if people here in Milwaukee see more than one guy decked out thusly they won't conclude that I am just a nut case. There is power in showing the flag, so to speak.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Do you know the name of the show?
    No One Knows Everything. Only Together May We Find The Truth JG

  3. #3
    Tonya Guest
    DUDE! I saw that! It was C-SPAN BookTv or aka C-SPAN 2. It was a Festival of Books or something like that sponsored by The Los Angelos Times. Michael Isokof (sp?) of Newsweek, David? Goodman (Amy Goodman of Democracy NOW's Brother), Joe Conason and some others. Anyway, it was a panel of authors that were talking about their books that had to do with the use of "spin". Here I was enjoying it thinking that I might buy some of these books but then I was OUTRAGED when I heard their responses to the two brave souls--truthers. The truthers were so polite and asked real questions and they got treated like sh*t. I could not believe it! I immediately lost any respect I thought I had started to gain for them. Absolutely astonished at the treatment---I agree, it was simply aweful. Glad you mentioned it Hank! Gold, if you want you can probably find it on C-SPAN's website. Anyway, the date of the actual panel was 4/28/07 I think. But it was re-aired.

  4. #4
    canashian Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Hank
    We need 10,000 people wearing these all over, to get some attention focused on us. Maybe if people here in Milwaukee see more than one guy decked out thusly they won't conclude that I am just a nut case.
    Maybe more aren't wearing them because most people realize it is a misguided cause?

    And what does the woman holding up the jar of debris prove? Does she have any scientific merit? There is something to be said for questioning authority, but questions are not evidence.

    I would like to state that I am on this board defending the official account of 9/11, but I am anti-Bush and anti-Iraq War, so please do not lump me in with those types.

  5. #5
    MrDark71 Guest
    I would like to state that I am on this board defending the official account of 9/11, but I am anti-Bush and anti-Iraq War, so please do not lump me in with those types.[/QUOTE]

    Good luck with that!

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