I cheared Bush with the megaphone at ground zero. I applauded the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq as justice.

Then, I was in London on business with time to kill...walked into an Oxford street bookstore and saw a book called THE NEW PEARL HARBOR...on sale, no less! Bought it, went back to my room, read it...and the change began. I read Dr. Griffin's Commission Debunking next, then visited the websites, saw the videos, read the reports, went to the 9/11 Truth meeting in Chicago...and yesterday, for the first time, had the will to wear a 9/11 Truthout.org DEMAND JUSTICE t-shirt into the local grocery. 3 people approached me. All agreed with the basic concept that the truth has not been told. Our allies are out there...coming to gradual consciousness.

I have won over a few dozen of my Left-sided friends, sent some videos, books, links. Some were amazed. One, an attorney, remains skeptical but willing to listen. Progress. My ex-wife, who is my best friend, cannot handle the idea that our government would allow/cause 9/11. I understand her angst. I just didn't have the same aversion to accepting what was plain. I will continue to work on her (so to speak!).

I don't like 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB stuff. That puts the cart - final judgment - before the horse. First and most important, as the Jersey Girls have demanded, we need a new Commission, with a guy like US attorney Fitzgerald at the head instead of a Bushie like Zelikow. All of the evidence must be heard. All of the unreleased documents released and reviewed.

We owe it to our countrymen to get to the bottom of this. To this day, I hope we are wrong and the official conspiracy theory is true. That said, the evidence against this outcome is simply overwhelming, albeit circumstantial. I'd like to start with Cheney explaining what he meant when he said "the orders still stand" per the testimony of Norman Mineta, head of the FDA. Here we have an inbound "757" headed at the world's best-defended building and orders stand which impede blowing the thing to "kingdom come." What gives, Mr. Cheney? I think that would be a nice start to the process.

Do you agree with my approach or do you want to do what THEY did, convict the Jihadists without a trial? They ravaged a crime scene and destroyed evidence. That should not be our approach. This is what makes David Ray Griffin and Jim Fetzer such role models for "la raza" 9/11...

Hank - born and raised a Republican