I sense some distaste amongst the members concerning this "Neocon" phenomena. Correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm sure you will), this conservavtive organization is striving for a less degraded society then exists today in democratic nations. On the one hand society has sunken to new lows of selfish indulgence and one might agree with a makeover per se. On the other hand these moral issues involve closely our freedoms. I for one agree with the need to closely look at our behaviors...and the even worse media portrayal of acceptable behavior. Mind you, this "Neocon" group we have today would have Leo Strauss spinning like a camshaft with all the hypocracy they ooze, but doesn't anyone else see a need for some parameters in a day and age were sexuality is being seeped into the 2nd grade, yet adults sit idly by and watch the media exploit children...for a profit....think about that for a second.